All About Of Isla Traiguen Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Isla Traiguen Island


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Isla Traiguen is a volcanic island located in the Gulf of California, about 190 kilometers off the coast of Baja California.

The island has an area of 231.5 square kilometers, making it the second-largest island in Mexico and the third-largest in Central America. It is also one of the most biodiverse islands in Mexico, with over 1,500 plant species recorded.

All About Of Isla Traiguen Island

Isla Traiguen Island



Isla Traiguen was first explored in 1535 by the Spanish conquistador, Francisco de Ulloa. The island was named for Tracing Island, an island near Isla Soledad which served as a navigational landmark during his voyage.

In 1785, a group of Jesuit missionaries founded a small settlement on the island. Over time, this developed into a large agricultural colony that supported some 300 residents until its closure in 1918.

Geography And Climate

Geography and climate

Isla Traiguen is located about 190 kilometers off the coast of Baja California Sur and has a total land area of 231 square kilometers.

It is north-northwest from Cabo San Lucas and south-south east from the island of La Paz, both in Baja California Sur.

The island consists mostly of very steep, volcanic peaks rising above a relatively level coastal plain dominated by low soils native to ancient seabed deposits scattered with clumps or patches at elevations slightly below 500 meters elevation (1,640 feet).

In some places two insular regions can be seen: an upland region near sea level generally on the western–central side which contains elevations 4 metres higher, and a lowland region in the north which comprises most of the island.

Climate is semi-arid (Köppen climate classification “BSk” with short mean annual temperature range).

Can be very dusty during summer due to south-southeast wind coming from surrounding mountains and desert scrublands between 1,000 m elevation.



Isla Traiguen experiences a semi-arid climate, with warm to hot summers and cold winters. It is not as dry as the surrounding desert scrublands, but it still receives less precipitation than would be expected for its latitude.

The island’s vegetation is restricted to low-altitude succulent plants which do well in this arid climate; grasses and other higher plants are rare. Strong easterly winds cause dust storms in the summertime.



There are no mammals indigenous to Isla Traiguen, though a few species of rodents ( Rattus norvegicus, Microtus and Neotoma ewingii) are known to have occurred but disappeared over time.

Many birds were introduced including: European Starling (Sturnis vulgaris), Japanese Quail (CotumixTownsendi), House Sparrows, Grey Partridge bird (Arboricola cinereus), Rara ewingii, Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera) and Brown Jay.

Over 500 species of plants have been recorded on the island to date, including 7 endemics among over 220 plant taxa found there thus far.



The island’s culture revolves around subsistence farming. The agricultural sector employs a majority of the population, supplemented by fishing and forestry.

There is also limited tourism, though this is starting to change as development opportunities on the island increase.



Isla Traiguen is a self-governing island under the jurisdiction of the Government of Chile. The island has its own Legislative Assembly, led by an elected mayor who reports to the national government.

Traiguen island is a scenic island, with white sandy beaches and clear turquoise waters.

It has such features as plants, semi-desert formations, eucalyptus trees along the shoreline of Lake Traigüeño (pintadelles), naked cliffs that resemble volcanos in appearance after heavy rains, hot springs nearby on Lo Muco peninsula etc. which makes it ideal for a variety des sports like water-sports.

Government Services

Government Services

Isla Traiguen has a government hospital, police station and post office. Agriculture employs the majority of the island’s workforce with fishing, forestry, casual employment providing opportunities for others.

With the island’s fast growing tourism, employment opportunities for hotel workers, boatmen and craft producers are increasing.

There is a dilapidated airport that takes about two trips per week from Puerto Montt to transport people and freight between Traiguen island, Flores Island (Cabo Chorrillos) and Chile mainland.



The island is starting to see an increase in tourism, with hotels, restaurants and a few tour operators beginning to take advantage of the island’s natural attractions.

There are no real roads on the island so visitors must use 4×4 vehicles or walk. Fishing, Golf and Tourism diversify the island’s economy. There is a natural beauty to the island that draws eco-tourists.

The main economic activity of people on Traiguen Island has long been poaching for sea cucumbers and young abalones (pintadelles).

Also bear hunting, hiking or simple sightseeing by canoe in search of stunning scenery can be enjoyed from many parts of the island.


Isla Traiguen is the perfect place to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. This small island located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean offers an unspoiled natural environment and a lot of activities that will fill your day.

From hiking and biking to kayaking and fishing, there is something for everyone on Isla Traiguen. If you’re looking for a getaway that’s also close to major cities, Isla Traiguen is the perfect place for you.


1.What Is The Population Of Isla Traiguen?

Ans: There is no current estimate for the island’s population, as it remains largely unpopulated. However, according to historical records, there are only a few hundred inhabitants who reside on the island year-round.

2.How Long Has Isla Traiguen Been Inhabited?

Ans: The first people may have arrived on the island about 9,000 years ago and started living there permanently about 2 thousand years later. At present, it is still unclear when exactly colonization began and ended on Isla Traiguen.

3.How Big Is Isla Traiguen?

Ans: Isla Traiguen has an area of 231.5 square kilometers, making it the second-largest island in Mexico and the third-largest in Central America.

However, when you include its surrounding waters, the island’s size reaches a total of 522 square kilometers – meaning that it’s actually quite small by Mexican standards!

4.What Is The Climate Like On Isla Traiguen?

Ans: The island has a humid tropical climate with long dry spells between rainfalls. The average temperature ranges from 24 degrees Celsius in the winter to 30 degrees Celsius during spring, summer and fall.

5.How Is Isla Traiguen Connected To Mexico?

Ans: The island’s current access point is by ferry from Honolulú (Huatulco). Crossings are generally daily except for major holidays, but can be subject to cancellation due either a lack of enough passengers or bad weather conditions.

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