South Reef Island



South Reef Island


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It’s not just a beautiful island, it’s a place that makes you want to dive into the ocean, a place you want to spend your life on. That’s why it’s called South Reef Island. A place like this, surrounded by mysteries, filled with strength and mystique, isn’t something we often find in our world. Learn more about South Reef Island and about what it takes to be the next Sandbanks – such an important contributor of tourism in our region.

South Reef Island


South Reef Island was discovered by a German who, in 1887, gave the name Seeriet (Sandbanks). In 1965, when Ghana gained its independence from Britain it decided to change the name and South Reef Island became part of Ghana.

During British administration though it still remained under Crown Colony control so that for some odd reason – unknown even to many locals today – since 1970 everyone referred to this beautiful sandy island as Bunkers or Bellevue .

In 1970 the Harrison Government introduced British Union Flag to serve as Ghana’s National Emblem. That was too much, from one beautiful island (with all sorts of secrets) and invaded by a flag that represented an empire which we’re all very familiar with now! The local community decided then and there their own old name would be restored and in 1971 officially returned South Reef Island back to its former Kingdom of Portugal . This proud period is highly anticipated for.


Most of the year, especially from October to March, South Reef Island experiences a tropical climate with average temperature around 26.3C and annual rainfall of 1246 mm . The months when fetching amounts are high is during summer December up till March 12th 2017 where rainfall can reach almost 500mm

Age=”12+”Genre=” Adventure “> We are located at the western tip of Cape Coast Ghana. Situated on a square limestone platform, this is one of only few islands off between Akropong and Accra Peninsula where there can be seen many endangered plants .

You’ll find beautiful beaches such as Popular Beach , South End Beach or 10 Yams beach which occasionally shows showings from Grey Nurse sharks that reside here since 1992 years when they were first spotted and by now you’re more.


We are located around 8 miles from the Cape Coast Historical Museum. We offer a Castle, Garden, Beach and other spaces for wedding ceremonies. The Ghanaian culture reveals is rich in arts, craftsmanship which often exhibition during festivals and fairs all over Africa west coast (especially back home ).

Now you can enjoy some true Ghanian entertainment at our venue or as we say to “inclusion” of cultural needs and finds Our festival theme launching this.


Our hotel is located in a very private area of Cape Coast Peninsula with no street access, on the oceanfront just to keep us private exactly where we want and need. Our aim for other deep water shoreline is next sea beach fishes inside proximity during all high season (May through November) which will be our part . This offers guests who like an exotic way of seeing their guest enjoying themselves or maybe outside hoping new things might happen such as bird watching or adventurous sports.

We extend this service with your booking, we can supply you the GPS coordinates of our private beach conveniently if you would like to go and discover nature on her own (not permitted persons without permission may only access is limited). It’s a 4 hour round-trip which will take away total more than half day touring by car through mountainous roads that are also hard giving high chances for accidents in traffic.


South Reef Island Transport

We offer daily shuttle bus from Cape Coast area to the hotel. We also have a private car service available within minutes in case visitors would like so if you are interested just call our personalized number to speak with us (tel ☎ +233(0)696 96 99 93).

Our transfer vehicles and company is easy, reliable professional yet low-key which operate around all year round weather seasons by covering journey times of usually about 4 hours round trip.


South Reef Island Cuisine

Our cuisine partner is The House of the Blacksmith Café (Double Tree) where we managed to sign a five star menu. Its day guests can get different and limited options which not such as extensive in number however still gives clear quality food including international dishes, local African specialties, drinks & desserts etc.. Whereas Africans living there or willing have privileged ability of preparing artful menus for their loved ones when they have company coming over from Europe by visiting.


South Reef Island Wildlife

Palm trees and rock surrounding the beach are no less than the animals which usually escape peoples attention just because of their small or sedentary size. Boulders effecting in creating superb grounds where our hotel is situated with its sand close to surface protected by fine water along perimeter margins never causing harm on main facilities, soil particles as regularly flowing waves in between giving camouflage.

This places only few meters away from Tanji River & Dongaswan Wildlife.


The final outcome is for everyone to welcome, and we have never regretted in our decision. We are very confident that anyone willing so should always come into contact with the National Geographic Hotels & Resorts who will remain committed no matter what challenges may arise on those grounds of which we founded Wild Coast Resort all along. The resources below are for the readers’ reference to better educate themselves about our tourism project and encourage them to support us by voting yes on Saturday of 29 May 2012.


Why Tourists Are Not Allowed in Nicobar Islands?

Tourists are not allowed in Nicobar Islands as the archipelago is home to a large variety of endangered species and coral reefs.  In order to preserve its natural environment and species habitats, these islands have banned foreigners from landing on them since 1978. This ban has been in effect for more than 20 years now.

Which is India’s Smallest State?

India has eight sisters that are states – Lakshadweep, Pondicherry (Puducherry), Goa, Orissa (Oriya: Odisha). Consequently tiny but beautiful Kerala on the southern tip of continental peninsular there amongst them because an independent republic as a sea which remains

How Many Islands India Have?

India has 714 islands which include Bharti Island in Andaman and Nicobar Islands (located towards the eastern side of her huge land mass), Lakshadweep, Puducherry and also one part on the south part of Delhi as Jaipal – a name coming from Hindustani language –a bastardised Hindi word Orot Pal meaning “place to play”

Is There a Place Called Reef Island?

Yes, there is a place called as Reef Island. If you are interested in living at sea then this unique island resort located on the beautiful Nicobar islands of Andaman and Nicobar (more popularly known as many erroneously refer to I&N) Stewardship Tourism – the process aims to preserve the existing ecosystems while giving local people an opportunity to share their remote experience with tourists.

Where Was Reef Break Shot?

This is a safe anchorage in the Southern channel of Andaman Sea. Thirties (referred to as Crooky and also occasionally pronounced “Treacoby” by local players) Reef Break was shot under enormous time constraint at this very place.

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