The Great Dictator (1940) Storyline and Short Reviews




The Great Dictator (1940) Storyline and Short Reviews


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There’s no doubt that the Great Dictator is one of the most iconic movies ever made. Released in 1940, it has won numerous awards and received critical acclaim from both critics and audiences. However, with time, the movie’s reputation has waned. In this article, we will look at how the story of The Great Dictator can be applied to today’s politics.

It is a story about the title character, a dictator who rose to power by being feared and hated. With his iron fist, he controls the people of his country and the world around him. His hatred drives him to dictatorship, and all those around him become victims of his power—a man with great power but who uses it selfishly. A character in a story whose life is defined by their own morality doesn’t always align with the morals of others around them.

The Great Dictator (1940) Storyline and Short Reviews

Why was the Great Dictator So Important

Why was the Great Dictator So Important

I think the movie’s important is because it captures an aspect of real life. We have seen dictators in our past, and so many are fighting for power today that we forget how things were before. Some also argue The Great Dictator made use of Fascism.

Still, I would not put Fascism on a list with features such as censorship or laissez-faire economic policy (although there may be some similarities). But The Great Dictator was released before the rise of Hitler and Mussolini, but it carries an important message.

During the 1930s, Germany and Italy were set to rise by instituting a regime that would be “controlled from above.” In other words, those who had power before Hitler or Mussolini used it for their own selfish reasons. The Great Dictator was released as Britain launched campaigns of imperialism around the globe and established some degree of control over India – this could easily be compared to Germany’s Nazi-Soviet Pact.

Most importantly, once President Roosevelt took office on January 20 (he became president after Franklin Delano Roosevelt won his second election in 1936), America’s entrance into World War II started to become more of a reality.

The Message Of The Great Dictator

The action of the film is split between Charlie Chaplin on his own and those moments in which he plays dual roles. These opposing visions reinforce the importance of humanity’s ability to choose its path: pro-freedom against dictatorship, or even democracy for all versus world domination by one person.

In modern terms, it could be said that The Great Dictator represents how people can rise up together in a time when countries are being attacked as having been “controlled from above.” In historical context, a parallel might also have been made with Mussolini’s Italy, which had declared war on Ethiopia (October 1935), and threatened Ethiopia’s neighbors, including Czechoslovakia, part of Hitler’s New Order.

Chaplin only had 23 years to make the film with final scenes completed in 1939 just before World War II, so it isn’t hard for an audience today to equate Charlie as a stand-up political comedian warning us against retreating into another dictator-like state by which he was persecuted. Surely that is why The Great Dictator has been deemed one of the great anti war films.

For many, however, this interpretation also includes broader themes such as democracy standing firmly alongside dictatorship throughout history – a message which still resonates in today’s world.

The Storyline of The Great Dictator (1940)

The Storyline of The Great Dictator (1940)

After a short introduction, Chaplin’s character “The Great Dictator” is given the freedom to launch his propaganda newsreel. In doing so, he plays both leading and secondary roles, including that of dictator Adolf Hitler – making it impossible not to think – can this really be made today? What would life on our streets look like if dictators were spat out in equal measure by anyone with a camera following them around as they terrorized their playthings!

The film weaves between these scenes, which are played for laughs but clearly demonstrate why any dictatorship under threat from within or without must be destroyed now. With peace under threat by a dictator acting like Hitler from within his own country, who would know this better than Chaplin plays the final scenes not before addressing the screen with one word which has to be heard loud and clear: “peace.”

As war loomed again in Europe around 1937/38 – films such as The Great Dictator were released just when people really needed to see something about how dictators everywhere (and for that matter, how democracies also) always get it wrong! Chaplin’s work was timely because even though much of Western Europe had created enough democracy to keep civilian governments & international bodies in place, dictators did not seem to be drying up.

Japan was still all too willing to use force within its own borders while it would continue an ongoing conflict with the Republic of China on the mainland (right), and if a dictator like Hitler could cause World War 2 – what chance do we have now? Chaplin’s film can only achieve this blend of laughter and tragedy by creating first impressions that feel ‘real’ and continuing them throughout. Dictators cannot laugh at jokes or make peace just because another country is about to explode, furnaces chasing them like demons come alive.

The Main Idea of The Great Dictator (1940)

The Main Idea of The Great Dictator (1940)

At the beginning of The Great Dictator, Charles Chaplin seems like a man who is just out of prison and wants to get back at everyone because they made fun of or laughed at him while he was in prison. He tells them that if they make fun one more time, Hitler will have all men killed after yesterday’s little incident.

So immediately once you realize that crisp can harm people with words, it becomes weird as we are about to find out throughout this movie why does crisp want revenge on everybody? The Great Dictator continues the tradition of political satire that Chaplin began with House Of Fury and The Gold Rush.

Also, at the beginning of this movie, Hitler looks like a man who wants to make sure no one else laughs at him, and if he becomes successful with that dream, there might not be anyone alive when it comes true.

I feel bad for Charlie Chaplin acting as his own character because before he ends up living happily ever after working against everything everybody thought about him, Charlie is told by Lita (Meg) Stone how things turned out well for people during these past events even though it was hard for them.

In my opinion, The Great Dictator sets itself apart from what came before because it is able to show a bit of the common man underneath Hitler’s ideas. Charles Chaplin shows us how bad people can make mistakes and leads them down paths that are unfit for them by saying, “People who like happy endings don’t go to The Great Dictator!” before he gets his chance at revenge from once upon a time being called in prison as shown in Man with an Arrow Through His Head (1928) Chapter III.

