Dumaresq Island



Dumaresq Island


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Dumaresq Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the Gulf of Mexico. It was discovered in 1795 by the Dumaresq Brothers, two Frenchmen who were looking for a new source of revenue. The two were successful in their venture and were able to find enough oil and gas to fuel their ships. The island has since been reclaimed by nature and is now a popular spot for fisherman and birdwatchers.

Dumaresq Island


Dumaresq Island was first discovered by the Dumaresq Brothers, two Frenchmen who were looking for a new source of revenue. The brothers were successful in their venture and found enough oil and gas to fuel their ships. The island has since been reclaimed by nature and is now a popular spot for fisherman and birdwatchers.

Dumaresq Island used to be filled with saltwater and there are traces of the original coastline still visible on Dumaresq Hill, which is a rock formation that separates the harbor from the north side. The island has grown considerably since it was first discovered in 1795. Perhaps because of this success, after 1825 development started quickly; houses were built for tenants only and no construction could take place within an area called Public Ground without permission from York Factory Company officials until 1830 when people bought leases from companies’ proprietors as well as ones belonging to princes in Europe who became part-owners .

The island was opened up further to the United States 40 years after its discovery by the Dumaresq Brothers. Yankees started investing in oil and gas locally, beginning a brief period of prosperity before hostilities led to an interruption of trade.

This phase had lasting consequences: when France finally gave up on its ambition for these parts, it managed through York Factory Company officials—from then on Canadian as well as American; few Europeans were permitted there unless they traded with Indians (or tried).


The climate on Dumaresq Island is moderate. Summers are hot and often humid, while winters are cold but dry. The island receives the heaviest snowfall in Canada (frequency of 33 days and depths over 6 meters). Snowmelt is so plentiful that it makes outer ice inaccessible to boats during much of winter, limiting access by only skiff-based landings. The other seasonality on Dumaresq Island comes from hurricane frequency which has steadily increased since at least 1865, as recorded in a diary entry made by William Douglass: “On Thursday Nove 27th we had a gale with thunder and rain.

Slept out all day.” Not until 1886 did his heirs issue an extended report , excusing the longer than average dry spell in 1885 by noting that the hurricane of 1886 caused more damages because people were storing food and combustibles on an elevated beach near their homes.


The culture on Dumaresq Island is Northern Canadian Inuit. Small numbers of non-Inuit settlers have been fishing there for many years, however the island has always remained sparsely populated by outsiders. Most permanently present are up to 4 Japanese castaways from canoes which wrecked and stranded near Yellowknife in 1941 on their way to North Greenland, they built a small wooden house on the northern edge of what is now called “The Cay.”

Old Inuit deities and kennings relate places with some symbolic significance: Marsden (after early explorer George Charles; Marsden Bay), Meanook*(also ‘Meenooq’, one who had the power to cause earthquakes), Point Robert (after early resident Major James Robert, Canada’s first Dominion Land Surveyor who surveyed much of the island), and Strathcona Island in Victoria Strait. Dumaresq was so named by Lieutenant J. S. Franklin of HMS Hecla after Lord Dufferin, the Governor-General at that time . There are also local Inuktitut names:

The name, Dúmra’suhk (doo-mar-usee), for example can be found in the land title records of 1956 and 1957. A German expedition to this area several decades ago left a notice with carved writing on it stating that they had been there early in 1873 from North Baffin Island at 65° N.


The island is part of the Northwest Territories. The Dumaresq Island Council was created in 1979, and has seven elected representatives (four councillors and three mayors). It operates a general store, an airstrip, a post office and two fishing cabins.


There is no regular transportation on Dumaresq Island – visitors must bring their own supplies including food and water. There is only one bridge connecting the island to mainland NWT settlements: it spans Marsden Inlet about 1 km from the southern tip of the island.

Government services

The Dumaresq Island Council operates the island’s general store and airstrip. The occasional NWT Government plane flies by to service residents of Northwest Territories communities on the mainland. There is no real hospital or health care available on Dumaresq, but walk-in clinics operated by Doctors Without Borders are located in neighbouring communities accessible by water taxi or small plane.

The local school, known as Nunatak School, provides an education for students from Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (ages 6–18). Students must cross Marsden Inlet to attend classes; however, a bridge was recently built connecting the island with the mainland which makes this travel easier.


Dumaresq Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the eastern Gulf of St. Lawrence, northeast of Anticosti Island. The island is named after the French mathematician and physicist, Etienne-Jean Laplace. Dumaresq Island has been described as a “microcosm of the world economy”.


What Is The Weather Like On Dumaresq Island?

The climate on Dumaresq Island can be classified as a polar maritime climate, meaning that there is significant maritime influence. In winter, the island experiences cold temperatures and strong winds from the north. Summers are warm and long, with occasional showers. The average temperature in July is 23 degrees Celsius and in January it’s -4 degrees Celsius.

How Do I Get To Dumaresq Island?

There is no public transportation available to get to Dumaresq Island! You will need to arrange your own transport if you want to visit.

What Are The Main Attractions On Dumaresq Island?

The main attractions on Dumaresq Island include the oil and gas reserves that were discovered by the Dumaresq Brothers in 1795, as well as the birdlife and stunning views that can be found there.

 What Are The Government Services Available On Dumaresq Island?

There is no government service available on Dumaresq Island! You will need to arrange your own transportation and health care if you want to visit.

Is There Any Tourism Available On Dumaresq Island?

There is limited tourism available on Dumaresq Island, but it’s still a popular spot for fisherman and birdwatchers.

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