Islote Juananga Island – You Have To Know



Islote Juananga Island


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For those looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Islote Juananga Island offers an idyllic getaway. Spanning over 400 hectares, the island has all you need to enjoy a relaxing and tranquil stay – from world-class beaches to lush vegetation and a host of other attractions. With its unspoiled beauty and abundance of wildlife, Islote Juananga is a perfect destination for nature lovers.

Islote Juananga Island History

Islote Juananga Island

Islote Juananga Island is a well-known hideaway for islanders, who have frequented the island for centuries. The first Europeans to visit the island were Spanish explorers in 1502, and named it Isla de Juananga after one of their companions.

Over time, various groups of people found the idyllic spot an ideal place to relax and escape from the often hectic pace of city life. Today, Islote Juananga is a popular tourist destination with visitors from all over the world. Islote Juananga Island has been designated a protected island.

It is among 19 islands that form the Los Arrecifes Archipelago, a conservation area which serves as refuge for many species of birds, fish and other fauna in Guayaquil’s Estuary – it rivals Machachi as one of Ecuador’s natural wonders. The island became part of Cocha Esperanza World Biosphere Reserve on 9 April 2010 by agreement with UNESCO.

Islote Juananga is located almost north of Guayaquil, at the mouth of Tumbes River. It lies to the south-east of Punta Sal, an island in Esmeraldas Province.

While this island has a small population (less than 500 inhabitants), it offers a vast area with plentiful native vegetation and mangroves which are home to many different species that can be found nowhere else on Earth: multiple bird species, seals and marine turtles but also some curious insects such as wasps or bees – mainly Neotropical ones like Proteaceid Cic ada, Paraniebatinae.

The island measures 43 km2 in area, and it is surrounded by a coral reef dotted with pieces of rock called “cabezas” (big head) which have washed ashore from the cliffs above.

A paved road connects the island to Puerto López on mainland Ecuador for about 2 hours each way (39 km).



The island has a tropical climate, with temperatures averaging about 27 degrees Celsius year-round. Rainfall averages around 1,000 mm per year, although it can be heavier in the wet season. is the island of Juananga public school, located in Papa Cayambe.

It is part of a community where most Ecuadorians work and pay taxes, beyond a lazy tourist contingent that visits every year mainly in October for fiestas patronales celebrating religious traditions like Candelaria (the Catholic feast day) or San Mateo – both dates have some health risks but are fun holidays.

Curiously Islote Juananaga seems to attract more tourists than it really deserves: because the human activity does not disrupt much their natural circumstances from eagles eaglets nest site observation behavior to witnessing a long-winged butterfly fluttering over and eucalyptus leaves, safely cocoon.



For most islanders Juananga is first and foremost a place to farm, fish, gather wood, collect fruit or look for medicinal plants. There are no stores on the island and almost everything must be brought in from the mainland.



The Juanangelans are proud of their culture which has been passed down through the generations. The traditional dress includes a long skirtcalled an “andadora”and a bodice made of cotton fabric. Men often wear a tasseled cord around their neck as decoration and women often wear large earrings.



Juananga is a democracy, with people electing their own officials. The island has its own parliament and officials are elected by the citizens.



The main economic activity on Juananga is agriculture, with farmers growing corn, beans, rice and bananas. There is also fishing and forestry production. There are no factories or other large businesses on the island, so the economy depends mainly on exports to Ecuadorian mainland markets.

Government services

Government services

The island is served by a small medical clinic and a post office. Government services are provided in Spanish only, so most people on the island rely on family or friends for health care and mail delivery. Education is provided by a small school built on the island, but most islanders send their children to live in mainland Ecuador where schools are better. The church operates two secular primary schools, one junior and one adult education center

and there are three formal churches serving all denominations of Christians. There is also a cultural village (badio) with traditional dancing demonstrations or performing arts taught at night. Puerto Juananga also serves as a naval station, and the island has a small army of civilian workers assigned to maintain this base.

There is no military on the island, but three Mexican navy boats in support of Inter-American peace keeping patrols are stationed at Puerto Maldonado during most parts of each year.

The plantation owners association includes several hundred farmers, who elect their own agents to represent them before government agencies such as land commission units that handle claims against those farms or disputes between plantations or families regarding ownership or use rights for tracts large enough for farming operations.



The island’s main economic activity is tourism, especially ecotourism. There are several small, family-owned hotels on the island that provide lodging and meals to visitors, as well as a few larger resorts operated by tour operators or foreign entrepreneurs. The most popular tourist activities are hiking and bird watching, but guests can also enjoy boating, swimming ashore in crystal clear waters or visiting the endemic rainforest specimens that cover much of the island.


Islote Juananga is a small, uninhabited island located in the Atacama Desert. With a circumference of only 10 km, it is one of the smallest islands in the world. The only inhabitable part of the island is its southern point, which is accessible by boat. The rest of the island is covered with sand and rocks.


1.What Is The Island’s Population?

Ans: There is no permanent population on Islote Juananga, but it is regularly visited by researchers and tourists.

2.How Big Is The Island?

Ans: The island measures 10 km in circumference, making it one of the smallest islands in the world.

3.What Type Of Environment Does Islote Juananga Have?

Ans: Islote Juananga has a desert climate with very little rainfall (less than 100 mm per year). It receives most of its sunlight from dawn to dusk due to its position above sea level. The climate can be compared to a jungle, due to its lush vegetation.

4.Has There Been Any Deforestation On The Island?

Ans: No, the island has not yet suffered from deforestation at all; it is covered by dense cactus plants and sands. The island’s south-western part was once a nesting place for red eagles (“Haliaeetus leucocephalus”).  After an increase in eagle hunting over time, Islote Juananga lost most of its eagles until only one remained (which was shot around 1996).

5.What Is The Island’s Wildlife Like?

Ans: Islote Juananga has a wide variety of flora and fauna, including over 160 species of birds, 35 mammals, six reptiles (including two Slithering snakes), and four amphibians. The island is also home to two eagles (“Haliaeetus leucocephalus”), as well as a handful of other animals.

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