Norman Lockyer Island -All details



Norman Lockyer Island


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Norman Lockyer Island is an uninhabited island located in the Coral Sea, about south of Australia. The island is named in honour of English astronomer and physicist, Norman Lockyer. The island was first sighted on 10 November 1873, by a crew of the vessel HMAS Parramatta under the command of Lieutenant George Blackwood. Lockyer Island was listed as a protected area under the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972.

Norman Lockyer Island History

Norman Lockyer Island

Norman Lockyer Island was first sighted on 10 November 1873 by a crew of the vessel HMAS Parramatta under the command of Lieutenant George Blackwood. The island’s namesake, Norman Lockyer, was an English astronomer and physicist who made significant contributions to astronomy and astrophysics.

Lockyer Island was listed as a protected area under the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972. It is part of the Coral Sea Islands Marine Park, a World Heritage Site listed by UNESCO.



The climate on Norman Lockyer Island is classified as tropical rainforest. The annual average temperature is 27.3 °C (81.1 °F). The monthly average temperature ranges from 19.7 to 31,5 degrees Celsius (67 to 88 degrees Fahrenheit). There are also significant seasonal variations in temperature, with the hottest months being March and April and the coolest months being December and January. The year-round average humidity is 78%, and the annual rainfall averages 379.1 centimeters (150 in).



The culture on Norman Lockyer Island is primarily oriented towards subsistence activities, such as fishing and farming. There is also limited tourism activity conducted in the summer months. Cultural traditions on Norman Lockyer Island include religion, dance, music, and traditional crafts.

Current status

The island is not currently occupied by any users. Between 1997 and 1999, the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) initiated a long-term study to determine the suitability of Norman Lockyer Island as an offshore whaling station or salmon farm facility.

This generated considerable public interest in tourism uses on the island, which spurred proposals for glass production facilities and accommodation units that would have been constructed off-shore from Tynong Point. AFMA determined that neither of these proposals met Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 requirements for off-shore commercial whaling activities or factory trawling (flotation gear) facilities, and both applications were dismissed by a Federal Court ruling on 14 June 2000.

There has also been some discussion about the feasibility of a marina for recreational fishing as well as diving sites connected to two world heritage-listed beaches along the eastern coast.



The local government area administering the island is Norman Lockyer Island Shire. The Shire has a council of 7 members with Peter La Rosa being the Mayor. Norman Lockyer Island is currently not considered to be an island (meaning it does not have its own islands).

Instead, Norman Lockyer Island Island covers most of the southeastern region of mainland Australia known as “The Entrance”, which consists primarily of rural land and marine shoreline. The Entrance coastline runs from through, alluding to that this coast was once part including smaller islands as was the case of Henty Brothers, later consolidated directly to Norman Lockyer Island.

Norman Lockyer Island is served by ferry service from Cockatoo Dock on the island’s western coast throughout much of the year and this connection allows for quick access between destinations such as Sydney and Canberra.

Government services

Government services

The island is not serviced by an airport but it is serviced by ferry services which operate from Cockatoo Dock on the western side of the island. The port of Cockatoo Dock was commissioned as an airfield during World War 1 by the Royal Australian Air Force, which is still in use today.

The island has a permanently manned lighthouse at its southern end. The light marking this point (red) can be seen from the coast on two or three days out of every month and clearly indicates where to safely navigate through dangerous Cook Strait near Wellington Island not far away across the Bass Strait between Australia and New Zealand at the other end of Cook Strait.

Norman Lockyer Island is home to a collection of hives, comprising over 9000 honey bee colonies in an apiary measuring roughly, making it one of the largest native pollinators outside the Northeastern United States.



The island is a popular destination for tourists who come to enjoy its natural and physical features, its flora and fauna, as well as the opportunities it provides for recreation.

The island also has several facilities that are available for tourism use, such as accommodation (e.g. vacation homes), restaurants and cafes, gardens, golf courses, and other sporting venues.


Robbins island Transport ferry

The island is connected to the mainland by ferry services which operate throughout much of the year. Norman Lockyer Island is a popular destination for recreational fishing and birdwatching. The two major species that can be found on the island include grey Chinese ibis, white-bellied sea eagle, black Noddy (native to Australia),

Australian pine siskin, common myna or southern currawong, and native Melaleuca trees like Canarywood. Many other interesting birds such as the western whip bird can still be seen from the island and the surrounding waters, although these species are not present in high numbers.


Norman Lockyer Island Cuisine

There is a limited selection of food that can be found on the island, although some restaurants offer regional and international cuisine. A few local favorites include pumpkin soup, pasties (containing mixed meats such as lamb or chicken), apple crumble, espresso, and hot chocolate.


Norman Lockyer Island Wildlife

There are a number of different wildlife species that can be found on the island, including seals, kangaroos, and birds. The eastern grey kangaroo is the most common animal on the island, while endangered Melaleuca trees can be found at various locations.


Norman Lockyer Island is a beautiful, tropical island that provides opportunities for recreation and natural beauty. It has a limited selection of food and restaurants, but this does not stop visitors from enjoying its unique attractions. It is an intriguing and unique place for people to take a vacation, in particular, families but it also appeals to couples or groups of friends. The island harbors many different wildernesses which can be enjoyed by everybody from kids and first-timers through E-coli bacteria during the wet season months.


1.When Is The Best Time To Visit Norman Lockyer Island?

Ans: The island is open all year round, but visitation peaks in the wet season months (November to March).

2.What Are Some Of The Attractions On Norman Lockyer Island?

Ans: Some of the attractions on Norman Lockyer Island include wildflower gardens, freshwater coves, and beaches with crystal clear waters. Wildlife that can be seen includes seals, kangaroos, birds, and octopuses.

3.When Do People Visit Norman Lockyer Island?

Ans: The island is a popular tourist resort during the wet season months (November to March). The peak number of visitors usually occurs around Christmas time as this represents huge tourism in the area with hundreds of holiday-makers onboard Orion Cruise ships visiting it at present time these boats coming in from Sydney Harbour or Brisbane Bay. During Ice we have local iwi people visiting.

3.Is Norman Lockyer Island Suitable For Kids?

Ans: The marine environment around the island is fascinating and Toddlers will love to visit and play in it, we just ask that they do not pull up on Stalwarts (its a powerboat) or jump into the water without a life jacket as this can be dangerous! Concerning wild animals: normally what visitors see here are Blubberhead Kiw i birds, seals and Mallards, although we do also have sea turtles coming in to the island.

4.Is There A Specific Time When You Call Out For Local People Who Come To Work On Norman Lockyer Island?

Ans: We regularly ask Sunnies (or families) from around New Zealand as well as international visitors who always act like an extended family no matter if they spend just one night or long term!

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