Citizen Kane- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained



Citizen Kane- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained


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Citizen Kane is a 1941 film produced and directed by Orson Welles. It tells the story of Charles Foster Kane, an American newspaper magnate, and politician who rose to power in the 1890s and maintained an intense rivalry with his political rival, William Randolph Hearst. The film was written by Herman J. Mankiewicz, Welles, Robert L. Todd, and Welles’s longtime cinematographer Gregg Toland based on David O. Selznick’s treatment.

Citizen Kane- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained

Meaning of the movie

The meaning of Citizen Kane is a matter of interpretation. Some people see it as a social commentary about the corruption of American politics and the media, while others believe that its true message is far more complex. One thing is for certain: despite its ambiguous ending, Citizen Kane remains one of cinema’s most iconic and enduring films.

Charles Foster Kane is a powerful newspaper magnate in the late 1800s. He has a rivalry with his political rival, William Randolph Hearst. Kane is also struggling with his own mental health, which gradually worsens throughout the movie.

The movie starts with the scene in which Kane reveals to his friend George W. Bush that he plans to run for President in the next election. The story then follows Kane’s rise to power and the events that ultimately lead to his downfall. Some people believe that the film’s true meaning is far more complex than simply a story about a man who goes wrong.

They say that it is actually an allegory for the decadence and corruption of American society in the late 1800s. Additionally, some speculate that Kane’s final scene – where he dies alone in his mansion – symbolizes the death of American democracy as we know it.

As Kane’s health begins to deteriorate, he becomes more paranoid and delusional, culminating in a final meltdown that leads to his death. Some people believe that Citizen Kane is actually an allegory for the corruption of American society in the late 1800s – particularly its relationship with media.

while others suggest that the film’s true meaning is more complex than that. For example, some say that Kane’s final scene – where he dies alone in his mansion – symbolizes the death of American democracy as we know it.

Ending of the movie

The ending of Citizen Kane is highly ambiguous. It seems like Hearst may have won the battle against Kane, but it’s unclear exactly what happened. Some theories suggest that Kane committed suicide after his defeat, while others say he escaped and continued to power secretly.

What we do know is that Citizen Kane leaves us with a lot of questions unanswered – just as its namesake Charles Foster Kane would have appreciated. Regardless of its true meaning, though, Citizen Kane remains an iconic and groundbreaking film that is still enjoyed by audiences today. The ending also refers to the death of Kane himself, implying that he was not actually killed by Hearst but instead died from his own mental illness.

Key characters of the movie

1.Charles Foster Kane

Charles Foster Kane

Kane was the lead character of the movie. He was a powerful newspaper magnate who had a rivalry with his political rival, William Randolph Hearst. Kane’s mental health gradually worsened over the course of the film, and he ultimately died from lung cancer.

In the movie, we see Kane throughout his life as he rises to power and falls to ruin. He is a complex, fascinating character who has been the subject of much speculation by movie fans. Orson Welles was the actor who played Charles Foster Kane in the movie. He is widely considered to be one of cinema’s greatest ever actors, and his performance as Kane is often cited as a highlight of the film.

2.Jedediah Leland

Jedediah Leland

Leland was Kane’s caretaker and friend. He served as a foil to Kane, contrasting the magnate’s egocentricity with Leland’s compassionate nature. Kane ultimately killed Leland in order to conceal his crimes from the public.

Leland was an interesting character who played a crucial role in developing Charles Foster Kane’s personality. His death has left lasting repercussions on the movie plotline. Joseph Cotten was the actor who played Jedediah Leland. He is regarded as one of Hollywood’s most talented and versatile actors, and his performance in the role is considered to be top-notch.

3.Jerry Thompson

Jerry Thompson

Thompson was Kane’s loyal butler. He served as a foil to Leland, contrasting the magnate’s egocentricity with Thompson’s humble nature. Thompson ultimately betrayed Kane and testified against him at his trial. Thompson was an interesting character who played a crucial role in developing Charles Foster Kane’s personality.

His betrayal has left lasting repercussions on the movie plotline. William Alland was the actor who played Jerry Thompson. He is regarded as one of Hollywood’s finest character actors, and his portrayal of Thompson is highly praised.

4.Mr. Bernstein

Mr. Bernstein

Bernstein was Kane’s accountant. He served as a foil to Thompson, contrasting the magnate’s excessive spending with Bernstein’s frugal approach. Bernstein ultimately helped Kane cover up his crimes.

Bernstein was an interesting character who played a crucial role in developing Charles Foster Kane’s finances and personal affairs. His betrayal has left lasting repercussions on the movie plotline. Everett Sloane played the character, Bernstein. He is a well-known actor who has starred in numerous films and TV shows.

Susan Alexander Kane

Susan Alexander Kane is Charles Foster Kane’s wife. She is a fashionable and socialite who provides her husband with political connections and financial support. Susan ultimately serves as an antagonist to the movie plotline, working against her husband in order to take over his empire.

