Duck Soup (1933) FAQs




Duck Soup (1933) FAQs


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Duck Soup is a 1933 comedy film starring the Marx Brothers. It was written by brothers Groucho and Harpo Marx, directed by Leo McCarey, and produced by Arthur Freed. The picture stars the five Marx Brothers: Groucho, Chico, Gummo, Zeppo and Margaret Dumont as the female lead. The Marx Brothers were one of the first successful comedy teams of their era to appeal to women as well as men.

You know how it is. You get to the movies, and suddenly, you are a little confused. Well, we have compiled some FAQs from The Duck Soup Reviewer to help clear up any confusion you may have had about this classic film.


All About Of Duck Soup (1933) FAQs

Duck Soup (1933) FAQs

Why was it called Duck Soup?

The movie was originally called The Duck Soup Burlesque. Groucho Marx suggested the change because he wanted to make a “different and unique movie,” according to him in an interview with Charlie Rose.

How different is Duck Soup from other Marx Brothers films?

It has been said that this was the scariest and darkest of The Marx Brothers’ movies. It’s true, but it also looks great – all black-and-white with a musical score by Stanley Dumont (creator of Guys & Dolls).

The film reverts to Cecil B. DeMille’s social satire started as another comedy for Groucho, Harpo and Chico about two assassins whose aim throughout their quest is “to be funny.”

Why is this movie so funny?

People often attribute any humor to the Marx Brothers, claiming that they’re “just lucky” and get away with whatever insults or obnoxious behavior. Rather than featuring their famous slapstick comedy style without actually letting you know if it’s sincere! The actors seem like real people holding a conversation just before running around in those silly outfits and seemingly impossible situations. It doesn’t matter anyway because Groucho comes out on top every time!

What does the term Duck Soup mean?

What does the term Duck Soup mean

The term Duck Soup can be loosely translated to “a mess” and is used in the movie as a pejorative for someone who isn’t up to par. The word “soup” has a long history of being used to describe something unpleasant, so this term accurately describes the film’s plot. The phrase even gets applied directly to Harpo, meaning that he is not up to anything sophisticated or worthwhile!

Why did Groucho decide to appear as the lead?

Groucho had been interested in appearing in comedies for some time and felt that he could do justice to the role of Harpo. He also said, “I’m not particularly good-looking – I have no muscles – so what difference does it make whether I play myself or somebody else?”

Why was Duck Soup banned?

The movie was banned in the United States because of its political content. It features several Nazi references, including a scene in which Groucho impersonates Adolf Hitler. It even managed to irritate the American Nazis, who threatened Groucho with legal action and a press release claiming that the film was an endorsement of Nazism. The ban in the United States lasted a full year after it had been released there!

Was Duck Soup actually shot on location?

No, Duck Soup was actually filmed at MGM Studios in Culver City, California.

What is the plot of Duck Soup?

There is no specific plot to Duck Soup, but it is a comedy film that follows the misadventures of two swashbuckling brothers, Scrooge and Donald Duck. The film is full of clever one-liners and wacky humor that will have you laughing throughout.

Although there were at least two more characters under consideration before they were dropped from the movie, the story remains unchanged, as said by writer Robert McKimson in his autobiography: ” We had total freedom. It was just one gag after another – including a number of scenes that didn’t make it into the picture at all.”

Does Duck Soup really show what goes on behind the scenes in Hollywood?

It sure does! You can see how things were shot and edited for novelty’s sake in some early films from before sound became popular, but you will also witness Groucho Marx (and then Mel Brooks) being very upfront about their filmmaking process. Every scene is packed with character detail, revealing a great deal about the culture of that time and place.

Why is duck soup a good movie?

Why is duck soup a good movie

  1. Duck soup is a good movie because it is funny and has a happy ending.
  2. Duck soup is a good movie because it is classic and has been around for a long time.

Who is Mrs. Teasdale in Duck Soup?

Mrs. Teasdale is a minor character in the film, and she only appears for about four minutes total. She is seen at one point trying to get Groucho to sign a petition protesting the use of duck soup as food.

Were there really two duck soup movies?

Yes, there were actually at least two Duck Soup films. The first novella was written in 1919 by Harpo Marx under the name of “Harry Hutchins.” He expanded it into a film script titled ‘Duck Soup’ a few years later. In 1938 this morphed again as a completely different story called ‘What Happened to Our Noses?’ (as seen on IMDB). This is why so many people are confused about who played what and which parts belong to all three versions!

