Big Fish Movie Meaning and Ending Explained




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In this 2003 animated feature film, Big Fish tells the story of Edward Bloom, a man who is consumed by his past and afraid to move forward. He has lost touch with his true self and has grown distant from everyone around him.

The film was directed by Tim Burton and stars Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Billy Crudup, and Helena Bonham Carter. We would care to chat about the film’s meaning and inside message in this article. We’ll also get into how the movie ended and what the ending message was about.

The article will also have a list of important characters as well as a few of the major events. As a result, if you enjoy watching films, our humble request remains that you at least view this article once. So, let’s start the article.

All Discussion Of Big Fish Movie

Big Fish Movie Meaning and Ending Explained

The Meaning of the movie- Big Fish 2003

The overall meaning of Big Fish is that it’s important to let go of the past if you want to move on. Edward Bloom is consumed by his memories and can’t move forward because he’s always living in the past. It’s only until he accepts that he has to leave behind everything else and start over that he finds happiness once again.

The protagonist of the movie. He is a man who is consumed by his past and afraid to move on. Without moving forward, he loses touch with his true self and becomes distant from everyone around him. Some other key messages that are conveyed within the movie include:

  • Learning from your mistakes is essential for growth – Ed learns this lesson when he finally allows himself to accept responsibility for his actions from years ago, which leads him to a much happier present and future.
  • True friends will support you through tough times – Edward’s friends all support him when he starts to move on, even though they don’t always understand why he’s doing it.
  • It’s okay to be vulnerable – Throughout the movie, we see Ed gradually let down his guard and show more of himself to those around him. This allows them to help him heal from the past.

In addition, several suspenseful plot points are also introduced which build up until the climax:

  1. The identity of Ed’s mother is a mystery that viewers are left to solve.
  2. The identity of the person blackmailing Edward is also a mystery.
  3. Ed begins hearing voices that hint at his past secrets being revealed.
  4. Finally, the climax features a possible reveal of the true identity of Edward’s father.

So, the overall message of Big Fish is that it’s important to accept personal responsibility for your actions and move on from past mistakes in order to reach your full potential. The suspenseful plot points introduced throughout the movie help to keep the viewer engaged until the climax, which allows them to experience a satisfying ending.

The Ending Of The Movie- Big Fish 2003

The ending of the movie is very satisfying. After finally accepting responsibility for his actions and moving on from his past, Ed finds happiness once again. His friends all support him throughout this process, and he eventually becomes a better person as a result. The suspenseful plot points introduced throughout the movie come to an end with a possible reveal of Edward’s father’s identity- which leaves the viewer feeling satisfied and fulfilled.

The ending of Big Fish is ambiguous and leaves much to the viewer’s imagination. In the end, it seems as though Edward has finally found happiness again- but we’re not sure for how long this will last.

One possible interpretation of the ending is that Edward has managed to forgive himself for his past mistakes, and this has led him back to a more contented state. Alternatively, it could be argued that he’s still struggling with some inner demons which will prevent him from achieving lasting success.

Regardless of what you think about the ending, it leaves room for further discussion and reflection- which is always a positive thing in terms of movie storytelling.

Overall, Big Fish is an emotionally satisfying movie that benefits from its suspenseful plot points and ambiguous ending. Whether you enjoy dark psychological dramas or light-hearted family entertainment, this film will definitely capture your attention.

Key Characters of the movie- Big Fish 2003

Big Fish is a dark and complex film that will challenge your understanding of human nature. It may take some time for you to digest its emotional messages, but once you have finished watching this beautiful piece of movie, you will likely be more appreciative of life. The key characters of this movie are explained below:

Ewan McGregor as Edward Bloom (young)

 Edward Bloom

Albert Finney as Edward Bloom (senior)

Albert Finney as Edward Bloom

Billy Crudup as Will Bloom

Billy Crudup as Will Bloom

Jessica Lange as Sandra Bloom (senior)

Jessica Lange as Sandra Bloom

Helena Bonham Carter as Jenny (young & senior) / The Witch

Helena Bonham Carter as Jenny

Ewan McGregor’s portrayal of Edward Bloom is both mesmerizing and heart-wrenching. From the outset, we see him as a young man who is struggling to find his place in the world. As the story progresses, we learn about his troubled past and gradual transformation into a more mature individual.

