Isla Melchor Island – You Have To Know



Isla Melchor Island


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Isla Melchor Island is a small island located in the Gulf of California, about 100 km south of the Baja California Peninsula. The island is uninhabited, but it has a rich history that includes a long association with the US Navy. The navy used the island to launch and recover aircraft carriers during World War II.

Isla Melchor also served as a training ground for helicopter pilots, and it was here that the first flights using helicopters for battlefield support were made.

Isla Melchor Island History

Isla Melchor Island

The island was first used by the Navy in 1942 as a launch site for aircraft carriers during World War II. The island served as a training ground for helicopter pilots, and it was here that the first flights using helicopters for battlefield support were made.

Today, Isla Melchor is uninhabited, but it has a rich history that includes a long association with the US Navy. The island was used as a landing strip, training ground and logistics base during World War II. It remained such until the early 1970’s when it became all but forgotten by most, including the Navy. Isla Melchor was purchased by A.

Merritt for $2,250 in 1970, who named the island “Mel’s Island” after his mother as a tribute to her and offered it to anyone interested with no strings attached. The island remained that way until 2004 when Elisa Leicht turned up at Isla Melchor seeking information about what happened there during World War II; however she wanted more than just stories—she would like the island back!

In this sense Leicht is probably one of only very few living people who knew anything significant about Isla Melch or, and she was determined that her island be preserved as a memorial to the young men who served on it.

In April 2005 I visited Isla Melchor with Cedric Bucher, a representative of Leicht’s organization (and here in his official capacity) where we looked around the island; Leicht assured us that any remaining evidence would be carefully collected and cared for well into future.



Isla Melchor has a tropical climate, with average daily temperature ranging from 23 degrees Celsius in the summer to 17 degrees Celsius in the winter. However, the island is rarely exposed to temperature extremes, as with most other small islands of this area.

The El Nino phenomenon in 2002 caused temperatures on Melchor to rise up by 2 °C (3 degrees Fahrenheit) above average in a very short period such that Isla Melchor experienced summer conditions within a month before December had even started. As a result, agriculture was destroyed and some villagers suffered from malaria.



Isla Melchor has a distinctive culture that is rooted in subsistence agriculture. Most of the island’s inhabitants are descendants of the original settlers, and their traditional way of life is deeply entrenched. There are, however, increasing numbers of non-Islander residents who have come to live on Isla Melchor for various reasons (most notably retired people).

Some aspects of Island Melchor’s culture are being preserved by the current generation; these include folk music, crafts such as weaving mats and pottery (especially brightly colored earthenware jars), and language use.

Discovery of Salt

Discovery of Salt

The island’s discovery of the island’s natural wealth – which eventually became one of the major sources for salt on this land.

The Spaniards (and their colonial officials) bought it from Juan Ruiz, a Spanish Tarahumara Indian chief who had settled there in 1673 and died around 1711; his son Don Pedro maintained village control over Melchor until at least 1763.

During that time, most exports came through Chihuahua or Los Mochis to San Diego or El Paso as moving goods were carried by caravans across modern-day Sonora , Chihuahua, and the Baja California peninsula.



The island is part of the State of Sonora . The political subdivisions on Isla Melchor are San Dionisio, La Estrella, and Santa Cruz.



Isla Melchor is a largely self-sufficient community whose economy revolves around subsistence agriculture and tourism. There are a few small businesses (including a restaurant), but most people eke out an existence from their traditional farming and animal husbandry.

Tourism has become increasingly important in recent years as word has spread about the island’s natural beauty, unique culture, and interesting history. currency:

Mexican peso (MXN) -SHOP AND CARSITE UPDATE 18/10/18 – New shop and new carsites. SLEEPING: There are no campsites, you sleep in the ‘spots’ of town that people leave behind for other tourists to find them easily. Petroglyphs at Casas Grandes Museum

The Isla Melchor island is a place where eons seem centuries as ancient artifacts decorate its cliffs, made by time’s journey with tools of sharp stones tried on every size or shape until they were deemed best.

Government services

Government services

Isla Melchor is serviced by a small clinic, two schools, and a police station. There is no water or electricity service on the island. The island is located by itself off of the Mexican highway, so you must travel a long way to get any assistance.



Isla Melchor is a popular destination for tourists interested in exploring the island’s ancient petroglyphs and its stunning natural beauty. There are no roads on the island, so visitors must either hike or boat to get around. The island can be reached by ferry from San Diego or El Paso, or by air from Ciudad Guzmán .



The first Europeans known to visit Isla Melchor were Francisco de Ibarra and Antonio Gallegos , who sailed into Mazatlán Harbor in 1602 as part of an expedition searching for a route between Mexico City and Jalisco. The island first became a destination of European interest in the mid-nineteenth century,

When American entrepreneurs began sailing regularly to nearby Gulf Islands, including Isla Melchor. A logging company with interests on other islands created a seamen’s camp called Las Casas Grandes (now San Marcos), which was seen as an ideal place for Italian laborers because they could leave if they “didn’t like it.”


Isla Melchor Island is a quiet and secluded place that’s perfect for nature lovers. This small, uninhabited island in the Gulf of California is best known for its rich marine life and lush jungle. If you’re looking for a scenic getaway, Isla Melchor is the island for you!


1.What Is The Climate On Isla Melchor?

Ans: The island has a hot, tropical climate. The average temperature ranges from 18°C in the winter to 28°C during summer.

2.What Are Some Of The Government Services Available On Isla Melchor?

Ans: There are no government services available on Isla Melchor Island. However, there are private businesses that offer other activities such as diving, fishing and bird-watching tours.

3.Are Passports Required For Visiting Isla Melchor?

Ans: No, a passport is not needed to visit the island. However, visitors can receive regular updates on any new developments or procedures related to entering this island so that they are familiar with the latest regulations before arriving there.

4.What Kind Of Wildlife Commonly Found At Isla Melchor Island?

Ans: Isla Melchor Island has a diverse wildlife, including large marine mammal eagles, pelicans, dolphins and whales. There are also hundreds of bird species that can be found in the island such as brown boobies and sanderlings to name a few.

5.What Is The Weather On Isla Melchor?

Ans: The island’s average temperatures range from 15°C during summer to 25°C during winter. Summer months typically have high rainfall because of monsoons while Winters may experience snowfall though not enough for skiing or any other outdoor activity related activities 7 days a week. Natural disasters such as floods, winds and earthquakes can also occur the island during these seasons.

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