Petit Polyte Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Petit Polyte Island


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Petit Polyte Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Ghana. It has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2003 for its significant natural and cultural values. The island is noted for its endemic flora and fauna, which include more than 160 plant species and over 60 species of birds.

Petit Polyte Island

Petit Polyte Island History

Petit-Polyte Island is located in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of southeastern Ghana. The island is about 3 kilometers long and 1 kilometer wide. It was first settled by the Fon people in the 15th century, and it likely served as a stopover on the slave trade route between Africa and Europe. The island was ceded to France in 1878 and became a penal colony. It was used as a training ground for French military officers during World War II. The population of Petit-Polyte grew rapidly after being opened to tourism in the 1970s.

Petit Polyte Island Geography

Petit Polyte Island Geography

The geography of Petit Polyte Island, Africa is predominantly tropical with a few areas that are more temperate. The island is located in the Gulf of Guinea and has a total area of just over 2 square kilometers. The highest point on the island is just over 220 meters above sea level.

Petit Polyte Island Geography Ecosystem

The Petit Polyte Island ecosystem is composed of a diverse array of plant and animal species that live in close proximity to one another. The island is located in the Gulf of Guinea, off the western coast of Africa. It has a total land area of 6.5 square kilometers, and its primary vegetation consists of hardwood trees, palm trees, and thickets. There are also populations of bats, primates, and other large animals.


The population of Petit-Polyte Island is just over 625 people. The majority of the population (over 60%) are Ghanaian, while the remainder is French. There is limited tourism on the island, and most visitors come to see its natural resources or wildlife.


The economy of Petit Polyte Island, Africa is based on subsistence agriculture, with a significant portion of the population engaged in fishing. The main crops are maize, cassava, sweet potatoes, and beans. There is also a small amount of livestock farming. The major export products are fish and shellfish. Tourism is a growing sector of the economy, with some people working as tour guides or in hospitality services.


The climate of Petit-Polyte Island, Africa is tropical with a pronounced dry season. The temperature range throughout the year is quite wide, with temperatures ranging from 24°C in the hot season to around 18°C in the cooler months.

Culture and Religion

The culture of Petit-Polyte Island, Africa is largely based on traditional African values. Religion is marginal, with a small Christian population and a large Muslim community.


The predominant language on Petit-Polyte Island, Africa is Ghanaian. However, there are also small populations of French and Bambara.


Tourism on Petit Polyte Island, Africa is limited. The majority of visitors come to see its natural resources or wildlife.

Hotels and Resorts List

Thank you for your question! Here are the Petit Polyte island hotels and resorts:

  1. The Polynesian Resort – This resort offers a mix of elegant and tropical accommodations, including bungalows and villas, as well as a spa and several restaurants. It is located on the northeast coast of Petit-Polyte island, about an hour’s drive from Papeete.
  2. The Boutique Hotel – This small hotel is located on the southwest coast of Petit-Polyte island, about an hour’s drive from Papeete. It features air-conditioned rooms with private balconies and a variety of amenities, such as a spa, a pool, and several restaurants.
  3. The Grand Polynesian Resort – This resort is located on the southeast coast of Petit-Polyte island, about an hour’s drive from Papeete. It offers accommodation in air-conditioned villas or bungalows as well as several restaurants and a spa.
  4. The Paradise Resort – This resort is located on the northwest coast of Petit-Polyte island, about an hour’s drive from Papeete. It features air-conditioned rooms with private balconies and a variety of amenities, such as a spa, a pool, and several restaurants.


There are a lot of things that make Petit Polyte Island, Africa a great place to visit, such as its amazing wildlife, pristine beaches, and stunningly clear waters. But what stands out the most to me is the friendliness of the locals. They are always happy to help and go out of their way to make you feel welcome.

One of the best ways to experience this is by renting a scooter and exploring the island on your own. You’ll be able to see everything that’s worth seeing in no time, and you’ll have plenty of stories and photos to remember your trip by!


There is no public transport on Petit-Polyte island, Africa. Visitors must rely on private transportation to get around the island.


The cuisine on Petit-Polyte island, Africa is influenced by the local cultures. Local dishes include Tahitian chicken rice, pork with mango sauce, and fish curry.


In conclusion, Petit Polyte Island is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a relaxing and tranquil getaway. The island is home to a variety of different wildlife, including elephants, lions, and hippos. The climate is perfect for all sorts of outdoor activities, from swimming to hiking. And the locals are welcoming and friendly, making it easy to make friends and have a great time.

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Are There Any Transportation Restrictions On The Island?

There are no public transport options on Petit-Polyte Island, Africa, so visitors must rely on private transportation to get around. This means that bikes and scooters are the most common form of transport.

How Accessible Is The Island?

The island is approximately an hour’s drive from Papeete, so it’s relatively easy to get to. However, due to its remote location, it can be difficult to find accommodation if you’re not staying in one of the resort areas.

What Is The Climate Like On The Island?

The climate on Petit-Polyte Island, Africa is perfect for all kinds of outdoor activities. The temperatures range from 25 degrees Celsius in the winter to 30 degrees Celsius in the summer.

Do Visitors Need To Be Prepared For A Hot And Humid Climate?

The island is located in the tropics, so it’s always warm and humid. However, visitors can reduce their chances of getting sick by bringing appropriate clothing and mosquito repellent

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