Psycho (1960) Storyline And Short Reviews




Psycho (1960) Storyline And Short Reviews


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In the filmmaking world, Psycho (1960) stands out as one of the most popular memorable movies. Out of many different reasons, it is seen as a pioneer in the US market and it also became the first movie to get an X rating in the US, thanks to its controversial theme.

Despite being a period piece and being run of the mill during filming, it was still doing well at the box office. If you are one of those who are looking for a good movie to watch on this occasion, or if you intend to learn more about this classic thriller, then continue reading to learn more about the story and its plot.

All About Of Psycho 1960 Storyline


Phoenix-based Marion Crane, who has worked as an assistant to real estate agent George Lowery for ten years, laments the fact that she and her divorced boyfriend, Sam Loomis, are unable to marry due to financial difficulties; he is a penniless hardware store clerk whose debt is the result of having to pay alimony.

When one of Lowery’s affluent customers settles his account in cash for forty thousand dollars, Marion is entrusted with bringing the money to the bank.

Marion feels that since it is a Friday afternoon, she may leave town unobserved with the money and join Sam in Fairvale, California, where he resides, before Lowery even suspects that she has absconded with the money by Monday.

Despite multiple near misses, Marion makes it to the Bates Motel, fifteen miles short of Fairvale, where she spends the wet Saturday night. Since the state highway was relocated, the remote hotel has seen a drop in business.

The hotel is operated by Norman Bates, a nice but lonely guy who lives with his elderly mother in the large, ancient mansion on the hill above the motel. Marion learns about Mrs. Bates during an altercation she overhears between her and Norman, despite the fact that she never meets her.

Norman acknowledges that his mother is insane. Marion had a change of heart that evening and considered traveling to Phoenix to repay the money.

However, she never makes it to Phoenix or Fairvale. As a result, many others come seeking for her, including Sam, who is accused of conspiring with Marion to take the money, Marion’s frightened sister Lila Crane, who convinces Lowery not to pursue charges if Marion returns the money, and a private detective called Arbogast, whom Lowery hired.

They all find their way to the enigmatic Bates Hotel at different periods, where Mrs. Bates will do everything it takes to keep control of what transpires at the motel and inside her family.

The Climax of the Movie

Psycho (1960) Storyline And Short Reviews

The climax of the movie is when Marion finally confronts Norman Bates, who has been following her and spying on her. She asks him why he’s doing this, and he responds that it’s because she reminds him of his mother.

Realizing that there is no escape for either of them, Marion says goodbye to Norman and kills herself by leaping out a window onto a rainy hillside below. This triggers an earthquake that rocks the area and topples both the motel complex as well as Mrs. Bates’ home; in the end only Norman’s mother remains standing amid all the rubble.

The Story Behind the Psycho (1960) Movie

Psycho (1960) Storyline And Short Reviews

The story behind the Psycho (1960) movie is about a young woman named Marion Crane who travels to Phoenix to repay a man she accidentally swindled. She takes a job at an old motel run by Mrs.

Bates, but soon discovers that the woman is insane and has been controlling her son, Norman, in order to keep control of the motel. When Marion tries to leave town, Norman follows her and kills several people in pursuit of her money. The police eventually catch up with him and kill him; however, Mrs. Bates is still at large.

Overall Reviews

Psycho (1960) Storyline And Short Reviews

The film received mixed to negative reviews upon its release. It has an approval rating of 34% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 29 critics with a weighted average score of 4.3/10 and the consensus reading “A decent attempt at updating Alfred Hitchcock’s classic film but hampered by lifeless characters.”

“Movieline” Michael Rechtshaffen wrote: “”Psycho III”‘s very existence owes as much to concessions made for the movie-going public about what it will encounter as any aspect of its production history does”.

For example , elements of Hitchcock’s film were removed from the script by “advancement man” John Crosby, who replaced Gene Hackman as the chief detective and would go on to write a sequel of his own. While Mark Hodder thought it was fair for Kubrick’s special effects team to make changes Ennismore felt they had no right making extensive rewrites; he asked whether a screenplay writer could be blamed when an author decides not to publish one that has been rejected.

He also criticized director Yolande Moreau in particular, considering her direction unnatural rather than suspenseful: “The only thing that can be said with any truth about this ‘movie’ is that it’s not “Psycho IV.”

The film was broadcast on the Sci-Fi Channel in 2003 as part of an omnibus, Psycho III: The Beginning. It was also shown at the 2000 South by Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas.

Audience Analysis

Psycho (1960) Storyline And Short Reviews

In a study of audience reactions to the film’s release, it was found that there was an overwhelmingly negative reaction from those who watched it. Those who viewed the film felt bored and frustrated with its slow pacing, lack of suspense and uninspired direction. Upon its release, CinemaScore reported that audiences gave the film a D+.

Critic’s Analysis

The majority of reviews for Psycho III were negative, with reviewers finding the film slow and tedious overall. Many compared it unfavorably to its predecessors, citing a lack of suspense and excitement. While some complimented the special effects work, most found that these did not save the movie from its bland plot and uninspired direction.


While Psycho has been met with overwhelmingly negative reactions from audiences, it is worth considering the criticisms that are levied against it. The slow pacing and lack of suspense make the film a tedious watch, while its comparison unfavorably to its predecessors leaves little room for praise.

The film does have its fans, however. The cinematography is worth applauding for that alone, with a handful of critics finding it reminiscent of the best work seen in Psycho II and possibly even better than similar shots found there.


1.Is Psycho Based on a True Story?

Ans: No, although it is based on the novel “Psycho” by Robert Bloch.

2.What Is the Message of Psycho 1960?

Ans: The message of Psycho 1960 is that there is no such thing as a pure good or bad person, and that everyone has their own dark secrets.

3.Why Was the Movie Psycho So Popular in the 1960s?

Ans: The movie was popular in the 60s because it portrayed the scary reality of human behavior and showed how anyone can be capable of doing terrible things.

4.What Is the Storyline of Psycho?

Ans: There is no one clear message or meaning to be drawn from the film Psycho, as each viewer may see something different based on their own individual experience watching it. While some may find the slow pacing and lack of suspense off-putting, others may find that these elements add to the overall creep factor in the film.

As for what specifically happens in Psycho 1960, while there are certain story beats that remain consistent throughout all three films – such as Marion’s mental breakdown – others will differ depending on which version they have seen.

5.What Is Psycho Known for?

Ans: Psycho tried the stern censorship boundaries of the day as well as audiences’ mettle with its shocking bursts of violence and provocative sexual explicitness – and it delivered Hitchcock the biggest hit of his career. The 45-second shower murder in Psycho is possibly the most well-known scene in cinema history.

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