Why might Duck Soup be rediscovered in the 1960s?

There are a few possible reasons why Duck Soup might have been rediscovered in the 1960s. One possibility is that at the time, audiences were looking for lighter comedy films to watch after years of dark and gritty periods in history.

Secondly, Duck Soup was specifically made as an anti-war film, which may have resonated with people during this time. Finally, several re-releases of Duck Soup happened around this time which could’ve helped to increase its popularity once again.

Is duck soup a silent film?

No, Duck Soup is not a silent film. It was originally filmed with sound, but it was later re-shot without sound and released as a silent film due to the advent of talkies.

Who were the writers?

Dave Hecht and George S. Kaufman, one of several trickster scenarios they fell back on). They both successively met up with Groucho’s parents (also in Duck Soup) while attending school there – it is entirely possible they may know each other as students before that time. It was also a member of the Marx family team at this point (partly due to their editor being none less than Harpo himself!).

However, it went through several iterations until eventually settling into its final form via re-writes by Mel Damski when he became head writer. The team had established a solid collaboration by this time (and so we’re able to switch anyone out whenever there wasn’t a serious disagreement about an idea now that Harpo was running the show).

What does keeping it on the QT mean?

The modern-day cult classic Duck Soup has been a favorite of movie buffs and comedy aficionados for years now, and it’s easy to see why. Featuring an all-star cast that includes Alameda County (as Groucho), Chico Marx, Harpo Marx, Zeppo Marx, Mary Grant Clark, David Niven and especially Don Rickles (in his breakout role as Captain Spaulding), this wacky adventure is a riot from start to finish.

In addition to its hilarious laughs, the film also provides an interesting insight into 1930s Hollywood – offering viewers a fascinating glimpse of how the film industry functioned during its era of silent films.

Who is from this movie? Who isn’t?

The stars of Duck Soup include iconic comedians such as Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx and Zeppo Marx (the sons that were billed way back in A Night at the Opera) along with Alameda County himself (“Gosling”), Don Rickles’ breakout role- Swartzeneger’s brother

“Clancy Boys,” Mary Grant Clark (“Mary Mcgarraway”) and a host of others who form the improvisational supporting cast. It was thus wholly fitting that The Marx Brothers should be the subject of a feature film back in 1933, as they already had numerous shorts/feature films to their name.

What does it mean by no sweat?

This idiom has a variety of meanings, but in this context, it means that the person is not sweating or troubled.

How do we catch fire?

According to the OED, an idiom means ‘to behave or get oneself in a state of excitement. It can be used figuratively, slangily and generally as an expression of enthusiasm. The first use recorded by the Oxford English Dictionary (in 1803) was: “He has got himself into such good talk.”

What does a bad egg mean?

A bad egg is someone who behaves in a way that is not appropriate or who makes life difficult for others. However, a good egg (someone who behaves well) usually has more positive connotations than the phrase “bad egg” does.

How many Marx Brothers movies are there?

There are three Marx Brothers movies: Duck Soup, The Marx Brothers Movie and Horse Feathers.

Who wrote Marx Brothers scripts?

The Marx Brothers scripts were written by brothers Irv and Jerry Marx. Jerry Marx was a certifiable genius and knew how to put punch lines in the right place. According to Laraine Day, “Irv/Jerry would change their dialogue as they went along, partly because of hiatuses between each film.”

Who wrote songs for Marx Brothers movies?

The Marx Brothers wrote songs for their movies, usually duets with Harpo. Songs like “Sweet Little Sixteen” and “You Bet Your Life” become iconic due to the brothers’ catchy lyrics and hilariously performed songs.

Who was the fourth Marx Brother?

Who was the fourth Marx Brother

Groucho was the fourth Marx Brother. He was known for his quick wit and dry humor. Groucho also played drums in some of the Brothers’ musical numbers, which added a funky flavor to many of their movies.

Is Duck Soup on Netflix?

No, Duck Soup is not currently available to stream on Netflix. However, it is available to rent from Amazon Video.

Is Duck Soup on YouTube?

No, Duck Soup is not currently available, nor was it ever released on YouTube officially by Paramount/Paramount Nickelodeon Movies or Viacom (ex-owned Paramount). A cut version of the movie has leaked online and can be found on YouTube.

What does Duck Soup do for ferrets?

