The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button 2008 Story line and Short reviews




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The movie starts with the title card ‘2046’ and the scene shifts to two years later. It shows an old man named Benjamin Button who has the ability to age backwards. He learns of a secret plan to reverse time and save the world from a devastating global catastrophe set in motion by his younger self. The narration of the film goes from here.

All About Of The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button 2008 Story line

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button 2008...

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button 2008 Story line

Benjamin Button isn’t a widely known story idea. This critical hit is based on the life of a 70-year-old man and not something new in cinema world. But despite being an old concept doesn’t mean it’s been be done badly or missed with audiences, apparently Benjamiin: The Boxer has proven this right away since its release last December 2008 it earned almost $ 200million (USD).

The principal love interest with this movie is Daisy Ridley. Her character possesses abnormal aging properties and the narrative flirts with Edward Norton’s relationship to his son portrayed by Patrick Wilson, furthermore it explores the relationship between men and women in terms of physical attraction.


The story, as mentioned inside the introductory chapter is about a young man who ages at an extremely rapid speed. He is in his twenties when the story starts, but by the age of seventy he looks like a man who’s pushing 80. It all began with some unexplained and unexplainable trauma he experienced at an early age as well as some sort of mystery that surrounded him from childhood till present time (at least it was rare for me)!

I saw this movie few days ago; I don’t think I’ll watch another film after that even if there

This movie has fast and smooth editing so that it can get straight to the point all without making viewers dizzy with all its irrelevant details or any unnecessary movements. We could confirm this since in each part of this movie are shown only one-two minutes of extra scenes which otherwise no exist just for experiments created by director David Fincher

Rising Action

As mentioned previously, the movie is about Benjamiin (played by Edward Norton) and his actress wife left for a long time in Paris until 2005. His son Banksy played by Patrick Wilson has gone somewhere leaving everything behind just to go after some unknown reason; he also didn’t give any sign of life through emails or phone call.

This circumstance creates mystery inside him which leads us on Johnson’s quest around New York City where all these answers are mostly found. Along the way he finds things that brings us on an unexpected finale towards this very extensive chase sequence in New York City



There are many ups and downs in this movie. We witness death of Robert Neville’s (played by Morgan Freeman) daughter & his wife (Maria Bello), we’ve seen Benjamiin shooting at a man who has kidnapped Chase; we have some great gun-fight scenes along the way including one which is staged using only computer-generated effects for various elements until that time it was considered impossible to copy reality with CGI or motion capture technology like in Avatar.

Falling Action

Falling Action

The fall action consists of falling into crime department and getting caught by police. Along the way, he somehow manages to dodge various traps including a collapsing bridge just to escape in time until we finally see him get arrested with very end credits.

There are some moments that suggest after-effects from each sequel because this effect is felt more on 2005 Benjamiin than 95 version portrayed by Edward Norton; for example 90’s version is seen sending Lester (played by Shia LeBeouf) to help Benjamiin in Paris and eventually have a talk with him but once time goes onwards we witness Benjamiin doing everything alone without any clue of who sent them.

It is said that there are connection between sequel, or the attempts to create a prophecy; but those attempting things never come unless it was prophesied beforehand. Another thing I heard from some articles was ”

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button 2008 Short reviews

Officially the movie meets up to 103 and will go so far as 106 in 4blings. But once again, I stick with my belief that it didn’t met 102 since i just AMPOINTED for this theoretical division (OO)

The very first minutes are quite disappointing though because we assume a family tragedy on families of different states but after watching all movies except Limbo (another probable non-fiction film), I am disappointed. The story is going towards a family background but it’s just only much informative part of the plot and there are many troubles in adapting another review that i can discuss here.


The movie is just like your local police detective in movies, a character that must solve the case no matter at how impossible it will be. That’s as far there should be comparisons of this and other cop- series such as “The Shield”, maybe they are similar but those two aren’t even blurring lines anymore.

I haven’t seen all four entries yet but what I can tell you right now is not to expect anything extraordinary because Locke has broken free of the main story and escape with “Crash “.

May be, this is acceptable for some oldies who had seen him first time back in 2000’s so there won’t be any big shock at least. I think everyone must agree that as Pierce comes out just as Locke did; it’ll have meaningless point to go into detail here without a good predicting ability like 003 writer himself because he has no intention towards dragging movie longer than


1.What Is the Theme of the Curious Case of Benjamin Button Short Story?

Ans: The theme of The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button is about time. How a man can change over and over again with his life experiences. Through the years, he turns from 12-year old boy to old age person but through it all still managed to live an ordinary simple enjoyable life in interesting situations as seen by him in history personally.

2.Is the Curious Case of Benjamin Button a True Story?

Ans: The short story of The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button takes place in a fictional world. Its primary objective is to invent the plot and create it within an imaginary environment so that reader can enjoy the story better than if they would try to experience it themselves.

3.Who Is the Narrator in the Curious Case of Benjamin Button Short Story?

Ans: The nameless narrator plays the most important part in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button short story. He is portrayed as a boy which takes shape into an old man and then back to his childhood state.

Throughout all his changes, he narrates things based on hindsight over time showing us only facts that make sense given what’s happening in the movie but because it has no name (or at least not yet given), we must assume that these are all real

4.Is ‘the Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ a Good Movie?

Ans: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is not a bad movie. It’s pretty good but does have one big problem that makes it very unfullfilling as a great time pass watch for its cost; the main character, who was an intriguingly powerful loathing anti-hero must die at the end to explain why he can’t change back

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