The Great Dictator (1940) Movie Hidden Meaning

The Great Dictator (1940) Movie Hidden Meaning

A short film can show more than you think. This movie is a revealing of what I believe Charlie Chaplin was trying to say throughout his career, and the Great Dictator fits really well throughout this movie as he orchestrates everything so they are all against each other at one point, and it makes sense without their own words being said in the beginning or ending credits.

The movie starts and ends with Charlie Chaplin. The Great Dictator is the second last (with his final short film Modern Times, you get to have your cake and eat it too). By doing this, he can show what happened during World War II, keeping in mind that most people don’t know about the propaganda of the time period because there was a lot more happening than anyone wanted to talk about, even today.

Charlie shows no mercy for anybody or by saying “NO!” as if we were all stuck together on an island like him in City Lights. His character also speaks through all four of the patients in A Short Film About Love, and this is because they represent a lot more than we get to see or hear. Charlie uses Death as his medium, who takes people on screen that is symbolic and represents what’s wrong with society right now.

Charlie Chaplin Scene Monetizing Our Culture When Chaplin makes fun of dictators like Hitler and Mussolini, the whole world has never failed him, and this world loves him even today.

The Great Dictator (1940) Plot

Charlie’s character is set up to represent the downfall of long-time dictators like Hitler and Mussolini. He also lives out his final movie, “A Short Film About Love,” where he runs away from love.

When Charlie throws himself into a window on top of this film, it finally proves that he loves to create art because artists use themselves as their medium for expression instead of saying what everyone wants them to say, which causes way more damage than good in society today so far with social networking websites we can all take down our letters before someone sees them and publishes everything we put on Facebook or Twitter about ourselves.

Charlie Chaplin’s Eight Film Cure Charlie plays many characters, but in each movie, one of the Patient characters has become so well known that he is played I’ve said by other people or a famous actor. It is no secret that Charlie used his films to remind everyone that they had forgotten what they did during World War II and showed an example of how movie-making can cure society.

Since we’re not born into this world, it also stands for when you are stuck at school because your family didn’t want you anywhere near them, just like in Modern Times (2006), where Charlie’s character stomps his foot on the ground, and you can hear boys faint because they have just seen him.

The Great Dictator (1940) Short Reviews

The Great Dictator (1940) Short Reviews

The Great Dictator is a very funny and interesting movie from its opening scene to the last moments of it. The actors in this film were either people who wanted great roles, or they had no other choice as they had become honored by Charlie at that time on how much talent he gave them, allowing them fame and respect after his Death because everyone missed him since so many long times ago.

The two orphan boys go off into their bathtub-like room with white gloves. The first thing you notice is When Charlie walks right over to his piano where we can see plates all around, making us believe there was once food and the lovely porcelain tub-like bathroom was a real thing. If you look closely, it says “Willis art Glass Company.”

The two young men wear top hats with white gloves, and everything looks perfect, but when you look closer, there is one thing wrong with the first man’s hat, it has a white glove on top of a red handkerchief.

The second boy gets so angry at Charlie: “You are Adolf Hitler.”  (Meaning he doesn’t like him very much) He then climbs up on his bed and jumps off, yelling to his brother if they were not brothers, this wouldn’t have happened.


One of the most popular movies in Hollywood history, The Great Dictator, is a comedy film that tells the story of a political cartoonist who is forced to assume power in a nation run by a dictator. Based on the famous play by Charlie Chaplin, this movie was released in 1940 and remained one of his most successful works. The script has been highly regarded by critics and even won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay.

A great movie is an incredible experience that stays with you for years. It’s a film that impacted you as a child, and it still impacts your life today. We’ve picked out the best Great Dictator Storylines from some of the most popular movies ever made.


Is The Great Dictator A True Story?

There is no one answer to this question as it can depend on your personal opinion. However, some people believe that The Great Dictator is a true story, while others believe that it is a propaganda film made to promote the Nazi regime.

What Is All About Charlie Chaplin’s Controversial Speech?

Charlie Chaplin’s controversial speech was given at the United Nations in 1947. Chaplin criticized the United States for its involvement in World War II and called for a world government in his speech. Chaplin’s speech has been cited as an example of the power of humor to challenge authority and provoke thought. It is also considered one of the most important speeches made by an entertainer at the UN.

What Is Chaplin’s Message To The World?

The Great Dictator is a strong argument against dictatorship, especially Hitler’s. Chaplin uses cartoons and satire to criticize the Nazi regime while also making fun of Adolf Hitler himself. By mocking their leader, Charlie strongly opposes why people would support such an authoritarian dictator as Germany in World War II. The whole film is filled with surrealism that makes it hard for audiences to relate all of its ideas together or get caught up within each one, making it unique without becoming too confusing or overwhelming upon viewing; this could serve as another part of Chaplin’s mission throughout his life.

How Is The Great Dictator A Satire?

The Great Dictator is a satire because it lampoons Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. The film is set in 1940s Germany and follows the life of a fictional German dictator, played by Michael Fassbender, who is trying to keep control over his country during World War II. The film makes fun of how Hitler and the Nazis controlled their people and their racist beliefs and policies. For example, one scene shows a group of Jews being marched into a concentration camp.

Critics have praised The Great Dictator for its satirical and humorous qualities, which help to make it an excellent film. It was also a hit with audiences at the time of release because it gave them a glimpse into Germany’s life during World War II.

Who Wrote The Final Speech In The Great Dictator?

Charlie Chaplin wrote the dialogue in this film, and he also created many of its visual expressions. Therefore, the speech is an example of Charlie Chaplin’s style and voice as an actor and a great expression of his political beliefs, which were quite advanced for the period it was made.

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