All About Of Perry Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Perry Island


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Perry Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, about 2,000 kilometres east-northeast of Honolulu and 2,500 kilometres south-southeast of Tahiti. It is about 9.4 kilometres long and 2.9 kilometres wide.

The island was discovered on December 4, 1778, by Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi on a voyage from Veracruz, Mexico, to the Philippines.

All About Of Perry Island

Perry Island



On December 4, 1778, Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi discovered Perry Island while en route from Veracruz to the Philippines.

The island was named after Commodore James Calhoun Perry (1794-1858), an officer in the United States Navy who participated in several naval battles during the Mexican–American War and later served as chief of naval operations during US participation in the Chinese Civil War.

However, the name was also attributed to William O. Shafter (1834-1903), but it is unknown how this originated.



The climate on Perry Island is cool to cold, with a average temperature of 18.1 degrees Celsius. The island experiences frequent fog and high winds, making it difficult for visitors to reach the island. Because of the unpredictability of weather conditions, round-trip air flights to Perry Island are unavailable.

The Visitor Center at Pacific Harbor Historic Site on the island offers visitors, who can only visit by seaplane or small boat (hard landing), a brief point by point history and information about facilities and available activities including hiking, kayaking, birdwatching and ice fishing in 360 days per year.


Perry Island Culture.jpeg

Perry Island is home to the federally protected Pacific Harbor Historic Site, which contains a number of historic structures and two museums. The visitor center has artifacts dating back to the early days of Spanish exploration, including prehistoric spear points and meteorites.

The island also has an active community with a small grocery store, post office, restaurant and lodges that provide round-trip flights on seaplanes or boats from Honolulu with overnight stays ashore.



The island is part of the Kaua’i State Legislature. The island is represented in the state legislature as part of District 23.


The ruins are best seen by a helicopter flight from Lihu’e. Helicopters do land on Perry Island occasionally, depending upon seaplane access and weather conditions hoping noise avoidance along the coastline (Lihue Airport) to avoid any possible disturbance to bird nesting grounds nearby that may be disturbed during landing operations at Pacific Harbor Mall.

The property offers four hiking trails, two commonly used by visitors and two rarely visited areas not accessible from the island.

Government Services

Government Services

Police, mail, medical and fire services are available. Perry Island does not have a store or post office but the nearest is in Lihu’e.

Flights to and from Pacific Harbor Historic Site on Kaua’i State’s island of Perry can only be accessed via seaplane or small boat landing which can make for an interesting scenic helicopter ride during your vacation as well! Kayaking around the island is not recommended.

A great deal can be said about this small, yet historically important place located in the State of Hawaii and it’s even more remarkable that these artifacts are preserved here on public land rather than at some museum.

The opening exhibit will give you an overall view of Kaua’i with its various ecosystems as well as a brief history lesson too!



It has been suggested that the islands of Kaua’i, Lanai and Moloka‘i may need to be combined into one island due to their rapid population growth over recent decades.

Perry Island is situated in Makena State Park on the northwest end of a peninsula separating South and Keanae beaches along with Pakini Bay between them all. It also houses historic artifacts such as cannons from its circa 1900 military protectorate time and a restored Sutro Bathhouse.

Although the largest tourist attraction in Makena State Park, Perry Island is not as easily accessible or frequented by tourists compared to nearby destinations such as Na Pali Coast State Wilderness which offers an alternative for day visitors who wish to take it easy at beautify guarded beaches with virgin nature and rather peaceful atmosphere there.


Perry island Transport

Kauaʻi Airport is about a 2-hour drive from Lihuʻe. Kaua’i State Parks offers various ways to get around the island including biking, horseback riding, kayaking and snorkeling tours. Hiking, snorkeling and swimming are all available in the waters near Koke’e State Park.

Bicycling to the Napali Coast on Kaua’i is possible if you are a self-sufficient person who is willing to take your own guide or hire someone to pick you up at a predetermined location within 45 minutes of Punaluʻu beach.


Perry Island Cuisine

Kaua’i is known for its many varieties of Kauaʻi grown fruits and vegetables such as papaya, mangoes, lua fruit, passionfruit and a wide variety of crops like onions.

Local favorites include loco moco (hamburgers with eggs) at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Lihuʻe or bowl meals such as spam musubi at Poipu Fish Market where you can enjoy fresh fish as well.

Because there is seafood on every corner in the state, Kaua’i natives have developed an elaborate culture of wrapping their foods like makau (wrapped) and poke (pickled), to name a few food items now known by foreigners such as “imu,” or underground ovens.


Perry Island is a small and unassuming island located in the middle of the Arabian Sea. With only a few hundred inhabitants, it is one of the least-known places in the world.

But this doesn’t mean that Perry Island is without attraction. With its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush rainforest, Perry Island is a natural paradise that is perfect for anyone who wants to get away from it all.


1.What Are The Main Attractions Of Perry Island?

Ans: The main attraction on Perry Island is its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush rainforest. Other notable attractions include the island’s history as an important Spanish outpost in the Philippines, its climate which is considered to be one of the best climates in Asia, and its thriving tourism industry.

2.What Are The Best Seasons For Visiting Perry Island?

Ans: Perry Island is a tropical paradise and does not require any particular clothing. People visit throughout the year, and summer generally lasts from April to October during which most of its beaches are open or still covered by beach umbrellas.

3.What Are The Most Common Activities That People Do On Perry Island?

Ans: The most common attractions and recreation centers can be found in Palanas. Here you will find a number of important restaurants, boutiques, art galleries, resorts and many others offering all kinds of services including diving lessons as well as medical help.

4.What Is The Cost Of Staying At Any Hotel Or Resort?

Ans: All major resorts offer all-inclusive packages for upwards 1000 USD which give unlimited access to several amenities. Kayaks, snorkeling equipment, motor boats and other recreational activities can be arranged upon request.

5.How To Get Around The Island?

Ans: The only way to travel around Perry Island is by rental motor boats and water taxis. These are available throughout the day from La Paz Bay and can be rented for 80 USD per hour or 400 USD for half a day. Water taxi services operate between 5am-11pm daily, with availability depending on seasonality.

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