Albert Finney’s performance as Edward’s senior self is equally impressive. He convincingly brings to life the character’s experience, wisdom, and compassion. He was showing us all sides of this complex character over the course of several years.

Billy Crudup gives a sympathetic performance as Will Bloom, who provides considerable support to his friend throughout their journey together. Billy Crudup is excellent as Will Bloom, providing a light-hearted and sympathetic counterpoint to Edward’s darker moments.

Jessica Lange’s standout performance comes as Sandra Bloom, Edward’s supportive and loving wife. Sandra Bloom was showing us the woman behind the successful businessman.

Helena Bonham Carter is brilliant as Jenny, the young girl who helps Edward cope with his traumatic past. Jenny – becoming quite sinister in her performance towards the end of the film.

Overall, Big Fish is a gripping psychological drama that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about family dynamics. With outstanding performances from all of its cast, this movie deserves your attention!

Important events of the movie- Big Fish 2003

The Family

The movie starts with Ewan McGregor’s character, Edward Bloom, telling the story of his life. We learn that he was born into a wealthy family and had everything he wanted until he discovered something dark in his past.

He began to struggle to find himself and fell into a deep depression. One day, while browsing through used books at a second-hand store, he meets Jenny (Helena Bonham Carter), who helps him recover from his loss and is haunted by the memories of his traumatic childhood.

Edward begins to date Jenny but she is soon diagnosed with cancer and must begin treatment immediately. Edward is devastated by her illness and does his best to support her. However, Jenny’s death devastates him even further and he spirals into a deep depression. He spends his days drinking and gambling away his family’s money, until one day he runs out of money entirely.

One night, Edward returns home to find Jenny has killed herself. He is devastated by her death and falls into a deep depression. However, over time he begins to heal from the tragedy and finally finds happiness in his life with Sandra (Jessica Lange).

Years later, Edward has remarried and has two children with his new wife Sandra (Jessica Lange). He is still haunted by the memories of Jenny but finds solace in his family. However, one night Edwin comes home from work to find that Sandra has committed suicide. The shockwaves from this tragedy rock Edward to the core and once again he falls into a deep depression.

The Climax

The Climax

He starts a new business and finds happiness in his family once again. However, when he is notified that Sandra has passed away, Edward is forced to face the memories of Jenny once again. This time, however, he is ready to deal with them head-on and finally learns to let go.

In big fish, the big fish refers to both Edward and his dead father. This is because Bloom’s son dreams about him as a big fish in a small pond (due to being an only child with no siblings). The “big fish” also symbolizes that he has been betrayed by everyone else around him, who all claim how great he was before everything happened.

Big Fish tells the story of three generations of Bloom men – father Edward (Ewan McGregor), son Martin (Billy Crudup), and grandson Alex (Charlie Tanah). The eldest Bloom man goes through a troubled childhood after discovering something dark in his past; his struggles result in a deep depression that affects all three men in different ways.

Edward’s son Martin is afflicted by an over-inflated sense of self, while Alex struggles with the aftermath of a traumatic incident from his childhood. In the end, each man learns to forgive and move on from their pain – something that ultimately leads to happiness for all.

Big Fish is visually stunning and richly detailed, with amazing locations and set pieces throughout the story. The characters are well-written and believable, making them easy to sympathize with (even though some may seem unlikeable at first).

The plot is well-executed and moves at a brisk pace, keeping the viewer engaged from beginning to end. The film is ultimately a tear-jerking story of healing and redemption that will leave viewers feeling deeply satisfied.

