Ile Consolation Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Ile Consolation Island


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Ile Consolation Island is a private, unspoiled island off the east coast of Newfoundland. Owned and operated by the Ile Royale Development Corporation, it is a haven for nature lovers, birdwatchers, and golfers.

The island has its own airstrip, hotel, and golf course that can accommodate up to 350 guests. It also has a yacht club and an equestrian center.

Ile Consolation Island

All About Of Consolation Island



Ile Consolation Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the middle of the St. Lawrence River. The island was first discovered by Jacques Cartier in 1535 and was named Ile Consolation or “Island of Consolation” due to its calmer waters than the other nearby islands. The island was later used as a refuge for Huguenots during the French Revolution.



Ile Consolation Island is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, south of Madagascar. The island is approximately long and wide and has an area of. The land is flat, with a few hills, and there is no vegetation. The island’s only inhabitants are a group of 100 or so Mauritian oystercatchers who inhabit the island’s only village.



Ile Consolation Island is a nature reserve and home to over 140 bird species. The island has two lakes, one of which is used for fishing. There are also three golf courses and a yacht club on the island.



Ile Consolation Island is unoccupied and known only to a small group of Mauritian oystercatchers.



The economy of Ile Consolation Island is mainly dependent on tourism. The main source of revenue comes from visitors who come to visit the island for its natural beauty and tranquility. The government also imposes a 10% tax on all goods and services that are sold or consumed on the island.



Ile Consolation Island has a subtropical humid climate. There is little variation in temperature over the course of the year, with average high and low temperatures ranging from 23°C to 28°C.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

There is no official culture or religion on Ile Consolation Island, but the Mauritian oystercatchers who inhabit the island practice a form of animism.



The primary language spoken on Ile Consolation Island is Mauritian Creole.



There is no specific education required to work on Ile Consolation Island. However, most workers on the island have at least a high school diploma or equivalent. Some workers have degrees in fields such as nursing, agriculture, and engineering. Many workers also have experience in the tourism or hospitality industries.



Ile Consolation Island is a self-governing territory and does not have an official government. However, the island is administered by a committee appointed by the Mauritian president. The committee has broad powers to make decisions about issues such as taxation, health and safety, and environmental protection.

Government Services

Government Services

There is no government service available on Ile Consolation Island. However, tourists can purchase goods and services from local businesses.



The primary source of income for the government and businesses on Ile Consolation Island comes from tourism. The island is popular with vacationers who come to enjoy its natural beauty and tranquility. There are several restaurants, hotels, and attractions that visitors can use during their stay.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

There are no hotels or resorts on Ile Consolation Island. However, visitors can stay in private homes or guesthouses.



Ile Consolation Island is a popular tourist destination in the Grenadines that features natural beauty, clear waters, and white sand beaches.

The island has an abundance of activities and attractions that visitors can enjoy, such as snorkeling, diving, scuba diving, swimming, windsurfing, kayaking and cycling. There are also a number of restaurants and bars on the island that offer a variety of food and drinks.



Ile Consolation Island is a small, uninhabited island that is located south of Mauritius. It is famous for its secluded beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation. The island has been a popular destination for tourists since the early 1900s. Today, it remains a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, snorkeling, diving, and kayaking.

There are a few activities that can be enjoyed on Ile Consolation Island:

  1. Swimming – The clear waters and gentle waves make Ile Consolation Island an excellent spot for swimming. You can find several swimming spots that offer different levels of difficulty.
  2. Sunbathing – The beaches on Ile Consolation Island are perfect for spending a lazy day lying in the sun. You can choose from several different locations to lay down and soak up the rays.
  3. Snorkeling – Swimming with fish in their natural habitat? Yes, you can enjoy this activity on Ile Consolation Island. The island offers beautiful coral reefs that are perfect for snorkeling.
  4. Diving – If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush, Ile Consolation Island is the place for you! There are several dive sites located on the island that offer thrilling dives with plenty of marine life to see.



Ile Consolation Island can be reached by boat from Mauritius. The trip takes around two hours and is a pleasant cruise along the clear waters of the Indian Ocean.



The cuisine of Ile Consolation Island is similar to that of the neighboring islands. The main staples include rice, cassava, sweet potatoes, breadfruit, fish, and turtles. There are also a few local fruits that are grown there, such as the tamari (Averrhoa bilimbi), which is a type of palm fruit. Other than this, the cuisine is quite limited and depends largely on what is available on the island.


If you’re looking for a relaxing holiday, Ile Consolation Island offers plenty of activities to keep you entertained. Whether you enjoy swimming, sunbathing, snorkeling, diving, or kayaking – there is something for everyone on this beautiful island.


  1. What Is The Currency Of Ile Consolation Island?

Ans: The currency of Ile Consolation Island is the Mauritian rupee.

  1. What Are The Dimensions Of Ile Consolation Island?

Ans: The island is roughly 30 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide.

  1. What Is The Climate Like On Ile Consolation Island?

Ans: The climate on Ile Consolation Island is tropical and humid, with a mean temperature of 27 degrees Celsius.

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