Silver Linings Playbook Frequently Asked Questions



Silver Linings Playbook Frequently Asked Questions


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Silver Linings Playbook is a 2012 American romantic drama film written and directed by David O. Russell, based on the novel of the same name by Matthew Quick. The film stars Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, Chris Tucker, Jackie Weaver, and Julia Stiles. In this article, we will answer all the burning questions related to this fine movie. So, stay tuned with us till the end of the article to quench your thirst for the answers!

Silver Linings Playbook Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is It Called Silver Linings Playbook?

It was named Silver Linings Playbook as the story revolves around Pat, a depressed young man who is suicidal and has anger issues. Go through a few of his dialogues in this trailer: In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, director David O Russell explained the title choice for his latest film:

“It’s based on my favorite movie magazine cover ever… I just love it because you see at first glance something very dark going on, and then as you read, it is a whole different story, and it’s not what people expect… I just like taking a punch in the face when an audience first looks at something, which is why we are keeping the title.”

The movie had various titles before Silver Linings Playbook: The Protector. Some of them had to do with New Jersey sports teams, for example, golden state or panasol –since Pat’s hometown was used to make that film. He was named ‘golden linings’ in the scene que from the trailer when he was training and talking to his mother.

Which Star Has Most Prominently Worked Together With Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook?

Yes, you guessed it! He stars along with Jennifer Lawrence, who was recently awarded Best Actress Academy Awards for her work as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games earlier this year. So, now that everyone’s favorite comeback girl Julia Stiles stars too –things are getting interesting after all…

What Mental Illness Does Tiffany Have in Silver Linings Playbook?

The protagonist of Silver Linings Playbook, Tiffany, has bipolar disorder which is mostly identified as manic depression. One’s mood swings generally change several times in a single day and can be quite disruptive to the lives of those within the household.

Yet, there are pros and cons associated with this condition; one would have to evaluate whether being permanently unstable or crashing on planes daily are better options for them than normal people (yes- not everyone is insane). In the end, it all depends on each specific case. If you have this condition, then definitely talking to your doctor would be compulsory!

Is Jennifer Lawrence Depressed?

Jennifer Lawrence had a great time shooting Silver Linings Playbook, and she was excited about her role in David O. Russell’s movie because they used to exchange long phone calls when they worked together previously in “I Heart Huckabees” (2004), which they also worked together in “House at the end of the Street” (2010).

She practiced singing and dancing a lot before auditioning for this movie as she tries to explain that when you sing or dance, everything just clicks. She wanted to be happy on screen while making her transition from being a serious soul-searcher into someone who could still laugh but whose life gets happier every day because no matter how bad things get, she strives to keep going on.

Why Didn’t Any of the Characters in ‘silver Linings Playbook’ Ever Talk About Mental Health?

The very first scene when Pat and Tiffany met each other is quite hilarious because they came from different backgrounds but equally high achieving ones, which made them come across as a typical trashy rich couple with superficial causes for anger like bipolar disorder, addiction to pain medication or being estranged by parents etc.

However, they are only indirectly referring to mental health here. I would love to know why they didn’t ever bring it up even in their dialogue, and how these people live normal lives as mentioned above was beyond me too because all of them just characteristically do things without having a discussion about what’s important for each matter.

Like, wanting more security for themselves than “being who you were before” or preventing an extra casualty befalling them by being okay with looking at the world through different eyes, which would be nice to see.

Is Silver Lining Playbook a True Story?

I think it is. For the people that have a conversation about mental health and haven’t watched this movie yet, do watch them first as they touch on some heavy moments in life that are necessary to eventually reach full peace of mind.

Hence, I would highly appreciate your views because we should reflect more often and be our very own experts (quoting from MJPG’s quote above) at the same time when deeming important matters about mental health on such a large scale.

What Is the Message in Silver Linings Playbook?

I believe ultimately, all of us as human beings should inspire love instead of getting bored with others (and sometimes even ourselves) in today’s era. Therefore, Silver Linings Playbook serves to teach its viewers that being secure within oneself and having confidence towards one another are the best ways of living a life filled with peace.

This is because we all will be happier when facing things together rather than by avoiding each other altogether while enjoying what little time we have in this world with our own happiness in mind. Ultimately all of us should try and live together as best we can while making everyone feel fulfilled within themselves, leaving them to be happier without waiting for everything to turn around ideally – that is what the people who lived happily ever after are doing, right?

Like how Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper) and Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) were able to survive a lifetime filled with pros like family, friends and life in general. I suppose this is where I have to separate the movie from our reality since it would be hard for me personally as a viewer of Silver Linings Playbook (which was very sad that some do not understand too). But we all should try convincing everyone directly affected by drug abuse (including non-addicted victims) and domestic violence who understands the effects on many people.

Is Silver Linings Playbook an Accurate Depiction of Bipolar?

All defenses in this drama were created to portray the characters of Tiffany and Pat Solitano as what their world was like at night; how they went along with each other’s way through the pain, resentment and devastation that these patients experienced by having bipolar disorder.

These sad endings showed that those suffering from manic depression did not have a family member or friend who understood them (as many do wish for) – Pennsatucky especially had no one to confide in or be near her as she felt alone and lonely.

I can find from this movie that no one should expect to receive a good life because some may not be even considerate enough to know what they do is wrong before it causes harm; we all have certain house guests who are very addictive/destructive people that end up being intolerable, so why give your health over? Pat Solitano eventually refused with Tiffany toward him, but the reality is you should want so much more than materialistic things to cope with emotional turmoil.

Will Pat Solitano Stay Bipolar After This Movie, and How Will His Relationship With Tiffany Progress?

