All About Of Hovde Island- Which Will Help You To Travel



Hovde Island


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Located in the heart of the city, Hovde Island is a greenspace with a rich history. Originally part of the Downtown Eastside, it was bought by the city in 1998 for redevelopment into a public park.

Today, it offers a wide variety of activities for all ages, from picnicking to basketball to concerts. With its natural setting and history, Hovde Island is a great place to relax and enjoy the cityscape.

All Discussion Of Hovde Island

Hovde Island



The history of Hovde Island stretches back to the 1950s and 1960s when it was a large red-light district on Happy Valley.

During this time, there were blockhouses built for prostitution with many emergency exits in case of fire; one still remains at 941 Pacific Bluff Street (near McDonald’s).

After both major fires swept through downtown Vancouver in the 1970’s, several new buildings were erected until their demolition around 1999 – 2000 on 881 Seymour Drive where the current Skytrain station is located. The peninsula originally consisted of fill from construction sites development like that across.



Hovde Island is a small island in the municipality of Kristiansand, Norway. It is located about two kilometres west of the city centre.

The island has a population of about 30 people, most of whom are farmers and fishermen. Hovde Island is served by a small ferry that connects it to the mainland.

The island is to some extent, a nature preserve. There are several fenced meadows with wild flowers and grasses on the southern part of the island; salmon have been reintroduced in recent years via fishponds around one pond situated between two west coasts of the island.

It is home to many small birds, including geese and storks; gulls are common in summers. There are six hiking trails of different types on Hovde Island: a cablecar, two footpaths that end toward one of the cliffs (Nynorsk: fjellstup ved høyre klippe), three multipurpose paths from various places around spitsbergenonmoy roundtrip “to enjoy floating along still waters”.



There is a large number of herring, which attract various species of birds. Snøskredet (in English: “The Snow Slide”), meaning “the slide”, was the Norwegian Hovde Island’s unofficial Christmas and New Year festivities in winter 2005/2006,during Kostymerfestivalen (“The Costumes Festival”).

It became very popular with local residents on Hovden Island as well as hundreds of tourists who watched from the mainland by boats or airplanes.

In August 2007, an initiative headed to create The Snowslide Fanclub to prevent its discontinuation due to limited resources.



Prior to the Christmas and New Year’s celebration, several of the islanders renovated a small rollercoaster inside an old metal skycraper. In January 2007, Danish skiers Pamela Dahl and Kim Höwener took part in The Snowslide first time.

They successfully completed a no-side-spin slide at maximum speed with opening lap times of 2:20 minutes each way – world record made even more by their cooperation on skiing technique (well done ladies).

And as promised from Mayor Jan Aarstad & Sjur Løvlie Skovsengen , the couple did not have to pay any entrance fee.

The first time of driving this attraction in January 2007 was already made by Ole Monsen (Chief) from Operation Frogman, with Halvard Stavne Hattar members.



Hovden island is written as “Høybukta” by many Norwegians, though the spelling has been accepted to vary between Hovde and Hove. It was also called “Kryssfjellene”, meaning Round Peak. The islanders call themselves:

  • Hovenes – Germans who live on Gorhamsund – Hovdenes – the inhabitants of Hovden island
  • Snøskredde – The Snow Slide Gang <br>

<br /> “Hove’s” is a historical spelling. Recently, there has been a tendency to use another ending: “-bu”. This name is suitable for tourist guides and pronunciations but doesn’t reflect norlh Norwgia n pronunciation.

The island has no government and is administered by the municipality of Ålesund. There are 2 non-public owned kindergartens running in Hovden, both managed by the Foundation for Children’s Development.

Together with a local police force it manages all traffic on the island which includes people going there regularly as well as tourists coming to watch windsurfing or skiing races while they eat at restaurants around World famous serpentine Krokenfjorden (Pad Scale) jumping into high waves that accompany different weather conditions during winter months.<br>.



Hovden island has no industry on its own. Primarily, it is a holiday destination for Norway’s populous Western part (traditionally one with lower wages).

Construction of the Orkanger Nordbukta International Airport in 2003 increased some activities already existing and tourism gives this location an even higher profile than before. Manufacturing of rope, nautical products as well – is mainly located on Hjertøya Island.

Hovde Island is one of the small, uninhabited islands located in the middle of the Stockholm Archipelago. In the 18th century, it was used as a place for executions and as a dumping ground for prisoners from the city jail.

Today, it is a popular recreational spot for people who enjoy swimming and kayaking. Visitors can also find secluded coves and beaches where they can relax and take in the natural beauty of the archipelago.

Geography – The island (Hovde) is located in the Baltic Sea, between Longyearbyen and Vadsø. It is nearly one square kilometer large with a lighthouse on its eastern shore of the inner part.

Hovdenstilnuten (“Stunning upward-to Northeast”) rises to 1096 metres above sea level while other mountains reaching up to 986 metres are situated immediately east of it.

The uninhabited Hovde Island is a piece of land located in the Canadian Arctic that gained notoriety as a place where scientists conducted early ecological studies on the effect of climate change on plants and animals.

The island has also been used for military exercises by the Canadian Forces and is considered part of the disputed waters between Canada and the United States.


Hovden was the first place in Norway to have a cable car and the only one of that kind where it has been extended over waters.

It is now used as an emergency exit system by sea-traffic off western coastw attach. Only cars, trucks or buses with their axles up on land can use this route.<br>

It should be mentioned also that visitors may find out about these water routes which are fast becoming rare attractions for tourist attention even though there is still some time before issues like environmental pollution or climatic factors drive them away from main river arteries.

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