There is no clear answer, though some have alleged that Duck Soup might provide ferrets with a sense of humor.

How long is the Duck Soup movie?

Duck Soup is 95 minutes long.

What sub-genre of comedy is duck soup?

Duck Soup is an anarchic comedy.

Who is Trentino in Duck Soup?

Trentino is the leader of a group of outlaws called “them that are in the saddle” and wants to collect Groucho’s money.

What year did the Marx Brothers appear on screen?

The first Marx brother appeared in movies (and occasionally music) in 1898-1935, while Irving was born 1921, meaning they began appearing as performers around 1895.

This timeline includes some years before their younger brothers, who play little parts throughout Duck Soup without actually being seen until near the end when Groucho drops his trousers to reveal them standing nearby with pipes playing Orphee aux Enf ers.

Who plays Groucho in Duck Soup?

Harpo and Chico played Groucho Marx by Moe Howard, a member of the famous Chain Gang (later replacing Frankie Thomas after he became ill) when they all formed The Three Stooges. Alan Mandell, who later appeared alongside Cari Beauchamp as an Assistant Liason Producer on Mystery Science Theater 3000, talks about his time working with them at Gary Kurtz’s ILM Studio.

Who wrote the movie duck soup?

Harry Cohn and Joseph L. Mankiewicz wrote the screenplay for Duck Soup.

Is Duck Soup on Amazon Prime?

Yes, Duck Soup is available for streaming on Amazon Prime.

How many stars does the movie have?

Roger Ebert writes, ” The film has about the same figure, four or five. It is one of those movies that you see in a reflective mood and says… this would make an interesting movie … but I don’t know why it was published as Duck Soup.”

Why did the Marx Brothers leave Paramount?

Just as we were getting to know them, they broke up – because Harpo’s contract with Paramount called for cuts after eight features at $1,500 a piece (or more than their entire salary). After denouncing the Hollywood system, which had created such disparities between what he received and his brothers, who had no such problems,

Groucho told the press that Paramount’s policy on movie schedules was “to federalize us.” Also, Harpo and Chico were always at loggerheads with Harry Cohn, then head of the studio; this is evidenced by a letter written to Universal Studios.

Who saw Duck Soup in 1933?

Who saw Duck Soup in 1933
1933: Chico (1887-1961), Zeppo (1901-1979), Groucho (1895-1977) and Harpo (1888-1964) Marx star in the film ‘Duck Soup’, directed by Leo McCarey and produced by Paramount Pictures. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

It has been estimated that more than 1 billion people have watched this film. There are over 5 million screenshots of their performances on IMDB alone!

Can ferrets have garlic?

Ferrets shouldn’t have garlic, as they can develop a form of cancer called Ferret-Lung Carcinoma after ingesting large amounts.

Is Marshall’s duck soup good for ferrets?

Marshall’s duck soup is not good for ferrets, as it contains high levels of salt and sodium, which can harm them.

Can ferrets eat cooked duck?

Ferrets can eat cooked duck, but it is important to ensure that the duck is cooked properly – overcooked ducks can be harmful to ferrets.

Why might Duck Soup be rediscovered in the 1960s?

There are a few reasons why Duck Soup might have been rediscovered in the 1960s. First, it was released at a time when people were looking for something new and different to watch. Second, it was produced by two of the most famous and successful comedians of that era – the Marx Brothers. Third, it is a very funny movie that is sure to make you laugh.

What was the most popular line from this movie?

  1. “You know what they say; no one ever really knows a person until they’ve walked in their shoes.”
  2. “I don’t want to be famous. I want to be loved.”
  3. “You can’t keep living in your head.

Which other movies had some similar plot lines to “Duck Soup”?

  1. Duck Soup is similar to the movie The Three Musketeers in that it is a comedy about a group of misfits who are forced to fight for their survival.
  2. Duck Soup is similar to the movie The Princess Bride in that it is a comedy about a man who is mistaken for a prince and has to go on a quest to find his true identity.
  3. Duck Soup is similar to the movie The Aristocrats in that it is a comedy about a group of wealthy people who are forced to live on reduced incomes due to economic recession.


Duck Soup (1933) is a comedy film by American directors Leo McCarey and Sam Wood, starring two well-known comedy actors of the era, Red Skelton and Carole Lombard. It was released in 1933, and although it was not McCarey’s first film, it was his most famous. There are so many questions about this movie. We have compiled a list of FAQs to help you get the most out of this classic.

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