Goëlettes Island -Everything you have to know



Goëlettes Island


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Goëlettes Island is a tropical island paradise that is known for having some of the best beaches in the world. The white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation are a sight to behold. The island also has a long history dating back to the early days of slavery in the Caribbean. Today, it is a popular tourist destination, and there are many things to do on the island. Some of the attractions include snorkelling, diving, golf, and tennis.

All About Of Goëlettes Island 

Goëlettes Island


Goëlettes Island first came into existence in the early days of slavery in the Caribbean. It was named after a group of African women who served as slave drivers, or goèlettes, for French merchants. These women were known for their fearless courage and ruthless efficiency on board ship. The island is also home to a small French colonial settlement that was abandoned in the late 1800s.

Today, it is a popular tourist destination with many attractions to enjoy including crystal-clear water, white sand beaches, lush vegetation, and excellent snorkelling and diving opportunities. The island also has a long history dating back to the early days of slavery in the Caribbean. The island is strategically positioned off the north coast of Haiti, and ideal for anyone wanting some peace and quiet away from tourist activity on nearby islands such as Hispaniola. It receives minimal rainfall making it perfect for divers, snorkellers, or even people who simply want to relax under palm trees in paradise style surroundings.

Haiti’s History: Slavery In The French West Indies By The Nootro-American Institute

“The island of Haiti is a Frenchman, it’s motherland,” wrote the French journalist and Hispanist Gabriel Gorodzeisky in Peter Matthiesen ‘s eulogy to Haiti .



The island of Haiti is located in the Caribbean and has a tropical climate. The average temperature is around 26 degrees Celsius all year round. The island has a savannah climate and as such, there are no seasons.

The intensity of the summer rainfall is influenced by the El Niño phenomenon which occurs every two to seven years in March or April. The annual rainfall on average ranges from 150mm up to 300 mm a year while 70% of it comes either between January and May (Northern area) or November through February (Southern).

Because most rain falls within eight hours during this period, floods can be significant after heavy rains have occurred over 24-48 hours: flash floods occur with little warning due to rapid runoff despite preventive measures being taken . In the island, extreme summer damage occurs when runoff exceeds 6.5 days of average rainfall or in excess of 1420mm a year, while only 40% is calculated to persist after 24 hours (February again).

Average annual temperature: 26C

Annual cropping areas and time period crop can be planted: Any year that has not been damaged by floods ! Canoe Hire & Tour Rentals : Guadeloupe islander are known for their great knowledge on the cultural practices surrounding Haitian Vodou and can be hired out from shops around Cap-Haïtien .


Culture and Religion

Haiti, considered to be the birthplace of Voodoo and one of the most populated island nations in the Caribbean, has a rich cultural heritage. The island’s vibrant music scene is dominated by reggae, but classic R&B, rocksteady and calypso are also popular. Haiti is renowned for its artistry in sugar cane carving as well as batik fabrics.


Haiti comprises more than 110 km² of coastal plains extending into a mountainous interior which rises to an elevation of 1500 m above sea level – much higher than any other country on Earth! It lies on the north-eastern side of Hispaniola island in the Caribbean.

The island is divided between a northern and southern area, separated by an ecoregion of limestone mountains which turn into low hills almost at the centre section; here, there are beautiful valleys including Talassemtzarika Vallée with its tea plantations. A highland plateau stretches from St. Marc along Route National to Port-a vào . Other important peaks include Mont Renard (1665 m) situated near Cap Sud and Caché (1974m).

Haiti established itself as a free, independent republic in 1804 and became the first black majority state in 1830. Between 1937-1945 and again between 1957-1986 Haiti experienced coups d’etat, uprisings against dictatorships using public demonstrations as an apparatus to oust them from power. For much of that period Haiti was under military rule with either Porpoït (February 1957 – January 1958) or Duvalier (October 1957 – April 1959).



Haiti is a republic with a presidential system. The president, elected by universal suffrage for a four-year term, is the head of state and represents Haiti in relations with foreign states. The prime minister, appointed by the president, heads the government. Majoritarian voting at municipal and national levels ensures that there is representation from all sectors of society in decision making processes..

The judiciary operates under French civil law; however, customary Haitian legislation supplements it where necessary. There are also parallel military tribunals which try civilians accused of crimes subject to military jurisdiction (e.g., members of the armed forces, sailors under military authority; former soldiers, and persons in possession of a weapon or controlled substance).

Judicial review is available on any point of law before an administrative board or court; with regard to all common-law actions it applies the principle “real justice”, i.e., how things were supposed to be at inception as opposed to actual state (or perhaps what some misjudge took for state) proceedings e.g., Statutes enter into effect after decree following referendum .

Government services

Government services

The Haitian constitution emphasizes the importance of public administration, which is provided through a civil service. The government provides numerous social benefits and services, including education, health care, housing, and agricultural support. There is a private sector that includes both formal businesses and informal ventures.

Economy Haiti has had many disastrous years since independence from France in 1804 with low growth rates averaging 2-3%. Significant progress was made during the rule of Francois Duvalier who introduced massive public works programs financed by revenues from oil exports. These two factors – political instability (coups) and economic mismanagement – combined to produce a situation where Haiti was unable to fulfill most of its constitutional obligations.


Goëlettes Tourism

Haiti is a popular tourist destination, with many visitors attracted to its rich culture and history. The island of Hispaniola, which Haiti occupies, has a long history of tourism. The country’s first resort opened in 1937 on the island of Saint-Domingue.

Tourism became an important source of revenue during the rule of Jean-Bertrand Aristide (1991‑1994), who increased taxes on hotel rooms and other forms of transportation to finance social programs. Despite increasing revenues from tourism.


If beaches and palm trees are your thing, then you’ll love Goëlettes Island. This uninhabited island off the coast of Réunion is a paradise for beach lovers and nature lovers alike. Aside from its idyllic setting, Goëlettes Island offers a host of other attractions, such as hiking trails, stunning coral reefs, and white-sand beaches. If you’re looking for a romantic getaway or a place to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind, then Goëlettes Island is the perfect destination.


1.What Are The Transportation Options Available To Reach Goëlettes Island?

Ans: There is no direct public transportation to reach Goëlettes Island, but there are a number of private-sector operators who offer tour packages that include island trips. Alternatively, you can book a rental car and drive yourself.

2.How Is Healthcare Provided On The Island?

Ans: There is no hospital or medical facilities on Goëlettes Island, but there are a few clinics that provide basic healthcare services. Visitors should bring their own medications and medical equipment if they need it.

3.What Currency Does The Island Use?

Ans: The island uses the French currency, the euro.

4.What Are The Telephone Services Available On Goëlettes Island?

Ans: There is no telephone service available on Goëlettes Island, so visitors should bring their own phones.

5.Is There A Grocery Store Or Pharmacy On The Island?

Ans: Yes, there is a grocery store and a pharmacy located in Grande-Anse Française, one of the two main villages on the island.

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