All About Of Keros Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Keros Island


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Keros Island is one of the last uninhabited places on Earth and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981. The island is protected from human intrusion by the government of Monaco.

The only way to get to the island is by boat and it’s only open for a few weeks each year. The island’s natural beauty has drawn visitors for centuries and it’s now home to a luxury resort. The resort is made up of 333 villas which are spread over an area of 10 km2 and has a total capacity of 540 guests.

All Discussion Of Keros Island

Keros Island



The first European to arrive at Keros Island was the Portuguese explorer Pedro de Campo in 1506. He heard about the abandoned island from a Basque sailor who had visited it, and wrote of its great natural beauty in his diary.

“I took some soil from these places that are called Serras da Coroa (Crows’ Nests) because as we journeyed across them there were many crows nesting on top.”

This name has persisted into modern times: during a recent expedition by weather ship Cuesta Alegre and science research vessel Expedicion In Situ, scientists were surprised to find a new species of seabird nesting on the slopes.

Apparently, this specimen had been there for some time and it is possible that another expedition almost twenty years ago might have missed these nests during an earlier survey – always in vain since they were difficult to spot, nestled amongst dense vegetation amidst mosses and lichens up to 0.3 m thick which often form pillars supporting roofs made by Rhopalocarpus beetles see Diplacusis nori).

The island was originally inhabited by Moro-Moros until their eviction in 1857 following sustained attack from Christian Filipino forces.

The Moro-Muslims who fled to the island are credited with building a small temple which was destroyed by Christian groups during their occupation in 1863 – it is unknown if they rebuilt it later, but some archaeological evidence might suggest that they did when Riet Tju Madik and Hamatro Mangulsara reported finding damaged gravestones on top of deserted cemeteries near many rock formations.

This would seem possible as people were known to have visited the island even before its official colonization; however once discovered in 1887, stories began circulating about barbarous practices carried out amongst 21.



Keros Island is a small Greek island located in the Ionian Sea. It is administratively part of the municipality of Kalaureia, of which it is the only inhabited area.

The island has a land area of 2.274 km2 and a total population of around 245 inhabitants, as of 2011. Keros is noteworthy for its archaeological heritage, including the largest and best-preserved ancient city in Europe, Phokaia.

Keros is known for its association with the ancient Greek poet Homer, and the heavily fortified site at Phokaia.

The English name of Keros derives from the biblical meaning “rocky”, although it stands in a strait which separates another island named Drymoussa to one side and flat dry land on the other – much as Cephalonia’s Castel del Monte does just over 2km north or Ithaca’s Calitativekka (Sagreas) between Sounio town & Nisou village near Fiskardo.

On his journey across Asia Minor in the wake of the Trojan War, Homer sailed past Keros on his way to Troy. The eponymous Phokaia from which “Phocea” derives was an island that lay off Attaleia in its western arm (modern-day Kalaureia), and is mentioned by several ancient writers.

It appears as a territory inhabited during these migrations, possibly because it too became part of Asia Minor following a series of conflicts between local Greek cities and Thyatian rulers who had succeeded them via intermarriage – or even simply being established there whilst still named only after their capital city.



Six kilometres to the southwest of Phokaia, at original site now within Kalaureia (modern Keros), a fortified city was founded during Mycenaean times.

Archaeological excavations have uncovered an impressive concentration of fortifications and other basic urban building foundations from this period that once appeared clearly as part of six levels or wards containing many different buildings.

Of particular interest are numerous examples representing houses with typical construction features for farming-based communities: narrow cella floors measuring centimetres in width leading into kitchen/storage spaces completed by small bedrooms at either end; ceilings raised above.



On the highest citadel level are constructed large storage rooms with ceramic and gilded installations for temples.

Building foundations from Oaikō square occupied approximately 6,000 palms of land within which there existed a central palace area housing an assemblyroom (‘ekklēsion’) as well as separate buildings intended to serve various purposes such as ritual sanctuaries and workshops. Free-standing temple bases could be found on all levels of this hilltop citadel.

A similar architectural revelation is provided by vaulted cisterns or water reservoirs found just off this same high platform where they once stood close to the city walls and probably used for water storage.

The evidence for a significant network of cisterns/reservoirs in ancient Phokaia has been preserved within numerous large (up to 15 metres deep) stone or cut-stone, semi-subterranean structures that once lined streets.

It is quite clear then why these would indeed have represented dependable sources of supply regarding urban habitats’ daily needs: access was made via covered steps from the lower level walkway directly into the centre which housed rooms devoted solely to supplying drinking water. The location at one point in.



The first evidence of large animals inhabiting Phokaia is found in the form of a long pit-hearth dated to the 2nd century B.C.

It has been suggested that it was possibly used by lion or leopard hunters but is more likely to have originated for agricultural purposes for carcases subsequently depicting one standing dogs and cats at its edge.

Over the centuries there were several attempts made through dendrochronology (tree ring analysis) dating sediment deposits within ancient quarries near Oaikó square, excavated during sport field development projects.


This has resulted in dates for an earlier period ranging from 980 BC, to the latest chronology c.50B.Therefore, it is highly likely that dense animal densities could have taken place at some stage in ancient Phocaea history as this was certainly a prime location; i.e.

The burial site preserved within Cave 9, Caves 12 and 13 & 6 respectively where many of their skeletons were subsequently buried entombed (some naked) just outside of wall-fortification gates leading into Stone Age residential zones/complexes prior to collapse during Grecia .

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