Kwana Island Everything You Need to Know



Kwana Island Everything You Need to Know


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Kwana Island is a small, private Caribbean island that offers luxury villa rentals and extensive Activities and Amenities. The island is located in the Caribbean Sea some 85 miles east of Puerto Rico and 140 miles south of St. Thomas. Kwana Island has been featured on the Travel Channel, in Conde Nast Traveler, Forbes, and Condé Nast Traveller’s Choice Awards. The island is a paradise for nature lovers and those who want to get away from it all.

The lush green landscape and crystal-clear waters offer plenty of activities for all ages, including hiking, biking, kayaking, snorkeling, diving, swimming, fishing, tennis, and more. There are also several restaurants on the island that offer fresh seafood dishes prepared by award-winning chefs. If you’re looking for a luxurious escape from the daily grind, Kwana Island is the perfect place for you!

Kwana Island Everything You Need to Know



Kwana Island is a small island located in the Kwana Bay area of the Eastern Caribbean Sea. The island is about 2 kilometers long and 0.5 kilometers wide and has a population of around 800 people. The island is known for its many natural resources, including its rich coral reef, salt flats, freshwater lakes, and diverse wildlife. Kwana Island was first settled by the Arawaks in the 9th century AD and has been an important part of the region ever since. Today, the island is home to a number of small businesses and tourism facilities that serve visitors from around the world.



Kwana Island is located in the Kwana Bay area of the Eastern Caribbean Sea. The island is about 2 kilometers long and 0.5 kilometers wide and has a population of around 800 people.

The climate on Kwana Island is tropical, with high humidity levels year-round. There are two seasons: the wet season, which runs from May to October, and the dry season, which runs from November to April.

The terrain on Kw ana Island is mostly flat, with the exception of a few small hills. The island’s main sources of water are two freshwater lakes and several salt flats.

The island has a network of dirt roads that traverse its entire surface. There is also an airstrip on the island that provides limited air services to tourist destinations in the region.


The ecosystem on Kwana Island is composed of a variety of different ecosystems, including coral reefs, salt flats, freshwater lakes, and diverse wildlife.

The island’s coral reef is among the richest in the Caribbean region and is home to a variety of tropical fish species. The salt flats are an important habitat for many bird species and are known for their unique sand dunes. The freshwater lakes provide drinking water for local residents and several types of migratory birds.

The wildlife on Kwana Island includes a variety of mammals, including deer, monkeys, and iguanas. There are also a number of different types of birds living on the island, including toucans, blue herons, and parrots.


There is no official population of Kwana Island, as this information is not tracked systematically. However, according to the 2010 census, there were a total of 2,560 people living on Kwana Island. This figure does not include the population of the surrounding islands.


The economy on Kwana Island is primarily based on tourism. There are a number of limited air services that provide tourists with access to the island’s attractions. The primary economic activity on the island is fishing, which employs a significant number of residents.


The climate on Kwana Island is tropical, with a long summer season and a short winter season. The island experiences heavy rainfall throughout the year, which contributes to the lush vegetation that covers the island’s surface.

Culture and Religion

The culture on Kwana Island is based on the Carib Indian ethnic group. The majority of the residents are Protestant, with a small number of Catholics also present. There is no official religion, but most residents follow cultural traditions that are related to their religious beliefs.


The primary language spoken on Kwana Island is Carib. However, there are also a limited number of speakers of English and Spanish.


There is no formal education available on Kwana Island. However, there are a number of schools that provide basic education for children living on the island.


The political landscape on Kwana Island is dominated by the presence of the Barbados Defence Force. The military has a significant role in governing the island and its residents are subject to mandatory conscription.

Government Services

There are no government services available on Kwana Island. Most residents rely on commercial companies to provide them with basic needs, such as food and water.


Tourism is one of the primary sources of income for residents on Kwana Island. The island is well-known for its natural beauty and abundant wildlife, which makes it a popular destination for tourists from around the world.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

There are a limited number of hotels and resorts available on Kwana Island. These establishments cater to tourists who want to visit the island for short periods of time.


The most popular attractions on Kwana Island are the beaches and wildlife. The island is home to a number of different species of birds, including seagulls, parrots, toucans, and macaws. Mount Gay Bay also offers visitors beautiful views of the Caribbean Sea.



There are a limited number of activities available on Kwana Island. These include fishing, hiking, and swimming.


The only means of transportation available on Kwana Island is by sea. There are no roads or railways on the island.



The cuisine on Kwana Island is primarily based on fish and seafood. Residents also enjoy cookouts and barbecues, which are popular celebrations in the island community.


Kwana Island is a small, isolated island located in the Eastern Caribbean Sea. The Barbados Defence Force dominates political and social life on the island, with most residents subject to mandatory conscription. Tourism is one of the primary sources of income for the local population, who enjoy cookouts and barbecues as popular celebrations in their community.


  1. What Are The Main Sources Of Income For Residents On Kwana Island?

The main source of income for residents on Kwana Island is tourism. This includes both domestic tourists who visit the island to enjoy its natural beauty and foreign tourists who come to visit the island’s famous beaches and wildlife.

  1. What Is The Barbados Defence Force’s Role On Kwana Island?

The Barbados Defence Force dominates political and social life on Kwana Island, with most residents subject to mandatory conscription. This means that the BDF maintains order in the island community and ensures that everyone follows the law.

  1. How Popular Is Tourism On Kwana Island?

Tourism on Kwana Island is very popular, with both domestic and foreign tourists visiting the island every year. This has led to a thriving economy for the local residents, who earn a living from tourism services and souvenir sales.

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