Curlew Island



Curlew Island


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With its breathtaking views and exquisite seascapes, Curlew Island is a popular spot for tourists to visit. The island has been inhabited by the Indigenous Belcher Island Nation for over 2,000 years. It is also known to be the place where the first white settlers ever landed in the area. The island has a rich history and today, it is home to many interesting attractions that make it a must-see spot for tourists.

Curlew Island


Curlew Island first came into prominence as a tourist destination in the early 1900s. At that time, it was known as Belcher Island. It was then purchased by British businessman and politician, Alfred Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood in 1902. He renamed it Curlew Island after the curlews that were seen commonly around the island at that time.

Today, Curlew Island is a popular spot for tourists seeking warmth and relaxation during the winter season. It lies on the shores of Queen Charlotte Strait, making it a popular spot for boaters to dock.


The climate on Curlew Island is typically mild and humid. This makes it a good spot for tourists seeking relief from the cold weather conditions in other parts of Canada. The island experiences a significant amount of rainfall, making it a perfect place to visit during the wet season. The island experiences a mean temperature of 19.6 degrees Celsius and an average rainfall range between 200 to 500 mm annually.


The Belcher Island Nation is the traditional custodian of Curlew Island. The tribe has inhabited the island for over 2,000 years and continues to maintain its culture today. They are known for their beautiful hand-carved totem poles that can be seen throughout the island.

Curlew Island also possesses a number of interesting attractions that make it a popular tourist destination. These include Beaumaris Cottage, which was built in 1860 by Sir James Douglas. It is a 1,167 square foot guest lodge located on the land that was owned by Sir James Douglas at one time and has been used to entertain royal guests such as Queen Victoria, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII), and Queen Elizabeth II during her visits in the area.


Another popular attraction on Curlew Island is the Shipwreck Trail. This trail takes visitors along a series of marked trails that lead to some of BC’s most famous shipwrecks. Some of these include the SS Empress of Japan, which sank in 1942 after being attacked by Japanese bombers, and the SS Princess Victoria, which sank in 1909 after colliding with another ship while sailing across Queen Charlotte Strait. There is also a limestone cave located on Curlew Island, known as the Whale’s Mouth Cave. The cave measures 1,280 square feet and since its discovery has been used primarily for storage of tools by local First Nations people.

Government services

The Belcher Island Nation is a self-governing First Nations population that resides on Curlew Island in the Strait of Georgia. The island is administered by the Nation pursuant to the Indian Act and its legislative authority rests with a 12-member council, which is headed by an Chief. The Belcher Island Nation has two schools – one for children aged 7 to 16 and another for grades 5 through 12 – as well as six health clinics. In addition, the Belcher Island National Reserve is home to a museum of boats and ships as well as an interpretive centre that explains wildlife studies on Curlew Island.



The Belcher Island National Reserve is a popular tourist destination for people who enjoy exploring beautiful natural areas. The reserve is also ideally located close to other attractions such as the Sunshine Coast, Victoria and Gulf Islands and Campbell River. Facilities that many visitors enjoy include campsites and cottages, access to boating opportunities on nearby islands and a fishing camp. There are other attractions as well, including hikes through the nature reserve and shoreline walks within walking distance of several locations in the island’s interior.



The Belcher Island Nation is served by BC Ferries, which operates a passenger ferry that travels between Vancouver and Prince Rupert. The ferry terminal is located on the mainland near downtown Prince Rupert and there are several ways to get to the island. Travellers can take BC Transit bus number 241 or 242 from various points in Greater Victoria, Coast Tsunami Network truck stop #7683 from Coquitlam or Union Bus Company drop-off point 6855 from Port McNeill.


Curlew Island is a small, uninhabited island in the Bay of Fundy located in New Brunswick, Canada. It’s long history as a wildlife sanctuary and bird habitat has led to it being designated a National Historic Site of Canada. The island is also well-known for its lighthouse, which is the fifteenth oldest functioning lighthouse in North America. Curlew Island is a must-see stop on any trip to the Bay of Fundy.


What Is The Population Of Curlew Island?

There is no permanent population on Curlew Island, which makes it a popular spot for tourists. The island’s businesses focus on tourism and camping, so the total population can vary from year to year. In 2017, there were around 100 visitors per day.

How Many Members Of The Belcher Island Nation Are There?

There are around 830 members, known as belonging to the Belcher First Nation. The other islands in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia belong to this group. There is not a designated population per city from curlew island though but it’s estimated that some 400 people live on brooks point near lyon (manitoba). Most visitors believe Curlew was first inhabited by Mi’kmaq who later let in settlers.

Is Curlew Island Part Of Present-Day New Brunswick?

Curlew Island is, by far, the largest island within a group known as the Belcher Islands. This vast region once belonged to Nova Scotia but was annexed into Canada after two Supreme Court decisions in 1820 and 1825 (the case started back then).

Is Curlew Island Connected To Other Islands?

Technically, this island is connected to the other islands in its group via a thin strip stretching between them. However, you can’t actually walk across them and they are not perceived as part of one landmass by most tourists. If you do want to get closer there’s an unofficial bridge that connects Curlew Island directly with Belcher Island (other islands within its group are instead connected through bridges further south).

I’ve Heard People Talking About A Bridge Between The Two Islands. Is It True?

It is! But it’s only used sporadically and at low tide because of tidal currents to ensure they do not drift apart again, as might happen without continuous tidal action to keep them together. This dangerous occurrence happened in 1916 (Googling “Curlew Island Belcher Islands wesbite” brings up a lot more information on that) when some residents attempted crossing Curle w Island but they were unable to do so as the waters reached far above their ankles.

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