King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword (2017) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation





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King Arthur: Legend of the Sword tells the story of Arthur, a young knight who was anointed by his uncle, Vortigern, as the successor to the British throne. Later, there was a dispute over the path to rise up in power, and Arthur left Britain and became a Knight of the Round table. The film begins in 2017, which explains how it is two years after this event. When Arthur returns to Britain at the invitation of former King Alfred, he encounters resistance from his brother Uther Pendragon and King Lot who is anointed by Vortigern.

The Meaning of Movie

King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword (2017) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation

The overall meaning of the movie is that Arthur must face his enemies and rise up to become a powerful king. This is symbolized by the battle between Arthur and his brother Uther Pendragon, as well as when he defeats King Lot. Ultimately, these conflicts help him to become the strong leader Britain needs.

The Story Behind the Movie

The story behind the movie is based on classic tales of King Arthur and his legendary knights. The film tells the story from a modern point of view, which adds an interesting perspective to the legend.

Ending of the Movie

The ending of the movie is ambiguous, but it seems to suggest that Arthur eventually becomes King of Britain. This is symbolized by his final battle against a powerful knight known as The Beast.

Key Characters of the Movie

The key characters of the movie are Arthur, Uther Pendragon, King Lot, and The Beast.

Important Events

The important events in the movie are Arthur’s journey to become the next king, his battle against Uther Pendragon, and his victory over King Lot.

What Is the Message of the Movie?

The message of the movie is that a strong leader is needed to keep Britain safe. Arthur’s journey to become king symbolizes this, as he must face his enemies and rise up to become a powerful king.

What is Arthur’s Goal?

Arthur’s goal in the movie is to become king of Britain and protect his people from danger. This is symbolized by his journey to becoming a powerful leader, as well as his final battle against The Beast.

How Was the Movie Made?

The movie was made using a combination of CG and traditional animation techniques.

What is the Age Group for This Movie?

The movie is appropriate for all ages, but is particularly suitable for those aged 8-14.

Visual Effects

The visual effects in the movie are impressive, and help to bring the story to life.

Sound Effects

The sound effects are much more subtle than the visual effects, but help to create a realistic atmosphere.

The Ending of the Movie Explained

The ending of the movie is ambiguous, but it seems to suggest that Arthur eventually becomes King of Britain. This is symbolized by his final battle against a powerful knight known as The Beast.

Was the Ending Satisfying?

The ending of the movie is vague, but it does leave viewers with an idea of what may happen in the future. Some viewers may find this unsatisfying, as they want more concrete information about Arthur’s future.


King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword is a new take on the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Adapted from the famous book by Michael Thomas, this movie brings in an engaging story that keeps you glued to your seat until the end credits roll. This masterpiece of action-adventure is a worthwhile addition to your collection and one that you are sure to enjoy. So, here is a small gist of what you need to know about King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword.


How did King Arthur die?

King Arthur died in the year 527AD. He was killed by his nephew, Mordred at Camlann while they were fighting over a lady.

Mordred was told that if he won the battle then he would be King of England and Lady Guinevere was his prize. The battle took place on an island called Camlann which is located near Wales.

The sword used by Mordred to kill King Arthur had been forged by Merlin who was cursed with sleep by Queen Ygraine after he made a deal with her son, Gorlois so that she could marry him. This sword was known as Excalibur because it never missed its target no matter how hard it tried to miss!

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What does the world’s greatest swordsman do after he dies?

After the world’s greatest swordsman dies, he goes to the next world.

The sword that he used to cut his enemies is called “Sword of Dashing” and it has a sharp edge that can be used for cutting anything without fail. There are other names for this sword too like “Mighty Sword” or “Lightning Blade”. The man who uses this sword will always have an edge over his enemies because they cannot beat him with their weapons.

Is there a sequel to this movie?

Yes, there is. The sequel to King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword movie will be released on May 12th 2018.

The director and writer of the movie David Dobkin has stated that he wants to make a trilogy of movies about King Arthur’s story.

There are two spin-off movies in the works as well. They will be called Merlin and Camelot, which will be directed by Joe Johnston and starring Luke Evans as Merlin, Charlie Hunnam as Lancelot, and Idris Elba as Black Knight respectively.

The first trailer for the film was released during CinemaCon 2017 where it was revealed that John Cena would play Sir Bors who is an ally of Arthur in his early years.

King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword was made on a budget of $175 million dollars and had grossed over $375 million worldwide by March 22nd, 2018.

How does King Arthur: Legend of the Sword end?

The movie ends with a cliffhanger. After going through a few days of training, the young Arthur is finally ready to face his greatest challenge in the movie. He is about to go on a quest with Sir Kay and Merlin, but before he can do that, he has to prove himself by defeating Saxon warriors and their leader who will be played by Tom Hardy. The only problem is that Arthur needs help from Merlin in order to complete this task. But Merlin tells him that if he wants this victory, then he should not rely on him anymore because they both know what happens when they use each other’s powers against each other. Then they realize that they need help from others like Galahad or Sir Leonidas so they can achieve their mission successfully which will bring them back together again after fighting these enemies and having great victories over them at last!

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