Die Hard (1988) FAQs




Die Hard (1988) Movie Storyline And Short Reviews


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One of the most influential action films in history, Die Hard is loved by many. In fact, this action-thriller movie is entitled as the ultimate Christmas gift for every action junkie. Die Hard is the first of its kind, an action thriller that features one of the most recognised heroes of the 90’s: John McClane.

When McClane rises from his reclined position in his bed to save the day, this feature-length film takes audiences on a ride that has no equal. In order to know why it has become such a cult classic, we have put together a list of FAQs regarding this action-packed blockbuster.

All About Of Die Hard (1988) FAQs

Die Hard (1988) FAQs

I know the most famous line from Die Hard is: “Yippie-Ki-Yay, Motherfucker!”

But there are so many lines in the movie that have been repeated by everyone. Let’s go through some of them:

“This is John McClane, I’m out of here.” – John McClane

“Shit happens.” – Harry Ellis

“Stay Frosty.” – Hans Gruber

“I got nothing to say. Except ‘Fuck you.’” – Hans Gruber

“You gotta be careful when you talk to strangers, especially when they carry a gun.” – Hans Gruber

“This isn’t going to end well for anyone involved.” – Officer McLanahan

How Far Did the Stunt Man Fall in Die Hard?

How Far Did the Stunt Man Fall in Die Hard

It is reported that Bruce Willis fell 22 feet while filming this scene which took place at 1st Street Bridge over the Los Angeles River downtown L.A.. Also there are some reports that Willis landed on a safety net held up by wires at one point in time when he was plummeting towards the ground, but these reports have been disputed by many others who were present during shooting of this scene on various social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram .

Is Die Hard Based on a True Story?

The movie is based on a true story and was filmed in LA, California. The scene where the plane was heading towards the building and exploded after being hit by the truck was actually shot in downtown Los Angeles.

The other scenes that are not shown in the movie were also real including the fact that John McClane survived being tied up to his bed. He actually did survive but ended up having permanent damage to his hand from all of the knots he had tied himself with during that time.

Why Is Die Hard 1988 Rated?

Why Is Die Hard 1988 Rated

In the 80’s and 90’s, action movies were all about special effects. The emphasis was on making things look real and people in the movie actually had a tough time distinguishing between what was real and what wasn’t. Die Hard is one of those classic films that just about anyone who grew up in the 80’s or 90’s can recognize.

However, the fact that this film has been rated today is because it contains an extremely graphic scene involving a man getting his face ripped off by an exploding car door as he tries to get out of another car during a shoot-out at an airport.

What Is the Most Famous Line From a Movie?

There are many famous lines from movies, here is a list of them:

The most famous line from The Godfather: “I believe in America.”

“You can’t handle the truth!” (Dirty Harry)

“Do you feel lucky?” (Clint Eastwood)

“The question is not who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” (Ayn Rand)

“This isn’t over, Peter Parker. I’m coming for you next.” (Spider-Man 3)

“Murderers? I thought we were friends.” (John Wick)

What Is the Most Famous Quote From a Movie?

This is a very difficult question because there are so many famous quotes from movies that have been loved by the masses.

I would suggest to you the most famous quote from a movie is “The grass is always greener on the other side”

A couple of years ago, I came across this quote and since then it has become my favorite saying and it never fails to cheer me up whenever I am feeling down.

How Old Was Alan Rickman?

Alan Rickman was born on 14 February 1946 in London, England. He is an English actor who has been recognized for his versatile and acclaimed work in film, television and stage.

He began acting at the age of 12 and debuted on stage when he was 18 years old. He received recognition for his performance as the Vicomte de Valmont in Les Liaisons Dangereuses (1988). His career continued to soar with memorable performances in films like Die Hard 2 (1990), Truly Madly Deeply (1991), Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) as well as Sense and Sensibility (1995). In total, he had great success in movies like The Winter Guest, Love Actually, Harry Potter series from 2001 to 2011.

Rickman passed away on 14 January 2016 at the age of 69 due to cancer. He was posthumously awarded with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Did Die Hard Make Alan Rickman Famous?

Did Die Hard Make Alan Rickman Famous

The film Die Hard was a great success and made Alan Rickman famous. The movie won an Oscar for Best Picture, and it also starred Bruce Willis as the police officer John McClane.

Alan Rickman’s career had begun in 1969 when he landed his first role in the film called “1969”. In 1985, he gained worldwide fame after playing the role of Professor Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series of films. He continued acting throughout his life and gave several memorable performances.

How Did Hans Know Bill Clay?

The song “Die Hard” was written by John Williams and it was first performed in Die Hard. Hans Günther, a German record producer, knew Bill Clay, the musician who played the piano score for the movie’s music. Günther convinced Willis to audition for the role of McClane and Rickman won the part. 

Is Terminator Appropriate for 12 Year Olds?

Terminator is a great movie for kids and adults. It’s about a future where robots will take over the world and kill all humans, except for one man who fights back against the machines. The main character, John Connor, is a child whose father has been sent back in time to protect him from the machines.

This film shows how important it is to stand up for what you believe in even if it means fighting against an evil force that could destroy your entire planet. If you are 12 years old or older, I would definitely recommend this movie!

How Rich Is Bruce Willis?

The average annual income of a celebrity is $11 million. However, the earnings for Bruce Willis are only about $4 million per year.

His net worth is around $500 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. He has earned most of his money from acting in movies and endorsements with companies like Pepsi and Citibank. He also owns various luxury cars including a Hummer H2, Mercedes-Benz S600, Aston Martin Vantage and Bentley Continental GT Speed. In 2014 he made an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show where he discussed how important it was to have financial security as well as mental health when you are old enough to realize that your time on this earth could be limited.


The film was released in 1988. It was one of the most influential films at the time of its release. The movie won Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Actor (Bruce Willis), and Best Screenplay. Die Hard With a Vengeance is the third and final installment to the Die Hard film series, launched in 1995. It features the return of John McClane, who has been involved in a terrorist plot against some important American buildings, with his estranged son Jack McClane returning to help him.

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