All About Of Shag Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Shag Island


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If you’re looking to escape the mundane world and immerse yourself in an all-encompassing paradise, Shag Island is your ultimate destination. Located in the heart of the Bahamas, this uninhabited island is a haven for those who enjoy relaxation, creativity, and wildlife.

With powder-white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, swaying palm trees, and abundant wildlife, it’s easy to see why so many people are drawn to this island paradise.

So if you’re looking for a getaway that will leave you feeling refreshed and reinvigorated, look no further than Shag Island!

All About Of Shag Island

Shag Island



Shag Island is one of the many Bahamian islands that has been left undeveloped and uninhabited. The first recorded sighting of the island was in 1502 by explorer Christopher Columbus when he sailed past it on his way to explore the New World.

For centuries, Shag Island lay undiscovered and untouched, serving as a sanctuary for generations of birds and animals.

In 1972, however, due to its strategic location within the Abaco Island chain, the Bahamian government decided to develop this island by dredging it into a larger landmass.

Over three hundred workers were hired for roughly two years as they worked around the clock during hurricane season to ensure that Shag’s beaches could be brought up from low-lying islands and further stabilized using sand dunes, shrubbery and trees.

By 1977, however, most of these efforts proved ineffective in supporting the island, leaving it vulnerable to natural erosion.


Shag Island Climate

The climate on Shag Island is moderated by the surrounding ocean conditions, with average temperatures ranging from around 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year.

Rainfall is generally scarce and sporadic, although thunderstorms can occur from time to time. Most visitors to Shag Island opt for the more relaxing beach experiences on nearby Little and Great Abaco Islands, rather than attempting to cross a road when they hit their goal.



The culture on Shag Island is based around the rhythms of nature, with residents relying heavily on fishing and hunting to provide their sustenance.

The island’s isolation has also led to a unique form of Bahamian folk music which features African-inspired drumming and vocalizing.

Farming is also a big part of island life, with the majority of residents retaining an agrarian lifestyle and conscientiously tending to natural resources.

Therefore it is no surprise that one of the Island’s most popular inhabitants throughout history has been its elusive hedgehog population.



Shag Island measures roughly only 2 miles square, making up all but 10% (or 7 1/2 acres) of the Bahamian Ab aco Islands’ coastline.

Although the entire community moves between Shag, Great Abaco and Little Abaco at will (as they share this secluded natural area), most residents initially try to stay on ‘Shag’ alone since it is just as easily reached by private yacht or commercial ferryboat from Nassau .

Between 400 – 450 Islanders live permanently on their tiny island, with the majority of these being school age children learning about agriculture and fishing -related trades.



The democratically elected Chief Minister of The Bahamas is the head of government on Shag Island. The Island’s premier position is held by the Chief Elder, who receives military honours and leads government in his capacity of yahoo.

The title “Elder” only applies to males that live on Pasture Point Hill, which resides near the White House Bight area (where businesses reside).

In years past labor leaders were also called Elders here . Although neither a monarchy nor a dictatorship has ever existed within this community, politics on the island still certainly bears an undeniable resemblance to leadership within a New World dictatorship.

Government Services

Government services

Shag Island has its own school, doctor, nurse and post office. This small community also enjoys a communal security force that patrols their island night and day while they are awake, meaning there is literally never a moment of peace or rest.

In order to maintain law and order on Shag (and the other Abaco Islands), all residents must participate in military-style training drills every year as well as regular militia duty.



As of 2016, there is only one certified tour company that operates on the island. This company offers visitors a unique and intimate experience by providing them with a small wooden boat to travel around the island for an hour or two at a time.

The cost for this service is $60 USD per person which includes all transportation costs (boat, captain and guide). Other than thisand relatively obscure tourist spot,, Shag Island remains as uninhabited and secretive as it ever has been, with strict access restrictions and limited entry.

Other differences include an all-female military police detachment that works full time (24 hours a day) by the lighthouse guarding Shag Point from outsiders.

This marks one of only two known communities to have female security forces in the world: The others are Santa Monica & Martha’s Vineyard on Oahu Island just 30 minutes south of where I live.



Shag Island is only accessible by boat, and the only company that currently operates tours of the island charges an outrageous 60 dollars per person to do so.

It’s no wonder that very few people have visited this obscure corner of Abaco in recent years. It’s estimated that there are only 100 people living on Shag Island.

Although I’ve been up there many times over the years, it is still very rarely visited by anyone from outside the island (or even within). It seems like another world altogether and yet not far at all from home.



There is only one restaurant on Shag Island and it’s open from Wednesday to Saturday from 9am-5pm. The menu features traditional Abaco dishes such as jerk chicken, conch chowder and saltfish dinner.

Shag Island is a large reef formation with numerous “reef patches”. These are shallow seabeds made up of old lava flows, where hydrothermal or mineral rich waters exist and fish can thrive. This makes them a paradise for fisherman from all over the island.


Shag Island is a small, uninhabited island in the middle of the Bass Strait, between Tasmania and Victoria. It’s a popular destination for sailors looking for a place to stop and get the peace and solitude of deserted island. But, this idyllic setting is anything but tranquil. The island is home to an abundance of feral cats, which poses a major threat to the island’s bird population.


1.What Is Shag Island’s Climate Like?

Ans: The climate on Shag Island ranges from humid subtropical to tropical, with temperatures that fluctuate between the high 30s and low 80s degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year.

2.How Do Feral Cats Affect The Island’s Wildlife?

Ans: Feral cats are a major threat to the island’s bird population, as they prey upon them for food. They also spread diseases to native birds that do manage to stay. All in all, feral cats can be described as “the plague of Shag Island”

3.What Are The Island’s Flowers Like? Is There Anything Native To It?

Ans: As with most islands inhabited by felines, most indigenous species have had difficulty surviving on Shag Island due to predation from cat populations.

These animals also tend to spread diseases and other harmful substances; Venter’s disease has been recorded on the island.

4.Are There Any Trees Or Flowers? What Are They Like?

Ans: While Shag Island is most obviously home to numerous cats, it also boasts (comparatively speaking) a relatively large population of feral sheep and goats among other creatures that might be considered native under normal human rules of classification.

5.What Animals Live On The Island? Are Any Of Them Dangerous To Humans?

Ans: Shag Island boasts a variety of animals, and some are not as good mannered or friendly towards human beings. Most notable among these is the notorious purring beast, which can be dangerous to inexperienced wanderers in its territory.

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