Snape Island – You Have To Konw



Snape Island


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Snape Island is an uninhabited island located south of Tasmania, off the east coast of Australia. The island is part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area and is part of the Australian National Heritage List.

It is also classified as an IUCN Category VI protected area, meaning that it has high conservation value because of its threatened fauna and flora.

Snape Island History

Snape Island

The island is named after the English shipping captain John Snape, who discovered it in 1802. It was claimed for Tasmania by Governor George Arthur in 1853 and became a convict station. A lighthouse was constructed on the island in 1886. The island has been used as an emergency landing ground for planes travelling over Bass Strait and as a base for birdwatching expeditions.

Natural features

Natural features

Snape Island is high, steep-sided and covered with wildflowers including mallee ebony (Eucalyptus stenocarpa), koala bears (Phascolarctos cinereus), small-flowered peppermint (Olavia plantaginea). It has a forest of old growth trees and shrubs, including large pandanus palms. The island support seven species of katipo bird that are found nowhere else in the world. The island is home to the rare lost-wattled katipo, a flightless parrot that was thought extinct as recently as 1907.

The rare dugong (Dugong dugon) occasionally visits this protected area.



The climate is cool and wet with occasional frost. There are two weather systems that affect the island. The first begins over Bass Strait, then radiates to southern Tasmania in particular during the winter and spring months. In summer there is much warmer air aloft located southeast of Tasmania.

It should be noted that winters on Snape Island can be quite cold because of its proximity to open ocean water temperatures may become ten degrees lower than those recorded near Hobart; although freak frosts do occur from time-to-time in January and February (when compounded by a solar angle as low as 15°).

Snape’s climate is classified as oceanic with cool summers and mild winters without rain or snow. The annual mean is only 28 °C, although the monthly average temperature in summer ranges from 21 to 27 degrees Celsius (70–81°F). Temperatures range in winter from 0-8 degrees celsius with lows at nighttime.



The traditional economy has been based mainly on stock farming and dairy production. Snapes island is now home to a growing number of businesses involved in tourism, including a luxury lodge. Tourism on this island mostly relates to eco and/or theme based experiences such as bush walking, fishing, kayaking etc. A number of commercial accommodation options now exist for visitors including a boutique hotel and restaurant.

The main industries are basically cottage industries being tourism (going from 100 people in the early 1940s only 12 houses were inhabited), working sheep farms less than 1000 head but the increase is twenty-fold since 1960’s we operate a dairy farming business with over 1200 free range ewes rearing lambs per year that’s about 60% of our total wool quality.

Snape Island has very good appeal to the bushwalking fanatics due to its natural beauty. The island is approximately 2 km long from east-west, and about half a km wide at either end with steep cliffs opening onto rugged sea caves, rock stacks and bays.



Snapes, Tasmania is represented in the Australian House of Representatives by Liberal MP Scott Morrison. The last time a member of the Labor party won Snapes was in 1998 when Kevin Rudd became Prime Minister. Scott Morrison has held the seat of Lilley in Queensland since a by-election on 18 January 2013.

Government services

Government services

The Essential Services Act 1999 provides for the delivery of a range of government services to residents on Snapes. The Island Council provides a wide range of municipal services including road maintenance, water supply and sewerage. Police protection is provided by Tasmania Police Service.

Emergency service provision is the responsibility of Surf Coast Ambulance Service who have mutual aid agreements with Tasair Rural Fire Brigade, Devonport City Ambulance Service and Launceston General Hospital. The Lord of the Manor, Robert Cole Headley Murray (1882 – 1944) was a Member of Parliament (MHR), serving in both houses. He was an advocate for social reform and promoted farm workers’ rights.

His wife Kate Daisy Beaumont-Murray (1909–2006) wrote poetry with themes based on personal experiences at “Hyde Park” as well as other farms around Tasmania. She collected 1000 pieces which have been published to commemorate her selfless work helping other Tasmanians during what are now regarded has being some of the most active farming years ever known.



Snapes is marketed as a day trip from Launceston. Visitors can enjoy walks on the cliffs, rock climbing, bird watching and kayaking in local bays. The town has a collection of information boards and retaining walls that have been erected to guide visitors to the various locations around Snapes.


Transportation on Abbott Island

There is no public transport service to Snapes. The nearest bus stop is located in Launceston, approximately a one-hour walk from the town centre.



Snapes is known for its locally produced produce, including apples, pears, plums and grapes. It is also home to the Snapes Farmers’ Market which takes place on the first Saturday of every month.


Snape Island is a large and uninhabited island located in the Hauraki Gulf in New Zealand. The island was named after Alfred W. Snape, a surveyor who discovered the island in 1873 while mapping the Gulf. Administratively, the island is part of the Auckland Council unit of the Hauraki Gulf Islands region.


1.What Can I Do On Snape Island?

Ans: There is no visitor centre or organized events on Snape Island, so visitors are free to explore the island’s natural environment and enjoy the serenity of this remote location. Hiking trails and cliffs lead around the coastline while kayaking opportunities abound in local bays.

2.Can I Stay Overnight On Snape Island?

Ans: No, due to its remoteness, there are currently no accommodations available for overnight visitors to Snape Island.

3.Do I Need To Bring Anything With Me On Snape Island?

Ans: While there is no visitor centre or organized events on the island, visitors are free to explore its natural environment and enjoy the serenity of this remote location. Some basic supplies like snacks and water will be necessary while visiting.

4.Is There Any Access To The Internet Or Cell Phone Service On Snape Island?

Ans: There is no wireless or internet access available on the island.

5.What Is The Weather Like On Snape Island?

Ans: The climate on Snape Island is tropical and mild. During winter, occasional showers can lead to cooler temperatures, while during summer the island typically experiences very high humidity levels that can make it unbearable for some visitors.

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