Dorothy Comingore played the role of Susan Alexander Kane. She was one of Hollywood’s most popular stars at the time of filming, and her performance is generally regarded as excellent.

5.Emily Monroe Norton Kane

Emily Monroe Norton Kane

Emily Monroe Norton Kane is Charles Foster Kane’s first wife. She is a beautiful and sweet woman who falls in love with Kane despite his cruel and abusive treatment of her. Emily ultimately commits suicide after enduring years of abuse at her husband’s hands.

Ruth Warrick played the role of Emily Monroe Norton Kane. She was one of Hollywood’s leading stars at the time of filming and is considered to have delivered an excellent performance in the role.

Important events of the movie

#The opening scene

The movie opens with Kane’s funeral procession. Having been killed in a plane crash, Kane is buried at his secluded estate in Westchester County, New York.

#Susan hiring a private Detective

Three years later, Susan Alexander Kane begins to question her husband’s wealth and status. She becomes convinced that he has been cheating on her and plot to take over his empire herself. Susan hires Private Detective JB Bernstein to track down her husband’s financial secrets. Bernstein eventually finds evidence that Kane has been cheating on Susan and is about to blackmail him with this information when he is killed.

#The courtroom trial

The movie culminates in a dramatic courtroom trial, where Susan Alexander Kane stands accused of murdering her husband. She claims that he was abusive, and she did not have any choice but to kill him in order to protect herself. The jury seems convinced by her story but eventually declares her guilty after finding documents linking her to the crime.

How was Citizen Kane made?

Citizen Kane was filmed over a period of 11 months in 1942. It was produced by Orson Welles, and he also directed the movie himself. The movie is heavily influenced by Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture, and it features some of the most groundbreaking visual effects ever seen in cinema. It is also one of the earliest examples of digital filmmaking.

What does Citizen Kane mean?

There is no definitive answer to this question. The movie has been interpreted in a variety of ways by different people, and its true meaning remains mysterious. Some people believe that it is a satire of the American media industry, while others believe that it reflects the inner turmoil of its lead character. Whatever its true meaning, though, Citizen Kane remains an influential and groundbreaking film that will continue to be enjoyed by movie fans for decades to come.

What does Citizen Kane criticism say about it?

Citizen Kane has been heavily criticized by many film critics. They say that it is not a very good movie and that Orson Welles’s performance as Charles Foster Kane is weak. Some also claim that the movie contains significant plot flaws. However, despite its critics, Citizen Kane remains a highly popular movie and has been considered one of the greatest ever made.

The message we get from the movie

Despite its flaws, Citizen Kane is a powerful and innovative film that has had a significant impact on cinema history. It speaks to the human condition in a unique way, and it remains one of the most admired films of all time.

From the movie, we can learn that it is important to let go of the past and to focus on the future. Along with that, we can also learn that it is important to be true to ourselves and to pursue our dreams no matter what anyone else thinks.

Ending Explained

Ending Explained

The ending of Citizen Kane is somewhat mysterious. It seems to suggest that Charles Foster Kane has died, but this is not confirmed. Some people believe that he has passed away peacefully in his sleep, while others think that he may have been killed accidentally by someone else.

Ultimately, though, the ending of Citizen Kane remains ambiguous and open to interpretation. Whatever you think, it is clear that the movie has had a lasting impact on cinema and on our understanding of the human condition.


Looking at Citizen Kane from a critical perspective, it appears that the movie is not very good. However, despite this, it continues to be popular and highly admired by movie fans everywhere. It is an important film that speaks to the human condition in a unique way, and its impact on cinema history will continue to be felt for many years to come.


1.What Is the Plot of Citizen Kane?

Ans: The plot of Citizen Kane is difficult to summarise in a short paragraph because it is very complex. Essentially, the movie follows the life of Charles Foster Kane (played by Orson Welles), from his childhood to his adulthood.

It covers his career as a newspaper tycoon and features some important scenes from his life, such as the death of his wife and child. Overall, it is an engaging and well-made film that will leave you wondering what happened at the end.

2.Is Citizen Kane a Good Movie?

Ans: Some people believe that Citizen Kane is not very good, while others think it is one of the greatest movies ever made. Ultimately, this depends on your individual taste in films. If you like complex stories with strong plotlines, then Citizen Kane should be right up your alley.

3.What Are Its Main Themes?

Ans: Citizen Kane has multiple themes that can be explored, including loss, ambition, and the human condition. These are all aspects of life that are often dealt with in the movie, and Citizen Kane does a great job of exploring them cinematically.

4.Why Do People Criticize Citizen Kane?

Ans: There are a number of reasons why people might criticize Citizen Kane. Some argue that it is poorly made, while others claim that the plot is dull and lackluster. However, despite these criticisms, Citizen Kane remains one of the most acclaimed movies ever made.

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