I was very glad that they were able to grow past each other and separate on their own as a former friend of theirs began dating Pat’s wife while he slowly fell back into pain (although still appearing somewhat happy romantically) – but for Pat, it was only the beginning of what would eventually be his downfall.

Because Tiffany refused to hire a psychiatrist, she did not take medication and instead ended up in depression; thus suffering from bipolar disorder (although there is hope that this may perhaps fulfill her). Pat continued on with normal life values, as he mentioned earlier, having no idea how bad things truly were because “I’m just thinking about your hair.” –

Although I think the phrase “thinking about your hair” refers to his wife more than himself. Pat, you have ADHD and bipolar disorder; afterward, just be sure that it does not hit you when you are with others (with the exception of a good therapist).

Why Does Pat Wear a Garbage Bag?

It is a metaphor for Pat’s depression. It also represents his own self-worth because that is what he appears to put most of himself into, so think about how it may sometimes feel when people just don’t care an awful lot about you enough to be bothered with your problems and such – as it does have value but maybe not the worth expressed in materialistic fashion.

Even though now I realize probably being used yet again in this scene and lastly added on purpose, I am still pretty happy with this scene (being the very first one for a change). The end of Silver Linings Playbook is quite ambiguous in regard to whether it was actually just anger at Pat or if they had known that he only wanted Tiffany all along. Personally, however even though I felt warmth when seeing them receive their final vows together – although how did Pat feel?

A nice little epilogue all in all. I’m not really sure if I expected to hear a reaction off Pat after seeing the end reveal of this scene – with him silently disgusted at his life and everything, but instead, he just lost it completely, leaving us quite curious on why he made himself such an ass in the first place?

What Is the Role of Jennifer Lawrence in the Movie Silver Linings Playbook?

Jennifer Lawrence is an extremely talented actress. The movie Silver Linings Playbook revolves around her character Tiffany, who has a very interesting life and story to tell us all! The role requires Jennifer having to achieve levels of maturity that she didn’t really reach earlier in her career.

While it might appear like the most straightforward kind of casting in collaboration with Bradley Cooper, this couple is not together every day on set, so there was time for both characters to share some quality-of-life scenes together and however the script developed, their different personalities played out at times.

Bradley had ideas about what he wanted to do with Tiffany’s relationship development, and those led down some particular directions. The shooting schedule wasn’t too long, so they were lucky that it worked well for them both in rehearsal sessions within a short length of time.

In fact, Jennifer only did seven weeks’ rehearsals before filming because she was constantly busy other than on set. She also enjoyed the crew getting to know her as a person and being with other people who were all celebrating making this film, too.

What Is the Role of Robert De Niro in the Film Silver Linings Playbook?

De Niro played the character Pat Solitano, Sr. Pat is famous for being a teacher who never graduates from teaching and therefore doesn’t know how to constructively deal with his students. He treats them as he deals with his own behavior, which quite frankly is not always the best!

Robert De Niro totally enjoyed playing Pat Solitano because this guy was fun to play and offered him an opportunity of using some big-screen techniques that Robert hadn’t been allowed to use previously on other projects.

Audiences got to know Pat early on in the film – they learned that this was a different kind of guy from the rest who knows how he wants things to be and when. With Pat, Robert De Niro’s own background seemed to play out as if it were occurring within his character versus since he himself had experienced any qualities relating specifically with those performances.

To even make sense for audiences about why De Niro chose such an unlikable character was a huge challenge. De Niro said that he did try to understand how Pat worked, although it still took many sessions of discussions and changes in performance before trying things out with the camera crew.

What Were Some of Robert De Niro’s Favorite Scenes on Set?

The sequence where Jennifer does her slow dance prior to their big fight scene is probably one for me as well  I really like those kinds of scenes because the steps are so specific and really need to be communicated well. The scene in the Stairwell when Pat is teaching Sam has many difficult things that had to happen from different angles before anything could look believable.

How Did Robert De Niro Create Pat Solitano to His Liking?

Most of my predecessors who have played this character go by being highly endearing – they lead characters that are easy to love and identify with. Somehow Robert, who wasn’t a performer, discerned De Niro’s abilities as an actor and decided on creating a particular kind of character quite unlike the ones previously seen in that movies industry. For De Niro, it must have been an interesting challenge to not play a likable character and try instead to create one that is so ‘unlikeable.’

Yet, in the sense of how he carried out his actual performance on camera, yet doing so with such realistic aspects – we still fundamentally saw Pat’s human side. That was really one of our responses since he did lack any qualities for endearing audiences into duality or sympathy. “The film is not about a fight between Pat and Sam – it’s really the story of an unintimidated little boy who becomes almost self-sustaining in his bravery.

Is Silver Lining Playbook Worth Watching?

If you are, in general, okay with watching other trashy romantic dramas, then I would suggest it. If, on the contrary, people like me, such as those who come from stronger and not so superficial backgrounds, will fill this space entirely by saying they didn’t find something to enjoy. This is because a lot of scenes in the story have been pretty difficult to handle, yet these issues weren’t ever duly touched upon.

However, if you can remember that there’s always a silver lining for everything (just like when Lim Kim and Co. finally broke up because he was simply too hurtful towards her), then I believe there’s something to be held within the plotline of Silver Lining Playbook which is not direct conflicts but rather inner conflicts.

Everyone eventually will have at one point in their lives as they analyze all things around them, including themselves (which is also what Lim did personally in certain scenes in the movie) and their own future paths. Thus, I would suggest it for people who like a lot of complicated inner conflicts that disappoint but yet won’t raise red flags (silver linings will be there).


Silver Linings Playbook can be a great watch. You may already know that by reading the article this far. Throughout the article, we have tried to answer all the related questions of Silver Linings Playbook. We hope our efforts were enough to please you guys with the right answers. If you have any more questions left, please leave them in the comment box.

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