All About Of Poivre Island- Which Will Help You To Travel



Poivre Island


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Poivre Island is a small uninhabited island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, Canada. Its name is French for pepper. The island is part of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine archipelago and is owned by the National Capital Commission.

Poivre Island is a RARE TIDE RISK AREA and visitors are required to sign a waiver prior to arrival. There are no roads on the island and all visitors must use hiking or kayaking routes to get there.

All About Of Poivre Island

Poivre Island



Poivre Island has been inhabited since the Late Archaic period, approximately 5000 years ago. Poivre Island was an important gathering place for the Mi’kmaq people who used it as a seasonal hunting ground and port of call.

In 1610, Samuel de Champlain sailed up the Saint Lawrence River and named one of its islands after pepper—a commodity then in high demand throughout Europe.

Later, in 1663 French explorer Jacques Cartier exploited the island’s natural resources and named it Poivre Island.

After a severe hurricane hit Îles-de-la-Madeleine in 1962, some of the larger islands were completely submerged under water as only their heads protruded above water; Poivre was one such island and essentially became an extension of Île aux Noix at that time.


Poivre Island Climate

The climate on Poivre Island is humid continental, with an average temperature of 7°C. In the winter, the island experiences cold and overcast weather while in the summer, it becomes hot and humid.

Summer temperatures average around 3°C. Ice forms between November and March, then melts until May or June when winter weather sets in again.

When the island becomes too marshy for satisfactory landing during spring high waters Poivre Island residents move to St-Antoine on Île aux Noix which has become a retirement community as well as a summer campsite for children who have been withdrawn from other schools due to overcrowding at school facilities .



Poivre Island has a ferry and walkway connection to Île aux Noix. During the summer, access is by walking or use of kayaks from Obedjiwan across several islands; during winter it can be accessed using one of four cars which are also available for rent at that time in various parts on both islands as well as cottages/campgrounds and other services. Poivre villagers have made Île aux Noix their permanent home with most of the population siding there for summer or bust.



There is little or no culture on Poivre Island, with the exception of a small fishing community. The residents mainly rely on Obedjiwan for food and other supplies. Schools are still in session during summer, when Obedjiwan is completely deserted. Identity and government

Starting in 1955, the first man from a different island (in this case Île aux Noix) would be married to a girl from Poivre Island. Their family members would then populate Île aux Noix some years later.

The island contains five small lakes on its perimeter which are used for fishing and ice harvesting during the winter months.

The government is involved with the construction of a bridge to connect Obedjiwan across Shell Island and will eventually pave roads into Obedjiwan Village before it completes development in 2021 or 2022 according to estimates at that time by the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government.



There is no formal government on Poivre Island, with the exception of a mayor who oversees local issues. The only source of revenue for the island comes from fishing licenses and seasonal tourism (mainly in the summer months).

The majority of residents are descendants of people who migrated to Obedjiwan from elsewhere on Île aux Noix over the years.

A majority of its residents often have French surnames, most likely due to the reduction in immigrants not formally recognizing Native citizens on their islands.

Outside of Obedjiwan Village, there are only a few families scattered all-over Poivre who made it into housing during that building process by Obedjiwan Villagers.

Government Services

Government Services

Residents on Poivre Island rely solely on Obedjiwan for food, water and other resources. In the event of an emergency, they would have to swim or boat across Shell Island in order to reach the mainland.

There is currently no communication infrastructure on Poivre which makes it difficult for authorities to contact residents in case of emergency.

There is no phone service in or near either Obedjiwan Village or Shell Island. There is no sewer infrastructure on Poivre and rainwater is the only source of water.



Due to its proximity to the tourist hotspots of Île aux Noix and Notre Dame de la Baie, Poivre Island receives a significant amount of tourists each year.

This has made it difficult for Obedjiwan’s residents to make a living from traditional subsistence activities like hunting and fishing. In order to generate more income, many locals have started working as tour guides or taking photos and videos for tourists.



There is only one small wooden boat that residents can use to reach Shell Island. There is no other form of transportation available on Poivre. Occupations

At present, many Obedjiwan Island residents are considered self-employed due to the lack of jobs and other opportunities outside of Poivre.

Although this may create a dependency for certain individuals on the surrounding cities, it has alleviated poverty in their native village.

Most inhabitants work three or four days per week at different shops around Île Aux Noix so they can make extra income from tourists visiting those areas.



The traditional cuisine of Obedjiwan Island is based on seafood. They are particularly proud of their oysters and clams, which they usually eat fresh or cooked in various dishes. However, they are not known to raise cattle or other domestic animals.

Many villagers will brush their teeth with either fresh water or salt water along the coast; however it is not uncommon for them to eat exactly what they harvest from surrounding rivers and lakes as well.


Poivre Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, Canada. It is part of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine Regional County Municipality and is accessible by boat or plane. The island has a permanent population of no more than 30 people and is home to an airstrip, a lighthouse, and a scattering of homes.


1.Who Owns Poivre Island?

Ans: The National Capital Commission (NCC) owns Poivre Island.

2.What Is The Population Of Poivre Island?

Ans: There are no recorded census figures for the island, but it is presumed that there are no more than 30 people living on it permanently. However, during peak tourist seasons, there may be up to 100 visitors on the island at any one time.

3.When Is The Best Time To Visit Poivre Island?

Ans:  Poivre Island is open year-round and the only seasonality that really affects it are the seasons. In an average winter there would be more seals and fewer birds, but for any other reason (expanding or contracting population) you’ll always find animals on this island during a certain timeframe.

4.Is There A Phone Service On Poivre Island?

Ans:  There is no fixed telephone service on the island, so visitors must bring their own cellular phones or satellite phones to make contact with the outside world. However, there are signposts that provide basic directions and names of neighbouring islands.

5.What Are Some Common Activities That Tourists Do On Poivre Island?

Ans:  The most popular activity is hiking or kayaking around the island. Visitors can also look for whales (both humpbacks and blue), visit the lighthouses, stop at one of the lookouts on Mortier Island or explore to local coves.

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