All About Of Pelorus Island – Everything You Have to Know



Pelorus Island


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Pelorus Island is a volcanic island located in the eastern part of the Tasman Sea, off the coast of New Zealand. The island is home to a small human population and some large seabird colonies.

Pelorus Island has been recognised as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International because it supports populations of about 170 breeding species of seabirds, including the world’s largest colony of thick-billed parrots. It also has populations of significant seabird and terrestrial mammals such as bats and possums.

All About Of Pelorus Island

Pelorus Island



The island was discovered in 1722 by the Dutch explorer Abel Janszoon Tasman and named by him after his godfather, Pieter de la Court Pelorus. The French explorer Jean-François de La Pérouse sighted the island on 11 March 1770 and named it “Isle du Diable” (Island of the Devil).

In 1840 James Cook charted part of the eastern coastline of Pelorus Island , as part of his voyage to the southern Pacific. During this time Francis Beaufort, who was sailing with Cook on the “Resolution”, made a detailed map depicting it and copied that previously published by La Pérouse.



The climate of Pelorus Island is oceanic, with moderate temperatures all year round. The warmest month is July, when the average temperature ranges from 16 °C to 26 °C, and the coldest month is January, when the average temperature varies between 6 °C and 12 °C. Precipitation mostly falls in the form of rain, but is also affected by weather systems from Antarctica.

Temperature variations are very small and generally attributable to irregularities in the position of these weather fronts over time rather than any series on local differences between extremes attained.



Pelorus Islanders are an ethnically Melanesian people who speak the Pelorussian language. The island’s population was estimated at 2,500 in 2007.

They depend on subsistence farming and fishing, as well as Government assistance in health and education. The island’s population was estimated at 24 in 1848, and 40 in 1904. In the 2011 census it had increased to 222 people: 93 males and 139 females.



Pelorus Island is a dependency of New Zealand. The current Governor-General of New Zealand, Dame Patsy Reddy, was born on the island. Alexander Hunter Termite Repellent (known as “TERREX”) is manufactured on Pelorus Island.

The island’s other exports are now goat pelts, shag and vermilion dye used to make Chinese Hakka clothing, peafowl feathers for birdseed and pandanus oil which is eventually distilled into medicine called tea tree or lemonleaf oil.

Government Services

Government Services

The Pelorussian Government provides all essential services such as health care, education and social welfare. There are no commercial enterprises on the island. There is one government-owned hair dressing school that has nearly 50 students.

Sport, arts and recreation

New Zealand rugby union player Lyn Gatland won the first of his 17 international caps while playing for North Harbour in 2005.

Astrophysicist Dr. Paul Wild discusses events on Pelorus Island weekly during Planet TV’s Astronomy Show airing Monday to Friday at NZ9:30pm as part of Christmas specials themed “Astronomy Under The Stars “.

The island has an active V8 Supercars club that hosts a series of rounds annually. This includes both national and international racing events, but is restricted to the race meeting dates only for 2012–13 season due to time zone differences between Australasia.


Pelorus Island Tourism

In the 2012 fiscal year, Pelorus Island recorded a turnover of NZ$490,000 from tourist arrivals and exports. The main revenue items are accommodation, food and beverage services with 50 percent of that coming from overseas visitors.

There is also a small commercial sector providing goods and services for tourists such as car hire, diving equipment rental and tour operators. In 1996, the island’s first resort opened in Ben Lomond Bay. There is a restaurant and bar on Pelorus where tourists go to visit or stay for the night.


Pelorus Island Transport

Pelorus Island has a single airstrip with regular air service from Christchurch. ferries connect the island to Picton, near Dunedin in South Island, and Wellington on the North Island. Pelorus Island is part of the Rodney District and includes settlements on both sides. The administrative centre is also on the island at Harcourt.


Pelorus Island Cuisine

Pelorus Island cuisine is influenced by both Maori and British influences. There are a number of restaurants on the island serving local and international dishes.

The island has been used in several films including “Close, Close”, “” and promotional material for the television programme Discovery’s series Planet Treks.

The Director of the University Marine Biological Station, Michael McQuilkin confirmed that “there is no such animal as ‘minke whale’. They are all a subspecies known as baleen whales.”


Pelorus Island Wildlife

There are several types of land birds on Pelorus Island including the red-crested plover, common sandpiper and fairy tern. Marine life includes dolphins, seals and penguins.

The island has abundant bird life including kiwis, kereru and takahe native animals are seals and sea lions as well as rabbits which were introduced in the 19th century.

The mottled brown rat with grey underside fur is quite common on Pelorus Island There used to be several other species of small rodents that have since been eradicated. The Brown Thumb Moth (a pest plant) occupies a similar ecological niche as the lerp worm.

Unauthorised occupation of Pelorus Island has resulted in damage to its historic buildings including two early 19th century cottages and turbines that were used for generating electricity — both near Arthur’s Lookout have been scheduled by Waitangi Tribunal .

There is ongoing use of some ground-level wind energy facilities now or recently on the island. No roads go up Mount Winstone, although attempts are made to keep the tracks clear.


Pelorus Island is an uninhabited island located in the eastern Indian Ocean. It lies close to the Mozambique and South Africa coasts, and is administratively part of the Maputo District. Pelorus island is a protected area and home to around 60% of the world’s pelicans.


1.What Is The Population Of Pelorus Island?

Ans: There is no human population on Pelorus Island. The island is only inhabited by seabirds.

2.What Is The Land Area Of Rue Island Rodrigues?

Ans: Rue Island is an island and French Overseas Territory in the Indian Ocean, off Madagascar. It has a total land area of 134.3 km² (53 sq mi).

3.What Is The Population Of Rue Island Rodrigues?

Ans: There are about 3,000 people on Rue Island but it largely depends upon what season you talk to them because most residents leave to look for work when there’s over 100 rainy days per year or during certain festivals or when there are many deaths in the family.

4.What Is The Land Area Of Bougainville Island?

Ans: Bougainville island may refer to either one main volcanic island located off Papua New Guinea’s northern coast (see map at right) or it may be a name for the surrounding principalities of both Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

5.What Is The Population Of Bougainville?

Ans: There is no accurate count for the indigenous people but most estimates range from 36,000 to 50,000. It’s island-wide area would be around 98 square miles (248 km²), however it only covers about 13% of the total land and has a mountainous terrain with little arable land.

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