The Home

Eventually, Edward recovers enough to start rebuilding his life. He moves back in with his parents and starts a new business. He becomes closer to his son and grandson, rebuilding the relationships that he had lost during his depression. Edward is finally able to let go of all the pain that has haunted him for so many years – something that proves to be a journey full of triumph and happiness.

While Big Fish may be a tear-jerker, the film’s message is ultimately one of hope. Edward and his family are able to find healing and happiness in their own individual ways, despite going through difficult moments.

This represents an important lesson for viewers – that there is always room for redemption, no matter what happened in the past. The film encourages us to look towards the future with optimism and hope, knowing that anything is possible if we make effort enough.

The film’s standout location is the home that Edward and Martin live in together. The house is beautifully designed and has a warm, inviting atmosphere – perfect for a family reunion. It’s thanks to this beautiful setting that Big Fish manages to evoke such warmth and emotion in its viewers.

Overall, Big Fish is an emotionally powerful story about healing and redemption. Ewan McGregor delivers an outstanding performance as the lead character, convincingly portraying both Edward’s troubles from his past and his eventual progress towards happiness.

Charlie Tanah also shines as Martin – a troubled young man who finds himself drawn to Edward. The visually stunning setting and well-written characters make this a film that is easy to enjoy from beginning to end.

Big Fish- Ending Explained

Big Fish- Ending Explained

The ending of Big Fish is bittersweet but satisfying. Edward finally heals and moves on, rebuilding his life with the love of his family around him. However, as he looks back on his journey, it’s clear that there is still much more to be done – perhaps a reminder that healing does not mean forgetting or moving on from our past mistakes.

The film leaves viewers feeling deeply satisfied and hopeful for the future – reflecting the theme overall message of hope and resilience in the face of difficulty. The ending of Big Fish is ambiguous and leaves much to the viewer’s imagination. In the end, it seems as though Edward has finally found happiness again- but we’re not sure for how long this will last.

One possible interpretation of the ending is that Edward has managed to forgive himself for his past mistakes, and this has led him back to a more contented state. Alternatively, it could be argued that he’s still struggling with some inner demons which will prevent him from achieving lasting success.

Regardless of what you think about the ending, it leaves room for further discussion and reflection- which is always a positive thing in terms of movie storytelling.

Overall, the ending of Big Fish is poetic and touching – a perfect way to bring closure to an emotionally powerful story.


Big Fish is a beautifully crafted and emotionally gripping story that will leave audiences with a satisfied and hopeful feeling. The ending is obscure, but it gives a lot to the imagination of the viewer, which says there remain plenty of possible Interpretations. The film overall continues to be an amazing achievement in storytelling.

We have gazed into the topic of meanings and endings in the beautiful film North by Northwest in this article. This nostalgic film will draw anyone’s eyes to a close. We’ve gazed into the various types of meanings that can be imagined in fiction, as well as why these endings can be so powerful. We believe that this article was helpful to you, and you are cordially thanked for reading it out.


1.What Is the Underlying Message of the Movie Big Fish?

Ans: The underlying message of the movie Big Fish is that we are all capable of magic. We just need to find our voice and use it to connect with others. This message is powerful because it reminds us that we are not limited by our circumstances or limitations. We can achieve anything we set our minds to if we are willing to take action and put in the effort.

2.Is It True That Spectre Is the Same as Heaven in Big Fish?

Ans: Spector will provide gamers to enjoy high-quality graphics in games at resolutions up to 4K and above, with minimal frame rate drops, according to AMD. In addition, the architecture is claimed to be more power-efficient than Polaris, culminating in smaller overall system costs.

3.Should Anyone Watch the Movie- Big Fish?

Ans: Yes, anyone should watch the movie Big Fish. The story is well-written and it provides a lot of inspiration for people to set their dreams and goals high. It also shows that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

How Can We Watch the Movie- Big Fish?

You can watch the movie Big Fish online if you have an Amazon Prime membership. Also if you have a Netflix account you can watch it.

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