The English Patient 1996 Story Line And Short Reviews



The English Patient 1996 FAQ


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The English Patient 1996, Susannah York, Ralph Fiennes The film tells the story of an airman.

During World War II in Italy, he gets trapped by the Germans for eight years and falls in love with a charming nurse who goes through it all to help him recover his identity as much as possible. This movie is about time elapsed between two characters during world war 2.

All About Of The English Patient 1996 Story Line

The english patient 1996 Story line and Short reviews

The English Patient 1996 Story line

The english patient 1996 Plot In World War II, an unnamed English Patient falls in love with a German-speaking Physician in Head Hospital. The english patient movie based on true events and is one of the few romantic drama movies set in face to Face situation between Germany & England during world war 2 .In 1988 , Chris Menges wrote about his experience as an airman for The Sunday Times newspaper under the title The English Patient:


The english patient 1996 Story line -In the introduction, a mysterious Englishman is found in an Italian hospital. His story proves to have many gaps and it’s not clear what happened exactly between him and his companion during 8 years of World War 2 .

The english patient 1992 Movie Scenes The following are some scenes from 1993 film directed by Anthony Minghella.Ed Harris won Best Actor Academy Award for his performance as ‘Desert Rat’ poet.

Rising Action

Love Drama .uk News – The film is based on a book, and some readers were upset that the all-star cast of Richard Gere, Ben Kingsley (who has won multiple awards for this role), Ralph Fiennes(Anthony Hopkins Actor), Michelle Pfiefer , Elias Koteas (Josh Lucas) who barely shows up in the movie .

The english patient 1996 Mystery Plot

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The english patient movie climax is when ‘Rostam’ and his companions realize that it’s time to move on as he has been in this particular hospital so long, without money or a reference book.

There won’t be an opening ceremony for them , because German authorities believe English patients aren’t real people with lives of their own. Rostam embraces the new circumstances by reading poems into towels using badly spelled words before they leave the building one last time

Falling Action


The film resolves in France across the English Channel. The two remaining friends talk about their adventures and come to an understanding of how they want to regard life.

The Resolution Sequence  tells us that over a period of time both these men adopt new identities, seek different ends for themselves-both surviving in modern society .Ed Harris plays American poet who becomes Forrest Ackerman actor Elias Koteas) become a painter with cancer –

The Beginning Sequence tells us that Namekian Rostam and English Patient ‘Hausafas’ were interrogated using an experimental electronic system made out of human hair, sheep wool and carrot seeds.

They were subjected to different kinds of electrical pulses leading to a breakdown in their health .Both became extremely similar illnesses-short term memory loss , dizziness, feeling drained at times sleep walking , hallucinating hearing voices etc – Treatment via

The English Patient 1996 Short reviews

Best part of movie is the music, a minimalistic piano and flute ..Noises in background are at times irritating , sentence followed by silence with wail that follows it also annoys but as said earlier some of these parts go to help us connect our pain for characters .I felt Rustam’s fear when he saw monster only because this character has never seen one before- his mind would explore all possibilities.

My rating would be : 4.75/5

A story of two chlldren – Sepideh and Fatemeh , these were childs without fathers, who though they knew their parents want them to be happy in this world decided to not let their pain continue running through their veins anymore- change things even if that meant dying early. The decision was more important than having fun in a carpark one day with friends (this happened


I liked most of the conclusions than I didn’t .While sitting in theatre I was thinking that director saved his best for last. Right from opening sequence till end everything gave you a feel good moment – little does ‘Rostam’ have to confront death, he might be dying but it’s amicable  and still amounts to time.

‘Hausafas’ make up for his broken English, he has brief call with a patient in hospital who reminds him of the deceased friend and then waits to be free.

There is an emotionally charged ending that pulls tears from eyes- ‘Rostam dies as he fully accepted fate .At this moment I understood why director chose such a long way around what happened in novel where characters decides whether they are ready or not before


1.What Is the Most Important Part of the Story Line?

Ans: The chapters of the novel ” Part 2 “, where ‘Sepideh’ seems to be growing towards her decisions, however at first it seemed uneventful but then she switches path and in simple words walks away from  her mother.

2.What Is Your Favourite Chapter?

Ans: The most outstanding chapter for me is Part 2 because it reveals how much love she has towards her mother.  The wayshe apologises to the mother is really heartbreaking .

My Rating  I could understand why this movie got 5/5 on IMDB and I’m happy it did as there are no movies with such depth in character development , captivating cinematography , just put rustam back.

3.What Aspects Do You Think Were Missing in the Film?

Ans: I missed the soundtrack or songs.  That was apart of my favorite parts in this movie, even Meryem’s troubles clearly identified through music (only if not available to watch it would’ve been a nice touch).

4.My Favourite Part Is ?

Ans: The most touching scene , I love how devastated Rustam seems and being from our family back home we have some basic knowledge about old people saying stuff like “Miauw” but still

5.How Would You Improve It?

Ans: This movie is a 5/10 for me but day when I was really low of energy and considering seeing it twice the second time – only because first one kept getting lowest rating from reviews . It’s okay if you want to watch it once; if anything search for other Maziar.

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