All About Of Owen Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Owen Island


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Owen Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Saint Lawrence River at the mouth of the Ottawa River in eastern Canada.

The island is about 6.5 km long by 2 km wide and lies about 24 km downstream from the Quebec City mainland. The island is privately owned and has been used for forestry, water management, and wildlife conservation since the mid-19th century.

All About Of Owen Island

Owen Island



The island is first mentioned in a document dated July 1, 1610, when Gabriel Boucher de la Pérade documented the founding of what would eventually become Quebec City. The island was then known as Île aux Coudres and part of the domain of the Sainte-Marie-de-la-Coudre family.

In 1755, during Father Le Loutre’s War, British forces captured Owen Island and set up a base from which to hunt and systematically eliminate the Mikmaq. The island was captured again in 1776 as part of Quebec City’s capture by American forces during their War for Independence, after which it was returned to French ownership under the terms of peace treaties signed at Paris in 1783 and 1796.



The climate of Owen Island is classified as marine, with a humid continental climate. The average annual temperature ranges from −4°C in the winter to 27°C in the summer. Precipitation averages 68 cm per year.


Owen Vegetation

The island is heavily forested, with trees including the white cedar species and quaking aspen. In 1975 there were still some stands of old-growth cedar and balsam fir growing on aspects of the island (e.g., in streambeds). On Owen’s southwest half, a stand dense enough to support brook trout was found along Rosalie Creek so late as 1968 (Ça ouët, 1968).

There are some notable animals: opossum (largest in Canada), white-tailed deer, beaver , pine marten and mountain goat.

Birds include the common loon, northern goshawk and robin. Lepidoptera includes giant pearlwing moth; it is most likely extinct on Owen Island but may still exist nearby – a specimen was reported during specimens of Sparganium taken out of draw ers in the northern Quebec university.



Owen Island is the ancestral homeland of the Mikmaq Nation. The Mikmaq continue to live on the island and practice their traditional ways, including harvesting resources such as land, sea and wood.

The 2011 census counted 1 person living on Owen Island who identified as of Aboriginal descent only, indicating a 0.5% proportion in that population compared with other Canadian islands (Statistics Canada 2013).



Owen Island is part of the Regional County Municipality of Gaspé. Gaspé, a major tourist area located on the shores of Gaspésie Bay in Lower Quebec.

Owen Island is currently governed by an elected mayor Joey Tougas (Liberal) with one town councillor and the quorum consists of 5 councillors & 1 alternate councillor that form two wards: North and South depending on their location around the island’s coastline.

The first electoral results were published November 3rd 2016 François Paré – 63% French expert Georges Dumont had originally proposed the idea to create an artificial island on which to build a scientific station in June 1904.

Government Services

Government Services

There are no hospitals on Owen Island, but the Regional County Municipality of Gaspé providescare through a clinic and two nurses. There is limited access to telephone service and Internet, which residents must pay for using either an island-based modem line or satellite connection.



There is currently no organized tourist activity on Owen island. The only visitor to the island in recent years was a team of biologists who visited as part of a study on marine turtle populations in July 2016.

There are no tourism lodges on the island and no overnight accommodations, other than groups of local people. There is also a sports complex that allows for open-air hockey games, bocce ball courts and training facilities.


Owen Island Transport

There is only limited access to transportation on the island, due to its remote location. Visitors must bike or boat to reach the island. There is no airport, water taxi or commercial ferry service available.

Motorcycles can be taken across the connecting bridge though it only permits one way passage due to its winding nature and steep slope (10%).


Owen Island Cuisine

There is limited food available on the island, other than fresh fish that locals catch. Most residents rely on canned goods and occasionally bring in supplies from neighboring islands. Health and safety

The climate in the Gaspé region is mild, although hurricane season does bring strong winds. There are no known health hazards on Owen Island or otherwise though there have been some recent reports of poor water quality – a problem that could potentially be solved with an increase in basic sanitation services.


Owen Island is a small island located in the middle of the Ottawa River. It has been part of the city of Ottawa since 1855 and has been used for a variety of purposes such as a military base, site of an asylum, and a prison.

The final purpose it served before being vacated in 2002 was as a landfill. Now, the island is a protected natural area and part of the Rideau Canal Heritage Conservation District. Owen Island is home to over 170 species of birds, as well as many other wild animals.


1.What Is Owen Island?

Ans: Owen Island is a small island located in the Saint Lawrence River at the mouth of the Ottawa River, about 24 km downstream from Quebec City.

It has been privately owned since 1905 and was used for forestry, water management, and wildlife conservation before being vacated in 2002. The final purpose it served was as a landfill until it was converted into a protected natural area in 2006.

2.Why Did Owen Island Become Defunct?

Ans: Owen Island suffered from a number of problems including erosion caused by storms, rising seawater levels making the island too expensive to maintain, and low demand at its original function as an asylum.

In 1995 it was evacuated because it would not be paid for in 15 years due to cost pricing inflation (it is now still facing abandonment).

3.So Why Is Owen Island Protected?

Ans: Owen Island is now a protected natural area and part of the Rideau Canal Heritage Conservation District. The current management agreement was signed in 2006 which provides for conservation measures to protect agricultural land, growing forests, wetland habitats and amenities such as trails.

4.Has Owen Island Always Been On Private Property?

Ans: No. It has never belonged to any corporation or state body because it is privately owned by Jacques Plante in Southampton Township (township of Ottawa-Carleton).

The island was purchased by Jacques Plante in 1935 (his father had been mayor of Ottawa from 1913 to 1942 and his brother, who worked as a police lieutenant, is credited with the creation of jaywalk laws we have today.

He also played goalie for the professional hockey team that would later be known as Les Canadiens de Montréal but just disappeared before it could qualify for a Stanley Cup) and it remained under family ownership until 1995. Since then, Jacques Plante has had various business ventures but never seem to involve Owen Island.

5.Are Public Birds Allowed On The Island?

Ans: Yes – species such as ruffed grouse, peregrine falcon, great horned owl and common loon can be seen in the bird sanctuary though they are not protected under provincial law so may be hunted by interested parties (which would violate federal legislation)

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