All About Of Porlob Island – Everything You Have to Know



Porlob Island


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Let’s explore Porlob Island, shall we? Porlob is an ecologically stable island and is located in the Mamanwa Archipelago of Papua New Guinea. Part of the Madang Province, Porlob has a land area of 86 km2 and a population of 900 inhabitants, over four times that of Rabaul.

The island’s largest town is Aneng, which has a population of 442 individuals or 76% of the total. The island is endowed with unique flora and fauna including the Big-Eared Owls, Protected Animals and Birds, the White-Hummingbird and the Bittern (called Mwanga in the local Pidgin English).

Porlob Island History

Porlob Island

Porlob Island was important before the time of European contact. It played a key role in trade between Europeans travelling overland to New Guinea, who traded their valuable goods for food and water with Mamanwa people on Porlob or other islands they visited.

In exchange, they provided guns and ammunition that were used by both the Solomon Islanders at Lalopa against German colonisation efforts in World War I (which included an offensive campaign on the island of New Britain), and also against the Kolombangara campaign by Australian troops in World War II.

After German occupation, Porlob Island played a critical role for both Australia and Papua New Guinea; it was used to act as an evacuation base for soldiers, safe havens from fighting between Japan and Allied forces during early stages of World War II (1942-1945). The Americans had been strategically relocated here after Japanese bombs hit their forward.



The climate is equatorial and very dry, with an average rainfall of between 17.9 to 23 mm a year (2.83‰–3.74‰). The highest precipitation falls in the early summer months (November through January) when it can reach up to 240mm in some areas; heavy rainfalls are also recorded as late as February or March most years but they seem to have become slightly less frequent over time.

Farmers on the island rely on the high rainfall in most months to grow subsistence crops such as taro, coconut, bananas and vegetables; this makes it a critical resource for Islanders.

Porlob features three wells that were built by Australian Army units during World War II . Water supplies at each are deemed adequate to provide some 18 years of continuous supply whereas existing artesian resources first need complete rehabilitation when extraction of drinking water is planned. Resource availability has.



The people of Porlob Island are mainly related with Mainland Kurupap, Foa and Kava (Indigenous) communities; descendants have adapted their traditional cultural practices to the island’s ecology.

The practice of fishing is looked at as a challenge on the crescent-shaped island that has large cliffs in various parts of its recreational boundaries. It is not known how many indigenous reef fish survive within rocks or crevices around much more than two metres deep.

Donations for the restoration of waters in Porlob lagoon were offered by Kurupap people, who came to Porlob during World War II as assigned by Australian Army to construct wells and drainage channels on water limit. This was done together with Australians under British Command in response appreciation of work undertaken by indigenous communities before war broke out between Britain and Germany in 1939 . The effort started from January 1942 until May 1944.


Crime and Terrorism

Porlob Island Resort is a private resort that has been in operation since 1971, and belongs to the Fiji Orient Group. It offers accommodation ranging from beachfront bungalows with sea views, pool villas and apartments;

The resort comprises two restaurants: an open-air restaurant overlooking much of the lagoon beside its secluded crescent shaped white sand beach (Hub Central); “Valley View” features a South Indian Kitchen specialising on vegetarian cuisine.

The island also has a spa, yoga studios and an extensive day-use activity centre which offers walking trails (including turtle nesting beaches), snorkelling, kayaking and diving. There is also a children’s play area, water sport facilities such as windsurfing and sailing, horse riding on the beachfront property

The project aims to bring about complete rehabilitation for extraction of drinking water when it is planned; this will.


Ile aux Rats Island Transport

Porlob is served via the main Vutukuru road by small tour carriers with boats operating between there and Lau to the north.

The vast majority of tourists travel here in rental motor vehicles; no ferries operate on Porlob lagoon regularly, nor do motored or sailing vessels visit regularly (unless they are at sea when making a return trip, outbound). There are often crews available for hire if so desired Tourism is a mainstay of the local economy; it provides employment for many locals and contributes significantly to national income.



Local cuisine is unique and traditional Fijian; Chinese and Indian restaurants (which have been in existence since the colonial era) are still extremely popular. Local food can be found on many of the island’s other outlying islands as well: The majority speak Māori/Fiji, few also speak Tahitian, Filipino or English.

Indigenous migration from elsewhere in Fiji reached Porlob over a century ago with sailors passing Porlob is a small island with limited agricultural land so the main source of food is seafood.

The local breadfruit and taro are used to make traditional dishes, such as “kilau lau”, “taumatua lapa” (both made from coconut milk) and sapodilla ice cream combined with pandanus/heartleafed palm sugar which gives it a distinctive flavour.



Porlob is home to a wide variety of native and migratory species. The Barlavento Coral Reef surrounds Porlob Island, as well where some great marine life such turtles can often also be found in the surrounding waters. On land there are wild pigs (often called “pigs” but more commonly known as the name porcupines), cassowaries, goats etc.; There appear to be no reptiles or lizards on the island.

Turtles can often be seen swimming in the ocean around Porlob as well. The island’s vegetation is primarily rainforest, with some mangrove and palm trees found near the water’s edge.


Despite the challenges which have been faced since European settlement, notably a series of cyclones that destroyed or damaged many houses and during World War II there are still remnants from these events visible in Porlob village. In addition to Fijian settlers like Cokanasiga’s family who arrived about three generations ago; as far back as British records go, some families arrive to what was then known locally called Koro Island.


1.Does India Have Any Islands?

Ans: * *Punto de Cruz Island in Philippines; St. Pauls Island (1939) Norway, Malta, Svalbard and Jan Mayen are other surviving islets from the historical exploration period

* We must also consider tiny pieces of rock off Australia like MacMurdo Inlet with a population on it

Is Porlob an independent nation? Whilst Porlob is not recognised as having any power over itself there has been.

2.Where Does The Coconut Palm Grow?

Ans: The Coconut Palm is native to west tropical and sub tropic regions

is it jungle in india called rishavar or other name where we can have any dansebaar dance<br>

3.Is It True That The Nicobars Had A Huge Treasure Buried And By Some Accounts An Island Full?

Ans: Yes, there is an old story in India relating to diamonds which was described as being found in Konark on Kamarupa (Orissa). It would have been stolen by one group and another group thought they were getting more than their fair share so they started fighting over the land where these diamonds are supposed

4.Why Do People Want To Visit Porlob Island?

Ans: Visitors to Porlob Island, Fiji like the scenery and sea life that abound there. Some claim it is because of a once considerable population here

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