All About Of Meighen Island – Everything You Have to Know



Meighen Island


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Meighen Island is a secluded island located in the Georgian Bay off the coast of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The island is approximately 330 acres in size and has been privately owned by the Wettlaufer family since 1955. The family has operated a summer home and hunting resort on the island since 1965.

All About Of Meighen Island – History

Meighen Island

The island first came into the possession of the Wettlaufer family in 1955. The family had originally purchased it as farmland but soon began to convert it into a summer home and hunting resort. In 1965, they opened up their facilities to the public, becoming one of Canada’s first private islands to offer recreational opportunities outside of provincial parks. Today, Meighen Island remains an exclusive retreat for members of the Wettlaufer Family and their guests.

Location and Access

Location and Access

The island is located just offshore from Toronto in Georgian Bay; access is by boat. As of 2006, there is no accommodation on the island.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Agriculture and Natural Resources

The island is primarily forested, with nearly 70% of the property being private woodlands. It is home to a variety of wildlife including white-tailed deer, foxes, skunks and raccoons as well as numerous bird species such: as bobolink. The land has much to offer hunters as well, including deer during bow season and turkeys in preparation for the autumn hunt.

Wildlife Rehabilitation


The Wettlaufer family assists injured wildlife with a full-time veterinarian on site. A rehabilitation center is also available at Crystal Beach Indoor Ski Resort Great Canadian Outdoor Show (GCOS) held annually in early fall Over 100 exhibitor booths are present exposing hunters to new optics, ammunition, and other hunting equipment meighenislandnews2009 One-of-a-Kind Hunting Options “Willy Wonka wouldn’t be caught dead on Meighen Island”.

That was the sarcastic response of one hard-core bow shooter in 2010 when he learned that there is no limit to vision at his field-of-view, courtesy of a clear canoe glass hidden (and sometimes camouflaged) along the rocks and low bush brush.



Meighen Island has a humid continental climate (Köppen “Dfa”) with moderate temperatures year-round. The previous record high was on June 20, 1904, and the last freeze was on December 25, 1976, at -12°C with highs reaching plus 12°C. There are approximately 6.1 days of measurable precipitation annually compared to a mean value above one millimeter (29 mm). The coldest month is January with minimum temperatures around. In that same month, the hottest temperatures may reach.

99% of all years have recorded minimums below freezing for either part or all of January which can result in roads being salt-treated during the season but this does not often occur as wintertime activities tend to saturate the ground and prevent it from freezing hard. Snowfall is light on Meighen Island, but several small snowfalls may occur each winter which can freeze in a windy situation where they are not removed quickly by vehicle traffic.


Aduché Island Culture and Religion

The island is inhabited by a few dozen people who are descendants of the first settlers, Loyalists from New Brunswick. They have maintained their cultures and heritage in a number of ways, including keeping alive traditional foods like root-cellar puddings and codfish cakes that are considered delicacies elsewhere on Canada’s Atlantic Shore.

The Loyalists of Meighen Island are descended from the first families arriving in New Brunswick at the end of the 1700s. Today there are about 10 full-blood Canadians and descendants scattered on four islands surrounding that have taken a distinctly Canadian history and contemporary culture for their heritage, though both sets retain elements from its original British colonizer’s period. Others who were brought over as laborers or hirings during the mid-1920s small but significant wave when development occurred within Nova Scotia may also trace their lineage back to those times.



The residents are about evenly divided between the Liberal and Progressive Conservative Parties of Canada, though there is a small number of members from other smaller parties who also reside on the island. There is no local representative in the House of Commons or Senate but Maillefer Island has one member, currently independent Stephen Woodworth MP (Liberal Party) elected by constituents in 2006 to represent their interests as a part-time observer on Access to Information and Ethics issues.

This occasional presence in Ottawa acknowledges Meighen’s unique place within Nova Scotia which includes being detached from mainland Halifax County while situated only a few miles off its eastern shore.

Differences in representation within the federal government must be taken into account when considering traffic between Tory, Liberal and New Democratic Members of Parliament addressed to Federally Administered Territories such as Mc Nabs Island across the harbor from Legals Surveyor Hunter who was given additional powers by deed language to improve local concerns with increased policing on both islands including prisoners’ rights and he also brought land title issues arising among residents before Federal Court where it could benefit family-owned properties with common ownership formations on both islands until 2001 when such relationships began being severed through deeds that claimed derivative land ownership.

Government services

Government Services

Meighen Island Government Services is a non-profit organization that was established in 1988 to provide emergency medical services and fire rescue to the people of Meighen Island.

The agency also provides police protection, parks and recreation services, maintenance of roads and bridges, emergency response service for all types of emergencies as well as burial services.

The Government Services Department has offices located on Main Street in West Falmouth and one at the center of Meighen Island.

In addition to these facilities, there are two other stations which have been added recently – one at the East End Marina on Lake Frye and another at Boushay Bay where we can reach all corners of the island with our boats.



Tourism on Meighen Island is a growing industry with many people visiting the island every year. The main attractions are the beaches and the mountains. There are also several small businesses that cater to tourists, such as rental houses and stores that sell souvenirs.

The climate is very mild compared to other areas of Canada, which can make it a great place to visit in the summertime when temperatures seldom exceed 30°C or 86°F. In winter, visitors should be prepared for cold temperatures lasting well into February and below freezing conditions most days during December through January.


Meighen Island is a small island located in the Georgian Bay, just offshore of the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is part of the Rouge National Urban Park and is a popular tourist destination, particularly during the summer months. The island features a nature reserve, an amusement park, and a golf course.


1. What Is The Population Of Meighen Island?

Ans:  There is no official population count for Meighen Island, as it is not a census designated place. However, based on estimates from information collected over the years by park staff and visitors, it can be assumed that there are in total around 400 residents living on the island at any given time.

2. What Category Does Meighen Island Belong To?

Ans: Meighen Island falls within both municipal and provincial jurisdiction – meaning that it’s under the authority of both York Regional Municipality (Y RM) and the Province of Ontario.

3. What Is Meighen Island’s Postal Code?

Ans: There are no recognized post offices on Meighen Island, so there is not a postal service in place for mail delivery to this remote community – addresses that include ‘Meighen’ are addressed through YRM or neighbouring municipalities, but also some may be identified as “Junction 8”, which means they’re located outside of existing provincial jurisdiction (provincially-designated communities within municipal borders must have an address).

4. Can I Rent Bikes From Tour Operator?

Ans: No, cyclists are not able to rent bikes from a Tour Operator at this time. The cycle track is being upgraded in the summer of 2016 and will be open by June 1st .Riders can still ride their bikes on the route for exercise or fun but cannot bike specific routes themselves/rentals business participation post-June 1., 2015

5. Are Dogs Permitted Island?

Ans: In general terms yes , mutts included, park rules & conditions apply there’s also no permit required.

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